The objective of this study is to predict Grid Carbon from 2021 to 2050 for a lag duration of 30 minutes interval. The time series data is modelled using a deep neural network (DNN), Long-short term memory model, (LSTM) to improve confidence in prediction and pick up non linearity in dependence of the features. There are 6 features in the time series data namely; Bio mass, Fossil Fuel, Interconnectors, Nuclear, Wind and other renewables. Original dataset was given from 1/01/2017 00:00:00 till 04/12/2020 16:00:00, from this data from 01/01/2017 00:00:00 to 31/12/2019 23:30:00 was taken as training set and data from 01/01/2020 00:00:00 to 04/12/2020 16:00:00 was taken as test set to conceptualise and confirm the ideologies to be implemented . A target sum total of trend for each of the 6 features was to be tracked. Prediction from the time series model for 4 different scenarios where also discussed. The scenarios are namely; consumer & system transformation, leading the way and steady progression all labelled “scenario 1-4” respectively. The approach in this work accurately predicted Grid carbon scenarios for each of the scenarios for the years 2021-2050. Fossil Fuel contribution to totally energy demand fizzles out in year 2050 for the scenario consumer transformation and year 2045 for the scenario leading the way . In foresight, DNN-LSTM machines provide an accurate and robust prediction capabilities, and methods developed in this report could be implemented and considered for future energy policies.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
MATLAB 2018 upwards
Running the Numerical Experiment: Run the script Main.m
- ksvdbox13
- ompbox10 All downloaded for your convenience
All libraries are included for your convenience.
Extra methods are included also;
- Running supervised learning models with DNN and MLP alone (Requires the netlab and MATLAB DNN tool box)
- Running CCR/MM and MMr with DNN/DNN for the experts and gates respectively (Requires MATLAB DNN toolbox)
- Running the MMr method for using Sparse Gp experts/DNN experts/RF experts and DNN/RF gates
- Running CCR/CCR-MM and MM-MM with RandomForest Experts and RandomForest Gates. This method is fast and also gives a measure of uncerntainty
Dr Clement Etienam- Research Officer-Machine Learning. Active Building Centre
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