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psineur edited this page Jun 9, 2011 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the cocos2d-iphone-extensions wiki!

Looking for Roadmap or TODO's? Check the issues page.
Want to share your own extension for cocos2d? Read this: Adding-new-Extension
Know something that should be inlcuded in cocos2d-extensions-repo? Create an Issue

Working on this Repo

We use this well-known branching model: with few exceptions:

  1. If release branch isn't needed (only one person have rights to push on develop, or theres no possible bugs, or no special versioning needed) - they are not used.
  2. Feature branches can be used only for experiments, which are complicated and may fail.

Before 0.1 release - there will be no master branch, cause there's no stable version. So please take a look at develop branch.

Extensions Overview

//TODO: do

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