kubeapi - configures a Kubernetes API client.
kubeapi configures a Kubernetes API client and makes it available to other plugins.
Plugins that wish to use the Kubernetes API client can call kubeapi.Client()
after the server starts,
e.g. via caddy.OnStartup
kubeapi {
endpoint URL
specifies the URL for a remote k8s API endpoint. If omitted, it will connect to k8s in-cluster using the cluster service account.tls
CERT KEY CACERT are the TLS cert, key and the CA cert file names for remote k8s connection. This option is ignored if connecting in-cluster (i.e. endpoint is not specified).kubeconfig
KUBECONFIG [CONTEXT] authenticates the connection to a remote k8s cluster using a kubeconfig file. [CONTEXT] is optional, if not set, then the current context specified in kubeconfig will be used. It supports TLS, username and password, or token-based authentication. This option is ignored if connecting in-cluster (i.e., the endpoint is not specified).
To use this plugin, compile CoreDNS with this plugin added to plugin.cfg
. It should be placed at/near the end of the
chain of plugins.
The kubenodes plugin (https://github.com/infobloxopen/kubenodes) uses kubeapi to connect to the Kubernetes API.
. {
kubenodes node.cluster.local in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa