- Remove logo screen for more rom real estate
- Add copyright info to title screen
- Missle 1 color to spider color when no swatter
- Use difficulty switches to change variable scaling, not starting level (always start on level 1)
- Health/power/points pickup
- Game Over text
- Better success screen (baby spiders?)
- PAL Support
- Add level points matrix to manual
- Remove background color variations
- Improve playfield level color choices
Score Midline color swap timing - Lost scanline when spider is at the bottom of the playfield
- Web playfield variations
- Boss levels: restrict spider to top shooting down with missle 0
- Bug boss level: use bug sprite from intro with missle 1
- Swatter boss level: use standard sprite (or larger flipped), no missle
- Reduce levels to 10; 5 -> Bug Boss -> 5 -> Swatter Boss
- Creep up with swatter
- 4 digit score without level clearing
- Bonus bug running across top of screen
Only write graphics registers after wsync to reduce mid-line graphical glitches
- Level variable with increasing difficulty and changing color palette
- Difficulty switch support to increase starting difficulty
- Health bar and level counter
- Black and white TV switch support
- Game select switch support? (Easter egg?)
- Revised game kernel
- Swatter collision logic
- Swatter enemy sprite, kernel routines, and animation
- Add strands of web holding each spider up on title screen using missles and balls
- Optimize game kernel loop for rom size
- Improve level progression
- Improve title screen music
- Increase game music speed with level
- Support second joystick for aiming and firing
- Spawn bugs at the sides of playfield area
- Increase player health with each bug
- Add success screen (using over.asm code) when reached 99 points on level 20
- Improve multiple sprite scanlines
- Start on button release
- Spider boundary
- Line spawning
- Fix playfield loading of title after color switch
- Fix line wsync
- Logo b/w mode
- COLUP1 when swatter isn't visible