The self service portal currently supports automated provisionings to:
For Terraform to work with your preferred Cloud provider you have to do some preparations
- Execute these commands with the AWS CLI:
aws iam create-group --group-name my-groupname
aws iam create-user --user-name my-username
aws iam add-user-to-group --user-name my-username --group-name my-groupname
aws iam create-access-key --user-name my-username
- Enable SSH access on ESXi Host:
- Use your root account for the SSH login
- Make sure to create a virtual machine template for Windows Server 2016 and Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
- This can be done manually or with the help of Packer
- It is important to activate DHCP for the network interface
- The default user credentials and template names can be found in this Terraform file custom.tf:
- It is recommended to overwrite these values for production usage
- WinRM is used for executing the Powershell scripts for bootstrapping
- Use this script to create a firewall rule and allow execution via HTTP
- SSH is used for executing bash scripts for bootstrapping
- Make sure to turn on the SSH server
- Use LVM for hard drive partitioning (otherwise live resizing of partitions will not work)
- Open vcenter user management
- Create admin account or technical user account for Terraform with these privileges:
- Datastore:
- Allocate space
- Browse datastore
- Low level file operations
- Remove file
- Update virtual machine files
- Update virtual machine metadata
- Folder (all):
- Create folder
- Delete folder
- Move folder
- Rename folder
- Network:
- Assign network
- Resource:
- Apply recommendation
- Assign virtual machine to resource pool
- Virtual Machine
- Configuration (all)
- Guest Operations (all)
- Interaction (all)
- Inventory (all)
- Provisioning (all)
- Manage custom attributes
- Set custom attribute
- Datastore:
- When provisioning a virtual machine to vSphere Terraform always sets custom attributes
- Make sure that these custom attributes already exist:
- Title
- Description
- CreationDate
- OwnedBy
- OwnerGroup
- ProvisioningSystem
- Make sure to create a virtual machine template for Windows Server 2016 and Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
- This can be done manually or with the help of Packer
- It is important to activate DHCP for the network interface
- The default user credentials and template names can be found in this Terraform file custom.tf:
- It is recommended to overwrite these values for production usage
- WinRM is used for executing the Powershell scripts for bootstrapping
- Use this script to create a firewall rule and allow execution via HTTP
- SSH is used for executing bash scripts for bootstrapping
- Make sure to turn on the SSH server
- Use LVM for hard drive partitioning (otherwise live resizing of partitions will not work)
- It is recommended to create a new resource pool for every team or group using the self service portal in terms of hardware resource isolation