Releases: codecov/codecov-api
Releases · codecov/codecov-api
Release 23.12.4
Autogenerated for 23.12.4. Created for #290
What's Changed
- Test ats run by @trent-codecov in #229
- feat: Emit sync repo message to Shelter on repo update by @scott-codecov in #215
- feat: add prometheus instrumentation to requests, db accesses, and models by @matt-codecov in #202
- fix: make GraphQL types matches nullability with django models by @JerrySentry in #220
- feat: Add index on pulls (repoid, id) by @scott-codecov in #217
- Fix XSS vulnerability by removing ref_type from Response by @joseph-sentry in #211
- fix: available plans for users while trialing (#731) by @JerrySentry in #230
- fix: Skip login if GitHub OAuth does not return access_token by @scott-codecov in #236
- Send github oauth access token expiry with cookie by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #237
- Update small badge by @terry-codecov in #238
- fix: Upgrade Django version to fix security vulnerabilities by @JerrySentry in #239
- feat: Modify billing for Team plan (#637) by @JerrySentry in #225
- fix: Handle Shelter storage paths in upload download handler by @scott-codecov in #234
- Updating workflows by @trent-codecov in #242
- Fix urllib and opentelemetry-instrumentation dependencies by @joseph-sentry in #213
- Make migration info log less confusing by @AndreasBergmeier6176 in #221
- fix(launchscripts): delete contents of prometheus multiproc dir, not dir itself by @rfox-codecov in #244
- Use alpine 3.18 by @trent-codecov in #245
- feat(logging): change access logging format to JSON by @rfox-codecov in #249
- Use the same sentry version by @trent-codecov in #247
- metrics: update shared + add sentry traces to BranchContents GraphQL query path by @matt-codecov in #251
- feat: Add Sentry user to admin panel (#702) by @JerrySentry in #232
- fix: Adjust Team plan pricing (#805) by @JerrySentry in #243
- feat: adjust benefits for team plan by @adrian-codecov in #253
- perf: use new get_file_totals() report method for BranchContents by @matt-codecov in #252
- feat: Emit pubsub event when org token is updated by @scott-codecov in #241
- fix: Use GitHub integration access token when using GH app by @scott-codecov in #240
- fix: Fallback to OAuth bot token when installation token fails by @scott-codecov in #255
- Relicense under FSL-1.0-Apache-2.0 by @chadwhitacre in #254
- Update Shared package by @JerrySentry in #264
- Send session expiry cookie over https by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #259
- feat: Support filters in componentComparisons by @RulaKhaled in #267
- feat: add component filtering to commit query in GQL (#824) by @JerrySentry in #268
- feat: Add an endpoint to get all uploads of a given commit (#112 internal) by @JerrySentry in #260
- feat: adjust schedules logic for upgrades to occur immediately by @adrian-codecov in #265
- feat: Support components filter in pathContents (#825) by @JerrySentry in #269
- chore(deps): Update codecov-shared dependency by @FraBle in #275
- feat: Only emit pubsub events when specific repo fields change by @scott-codecov in #277
- feat: add user link to owner view on admin page (#837) by @JerrySentry in #280
- Allow Sentry email aliases to be made staff users by @jerrodcodecov in #281
- Move away from iexact search to iregex search in django admin by @jerrodcodecov in #282
- fix: component with flag filtering by @JerrySentry in #274
- Adding host override for redirect by @trent-codecov in #262
- Updating workflows to include setting codecov url by @trent-codecov in #289
- Release 23.12.4 by @codecov-releaser in #290
New Contributors
- @rohitvinnakota-codecov made their first contribution in #237
- @terry-codecov made their first contribution in #238
- @AndreasBergmeier6176 made their first contribution in #221
- @rfox-codecov made their first contribution in #244
- @chadwhitacre made their first contribution in #254
- @FraBle made their first contribution in #275
- @codecov-releaser made their first contribution in #290
Full Changelog: self-hosted-23.11.2...self-hosted-23.12.4
Release 23.11.2
Autogenerated for 23.11.2. Created for #228
What's Changed
- fix: Address various security scanning vulerabilities by @scott-codecov in #174
- Add ServiceMiddleware to handle short service names in API by @joseph-sentry in #176
- chore: update some deps by @matt-codecov in #178
- chore: add overview ats metrics by @giovanni-guidini in #170
- ref: Move 1st pr request type condition to within if no compare_to found by @RulaKhaled in #173
- tracking upload events in cli upload endpoint by @dana-yaish in #175
- ATS Docker Action by @trent-codecov in #169
- Remove circle by @trent-codecov in #137
- Rename lite to team plan by @adrian-codecov in #184
- Add send email task to task service by @joseph-sentry in #152
- feat: 411 add available paid plans resolver by @adrian-codecov in #181
- feat: GitHub actions upload via OIDC token by @scott-codecov in #177
- don't save student status to owner if it is false by @joseph-sentry in #180
- ref: Add new resolver for ImpactedFiles by @JerrySentry in #183
- triggering pre-process upload for all users by @dana-yaish in #188
- feat: add new resolver for impacted files by @JerrySentry in #189
- segment is expecting user_id not owner_id, fixing it by @dana-yaish in #192
- fix: Can't use ReadOnlyReport for on-the-fly comparisons by @scott-codecov in #193
- sending org id for upload events by @dana-yaish in #195
- fix: Make sure Okta iss has proper form by @scott-codecov in #190
- ref: Add marketing consent to save TOS mutation by @RulaKhaled in #196
- ref: Accept service less requests gq by @RulaKhaled in #187
- preprocess task wasn't actually triggered by @dana-yaish in #198
- ci: pin CLI version to 0.3.8 by @giovanni-guidini in #199
- chore: fix label-analysis metrics placement by @giovanni-guidini in #201
- Only auto-activate if state has changed, remove update to repo.updatestamp by @scott-codecov in #200
- ref: Handle current_user in base by @RulaKhaled in #203
- trigger pre-process upload for all users now by @dana-yaish in #206
- update shared and send opt-in events to analytics tools by @dana-yaish in #204
- fix: adjust existing code to fit team tier requirements by @adrian-codecov in #208
- fix: Remove slow update repos query from trigger function by @scott-codecov in #207
- feat: Notify that commit is currently processing by @scott-codecov in #179
- feat: Allow upload requests originating from Shelter to set storage path by @scott-codecov in #172
- 713 adjust available plans in plan service by @adrian-codecov in #214
- Add 'value' key to the plan representation resolver by @adrian-codecov in #216
- fix: Disable early notify comment by @scott-codecov in #219
- fix: speedup flag filtering in GraphQL API by @JerrySentry in #223
- feat: add a filter for public/private repo filter for viewableRepository by @JerrySentry in #224
- Update shared version by @scott-codecov in #226
- feat: Add comparison endpoint for impacted files by @JerrySentry in #212
- Release 23.11.2 by @github-actions in #228
Full Changelog: self-hosted-23.10.2...self-hosted-23.11.2
Release 23.10.2
Autogenerated for 23.10.2. Created for #171
What's Changed
- feat: support gh refresh tokens by @giovanni-guidini in #85
- Make uses_invoice field on Owner non-nullable by @joseph-sentry in #92
- fix: Include impacted files with no coverage diff and no indirect changes in direct changes list by @scott-codecov in #114
- feat: Update to redirect to
on logout by @RulaKhaled in #113 - Adjust donwload_url link by @adrian-codecov in #115
- Add changes for monthly uploads to account for trialing customer by @adrian-codecov in #101
- 359 adjust monthly uploads for trialled customers by @adrian-codecov in #119
- Attempt migration by @adrian-codecov in #121
- Update LICENSE by @jerrodcodecov in #122
- chore: Upgrade requests and redis dependencies by @scott-codecov in #124
- feat: Add firstPull resolver to GraphQL pull type by @scott-codecov in #108
- Don't compile since source is available by @trent-codecov in #106
- Bump django from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3 by @dependabot in #42
- Feature/no compile by @trent-codecov in #126
- build(deps): bump certifi from 2020.6.20 to 2023.7.22 by @dependabot in #32
- Create checkbox in Owner form in Django admin to set uses_invoice by @joseph-sentry in #109
- feat: Filter flags by flags for pathContents by @adrian-codecov in #128
- Adding beginnings of GHA CI by @trent-codecov in #127
- feat: Validate OIDC ID token during Sentry OAuth flow by @scott-codecov in #52
- chore: Remove hard-coded dev BB redirect URL by @scott-codecov in #132
- Filter file comparisons by flags by @adrian-codecov in #129
- feat: trigger label analysis task after update by @giovanni-guidini in #131
- Feature/lint pre commit by @trent-codecov in #134
- Add cache cleanup by @montross50 in #130
- bug: Fix indentation for monthly_upload_limit and misc by @adrian-codecov in #133
- fix typo in by @eltociear in #69
- feat: Okta login by @scott-codecov in #67
- fix: Make OrgLevelToken work for self-hosted by @giovanni-guidini in #140
- commit does not have repoid, should be commit.repository.repoid by @dana-yaish in #136
- ref: Update queue name for backfill commits command by @scott-codecov in #143
- Add users-litem/y plan to DB by @adrian-codecov in #138
- removing unused events by @dana-yaish in #116
- feat: 418 deprecate canny token by @adrian-codecov in #149
- feat: Allow CORS requests from all origins, credentials whitelisted by @scott-codecov in #144
- feat: Add
to owner model by @RulaKhaled in #141 - ref: Migrate terms agreement data from owner to user table by @JerrySentry in #145
- ref: Read/Write agreements from user table only by @JerrySentry in #146
- fix: Typo in Celery Redis config name by @scott-codecov in #151
- feat: Preserve post trial activation for user who fired the trial by @RulaKhaled in #142
- chore(deps): bump sqlparse from 0.4.2 to 0.4.4 by @dependabot in #112
- Update shared version by @scott-codecov in #153
- fix: Backfill task takes commit ID instead of sha by @scott-codecov in #156
- feat: Update comparison result with first pull request type by @RulaKhaled in #157
- chore: Allow GraphQL introspection + playground in all envs by @scott-codecov in #159
- feat: add plan tier service by @adrian-codecov in #150
- removing and adding fields that we send to tracking tools by @dana-yaish in #158
- ref: drop ownerprofile terms agreement columns by @JerrySentry in #154
- fix: Remove duplicate values in owners.admins and fix adding dupes in… by @JerrySentry in #147
- Self hosted release revamp by @trent-codecov in #160
- trigger preprocess upload for codecov repos only by @dana-yaish in #165
- Makefile consistency by @trent-codecov in #166
- Release 23.10.2 by @github-actions in #167
- Release/23.10.2 by @trent-codecov in #171
New Contributors
- @jerrodcodecov made their first contribution in #122
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #42
- @montross50 made their first contribution in #130
- @eltociear made their first contribution in #69
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #167
Full Changelog: enterprise-23.9.5-1...self-hosted-23.10.2
Self Hosted 23.9.5
What's Changed
- fix: Simplify commit uploads query for now by @scott-codecov in #41
- Add migration to adjust default value for trial_status column by @adrian-codecov in #37
- ReportResults obj already exist in the db by @dana-yaish in #39
- feat: Add webhook_secret column to repos by @scott-codecov in #28
- Add pretrial_users_count field to owners table by @adrian-codecov in #43
- upload completion endpoint - manual notifs trigger by @dana-yaish in #49
- fix: Cast UUID to str before saving in the db by @scott-codecov in #56
- chore: add debug log for files array saving by @giovanni-guidini in #47
- chore: change logic to write data to storage by @giovanni-guidini in #48
- fix: Force owner login during pagination test by @scott-codecov in #58
- Code 3644 misc trial additions by @adrian-codecov in #57
- fix: Ensure we don't accidentally leak stack trace info by @scott-codecov in #59
- Create Constants that include install id and version by @joseph-sentry in #35
- feat: Allow for configurable Stripe keys in dev by @scott-codecov in #36
- feat: Add recent commit totals to public API repos endpoints by @scott-codecov in #60
- Add edge cases to consider free + invoiced customers by @adrian-codecov in #65
- Replace "open source" in README by @eliatcodecov in #66
- Add impersonation to django admin log by @joseph-sentry in #44
- Make secure_cookie set SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE by @joseph-sentry in #68
- Add trial logic by @adrian-codecov in #30
- fix: read github client_id from config / use new default by @matt-codecov in #73
- fix: lru_cache issues + meta info missing by @giovanni-guidini in #72
- return a more descriptive response to the user by @dana-yaish in #74
- fix: Update name to username, handle bug in regenerate token by @RulaKhaled in #78
- Remove repos.cache from branch_update trigger on branches by @joseph-sentry in #53
- Make search case insensitive by @adrian-codecov in #75
- feat: move
to storage by @giovanni-guidini in #63 - chore: update shared + adopt mock_metrics and mock_config_helper test utils by @matt-codecov in #77
- fix: Handle FileNotInStorage error when building report by @scott-codecov in #81
- fix: Fix reference to commit's repo id by @scott-codecov in #83
- fix: dont share default_values + log fix by @giovanni-guidini in #84
- Drop cache column from repos table by @joseph-sentry in #80
- Metrics based on source of upload in legacy endpoint by @joseph-sentry in #54
- ref: Update word formatting in README by @JerrySentry in #86
- Fixed scheduled phases where there's more than 1 scheduled phase by @adrian-codecov in #88
- feat: Add user admin by @scott-codecov in #82
- 378 fix schedules with more than two pahses by @adrian-codecov in #94
- ref: Add agreement in user and sync updates with owner agreement (#390) by @JerrySentry in #98
- ImportError: cannot import name should_write_data_to_storage_config_c… by @trent-codecov in #104
- feat: Django command to enqueue commit backfill tasks by @scott-codecov in #102
- chore: Update Sentry config keys to be more consistent with other services by @scott-codecov in #103
- Fix/config error enterprise by @trent-codecov in #107
- Add RiskyAlterField to utils/migrations by @joseph-sentry in #93
New Contributors
- @RulaKhaled made their first contribution in #78
- @JerrySentry made their first contribution in #86
Full Changelog: enterprise-23.7.27...enterprise-23.9.5-1
Self Hosted 23.7.27
What's Changed
- Small change by @trent-codecov in #4
- Update LICENSE by @eliatcodecov in #9
- Introduce
by @giovanni-guidini in #8 - fix broken pyyaml dep, update shared commit hash to corresponding sanitized one by @matt-codecov in #7
- Create
by @giovanni-guidini in #5 - Added new user model for authentication by @scott-codecov in #1
- bug: Need to pass current owner to comparison instead of user by @scott-codecov in #11
- bug: More user vs. owner fixes by @scott-codecov in #12
- bug: Handle null owner in self-hosted admin check by @scott-codecov in #13
- bug: Fix passing owner to repo service when fetching file contents by @scott-codecov in #14
- bug: Update profile mutation should operate on owner instead of user by @scott-codecov in #15
- bug: Fix get_adapter kwarg name by @scott-codecov in #16
- bug: Prefetch user when impersonating owner by @scott-codecov in #17
- fix: Disable CSRF for the REST API by @scott-codecov in #18
- instrument github webhook handler with counters for each event by @matt-codecov in #6
- Update shared. by @giovanni-guidini in #20
- Code 3602 add trial mutation by @adrian-codecov in #3
- fix: Handle no current owner in GraphQL resolvers by @scott-codecov in #21
- Move
to GCS by @giovanni-guidini in #10 - fix: Set SameSite=None; Secure for sessionid cookie by @scott-codecov in #24
- Add api_health endpoint by @trent-codecov in #25
- delete unnecessary redacted secrets from config by @matt-codecov in #22
- Code 3616 use class plan throughout codebase by @adrian-codecov in #2
- Reactivate label analysis by @giovanni-guidini in #23
- feat: Add Sentry OAuth and current user endpoint by @scott-codecov in #19
- Remove use of the cache column in the API by @joseph-sentry in #27
- Add calver and rolling tags by @trent-codecov in #26
- Log and add version field to metrics in upload by @joseph-sentry in #31
- Add open source blurb by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #34
- Send destination url the proper way by @dana-yaish in #38
- Update VERSION by @trent-codecov in #40
New Contributors
- @trent-codecov made their first contribution in #4
- @eliatcodecov made their first contribution in #9
- @giovanni-guidini made their first contribution in #8
- @matt-codecov made their first contribution in #7
- @scott-codecov made their first contribution in #1
- @adrian-codecov made their first contribution in #3
- @joseph-sentry made their first contribution in #27
- @thomasrockhu-codecov made their first contribution in #34
- @dana-yaish made their first contribution in #38
Full Changelog: