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Building Iosevka from Source


Note that this repo has a 30+ GB commit history. If you only want the current files and future changes, you can avoid downloading so much by cloning the repo with a --depth limit. Example:

git clone --depth 1 


To build Iosevka you should:

  1. Ensure that nodejs (≥ 14.0.0) and ttfautohint are present, and accessible from PATH.
  2. Run npm install. This command will install all the NPM dependencies, and will also validate whether external dependencies are present.
  3. npm run build -- contents::iosevka.

You will find TTFs, as well as WOFF(2) web fonts and one Webfont CSS in the dist/ directory.

Using a Docker container

A Docker container handling the build environment for you can be found here.

To pull it from Docker Hub and start a standard build of the latest released version, run

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/build avivace/iosevka-build

If you are using Powershell, run

docker run -it -v ${pwd}:/build avivace/iosevka-build

Fonts files will be placed in the dist folder.

You can provide private-build.plans.toml for a customized build and/or specify the desired release appending -e FONT_VERSION=X.X.X. to the Docker command.

Customized Build

To create a custom build, you need:

  1. Create private-build-plans.toml file if absent.

  2. Add a build plan into private-build-plans.toml. The configurable properties are described in the following sections.

  3. Run npm run build -- contents::<your plan name> and the built fonts would be available in dist/. Aside from contents::<plan>, other options are:

    1. contents::<plan> : Everything (TTF + webfont, hinted + unhinted);
    2. ttf::<plan> : TTF only;
    3. ttf-unhinted::<plan> : Unhinted TTF only;
    4. webfont::<plan> : Web fonts only (CSS + WOFF2);
    5. webfont-unhinted::<plan> : Unhinted web fonts only (CSS + WOFF2);
    6. woff2::<plan> : WOFF2 only.
    7. woff2-unhinted::<plan> : Unhinted WOFF2 only.

⚠️ Important: By default, the build system will schedule a number of concurrently running jobs equal to the number of threads available on the CPU, which will push CPU usage and also likely RAM usage, if you do not have very much to work with, to the ceiling (each job consumes more than 1 GB of RAM at its peak). If this is an issue for you, pass an additional argument --jCmd=<number of concurrent jobs>.

Configuring Custom Build

Configuration of build plans are organized under [buildPlans.<plan name>] sections in the private-build-plans.toml. You can use the Customizer to create the build plan, and/or manually edit them, following the instructions below.

Inside the plan, top-level properties include:

  • family: String, defines the family name of your custom variant.
  • spacing: Optional, String, denotes the spacing of the custom variant. Valid values include:
    • normal: The normal monospace font.
    • quasi-proportional: The font will become quasi-proportional.
    • quasi-proportional-extension-only: The font will become quasi-proportional, but will not shrink narrow letters (like i). Only wide letters (like M) will get expanded.
    • term: Make the symbols' width suitable for terminal emulators. Arrows and geometric symbols will become narrower.
    • fontconfig-mono: Apply term spacing changes and further apply changes to be compatible with FontConfig's Mono spacing, which recognizes a font as monospace if and only if its every non-combining characters having the same width. The changes include:
      • Completely remove wide glyphs. All non-combining glyphs will be exactly the same width.
        • As a consequence, the following characters will be removed:
      • Remove NWID and WWID features typographic features
    • fixed: Apply fontconfig-mono changes and further remove ligations.
  • serifs: Optional, String, configures style of serifs.
    • When set to slab, the font will be converted into slab-serif.
    • Otherwise the font will be sans-serif.
  • no-cv-ss: Optional, Boolean, disables cv## and ss## OpenType features.
  • no-ligation: Optional, Boolean, disables ligations.
  • export-glyph-names: Optional, Boolean, whether to export glyph names into the fonts. Setting this to true will increase file footprint, however this is necessary for ligature support in Kitty.
  • webfont-formats: Optional, Array of String. Controls the formats needed to be exported into the webfont CSS. Valid options are 'ttf' and 'woff2', or including both.

Build plan could have 5 optional subsections: ligations, variants, weights, widths and slopes.

Configuring Ligations

Subsection ligations is used to customize the ligation set assigned to calt OpenType feature. Properties include:

  • inherits: Optional, String, defines the inherited ligation set. When absent, the ligation set will not inherit any other sets. Valid values are:

    • default-calt: Inherit default ligation set.
    • dlig: Default ligation set would be assigned to Discretionary ligatures.
    • clike: Default ligation set would be assigned to C-Like.
    • javascript: Default ligation set would be assigned to JavaScript.
    • php: Default ligation set would be assigned to PHP.
    • julia: Default ligation set would be assigned to Julia.
    • raku: Default ligation set would be assigned to Raku.
    • ml: Default ligation set would be assigned to ML.
    • fsharp: Default ligation set would be assigned to F#.
    • fstar: Default ligation set would be assigned to F*.
    • haskell: Default ligation set would be assigned to Haskell.
    • idris: Default ligation set would be assigned to Idris.
    • elm: Default ligation set would be assigned to Elm.
    • purescript: Default ligation set would be assigned to PureScript.
    • swift: Default ligation set would be assigned to Swift.
    • dafny: Default ligation set would be assigned to Dafny.
    • coq: Default ligation set would be assigned to Coq.
    • matlab: Default ligation set would be assigned to Matlab.
    • verilog: Default ligation set would be assigned to Verilog.
    • wolfram: Default ligation set would be assigned to Wolfram Language (Mathematica).
  • disables and enables: Optional, String Array, Cherry-picking ligation groups to be disabled or enabled. Valid values include:

    • center-ops: Vertically align some of the operators (like *) to the center position it is before or after a "center" operator (like +).
    • arrow: Enable ligation set that forms arrows.
    • arrow2: Enable ligation for more arrows, like >>=.
    • trig: Enable ligation for <|, |> , <||, and other bar-and-angle-bracket symbols.
    • eqeqeq: Enable special ligation for === with triple lines.
    • eqeq: Enable ligation for == and ===.
    • ineq: Enable ligation for <= and >=.
    • exeqeqeq: Enable special ligation for !=== with triple lines.
    • exeqeq: Enable special ligation for !== with triple lines.
    • eqexeq: Enable special ligation for =!= with triple lines.
    • eqexeq-dl: Enable special ligation for =!= with double lines.
    • exeq: Enable ligation for != and !==.
    • tildeeq: Enable ligation for ~= as inequality.
    • eqslasheq: Enable special triple-line ligation for =/= as inequality.
    • slasheq: Enable ligation for /= and =/= as inequality.
    • ltgt-ne: Enable ligation for <> as inequality.
    • ltgt-diamond: Enable ligation for <> as diamond.
    • ltgt-diamond-tag: Enable ligation for <> as diamond-shaped empty HTML/XML tag.
    • ltgt-slash-tag: Enable ligation for </, /> and </>.
    • brst: Center asterisk in (* and *).
    • slash-asterisk: Shift asterisk in /* and */.
    • plusplus: Enable ligation for ++ and further plus-chaining.
    • kern-dotty: Move connecting dotty punctuations closer, like for ::, ::: and ....
    • kern-bars: Move consecutive bars closer, like for ||, ||| and //.
    • logic: Enable ligation for /\ and \/.
    • llgg: Enable ligation for <<, >> and other angle-bracket chaining.
    • llggeq: Enable ligation for <<=, >>= as shift operator.
    • dot-as-operator: Treat dot (.) as operator and perform chained centering.
    • bar-triggers-op-centering: Bars (/, |, \) will trigger operator centering.
    • lteq-as-arrow: Treat <= as arrow.
    • gteq-as-co-arrow: Treat >= as co-arrow.
    • html-comment: Enable ligation for <!-- and <!---.
    • colon-greater-as-colon-arrow: Transform :> into : and a narrow arrow.
    • brace-bar: Enable ligation for {| and |}.
    • brack-bar: Enable ligation for [| and |].
    • connected-underscore: Make contiguous underscores (like __) connected.
    • connected-number-sign: Make contiguous number signs (like ##) connected.
    • connected-tilde-as-wave: Make contiguous ASCII tildes (like ~~) connected as a wave line.
    • connected-hyphen-as-solid-line: Make contiguous hyphen-minuses (like --) connected as a straight solid line.
    • connected-hyphen-as-semi-dashed-line: Make contiguous hyphen-minuses (like --) connected as a straight semi-dashed line, identifying each hyphen component.

Configuring Character Variants

Subsection variants is used to configure character variants in the font. Properties include:

  • inherits: Optional, String, defines the inherited stylistic set. Valid options include:

    • ss01: Set character variant to “Andale Mono Style”.
    • ss02: Set character variant to “Anonymous Pro Style”.
    • ss03: Set character variant to “Consolas Style”.
    • ss04: Set character variant to “Menlo Style”.
    • ss05: Set character variant to “Fira Mono Style”.
    • ss06: Set character variant to “Liberation Mono Style”.
    • ss07: Set character variant to “Monaco Style”.
    • ss08: Set character variant to “Pragmata Pro Style”.
    • ss09: Set character variant to “Source Code Pro Style”.
    • ss10: Set character variant to “Envy Code R Style”.
    • ss11: Set character variant to “X Window Style”.
    • ss12: Set character variant to “Ubuntu Mono Style”.
    • ss13: Set character variant to “Lucida Style”.
    • ss14: Set character variant to “JetBrains Mono Style”.
    • ss15: Set character variant to “IBM Plex Mono Style”.
    • ss16: Set character variant to “PT Mono Style”.
    • ss17: Set character variant to “Recursive Mono Style”.
    • ss18: Set character variant to “Input Mono Style”.
    • ss20: Set character variant to “Curly Style”.
  • design, upright, italic, and oblique: Optional, Dictionary, defines styles for individual characters. The choices are organized in key-value pairs, assigning a variant to a character group. Alternatively, you could assign numbers to cv## tags, like what you did when using OpenType in CSS. Assignments under design will be applied to all the slopes, and upright, italic, and oblique will apply to corresponded slopes.

    In addition, style selector for default digit form also uses these dictionaries.

    The valid combinations include:

    • Default digit form:
      digit-form = 'lining'
      Lining (default)
      digit-form = 'old-style'
    • APL form:
      apl-form = 'none'
      Disable APL-specific forms (default)
      apl-form = 'enable'
      Enable harmonized alternate forms APL operators
    • Styles for A:
      capital-a = 'straight-serifless', cv01 = 1
      Standard, straight A, without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-a = 'curly-serifless', cv01 = 2
      Slightly curly A, like Iosevka 2.x, without serifs
      capital-a = 'straight-top-serifed', cv01 = 3
      Straight A with serif at top
      capital-a = 'curly-top-serifed', cv01 = 4
      Slightly curly A, like Iosevka 2.x, with serif at top
      capital-a = 'straight-base-serifed', cv01 = 5
      Straight A with serif at both top and bottom (default for Slab)
      capital-a = 'curly-base-serifed', cv01 = 6
      Slightly curly A, like Iosevka 2.x, with serif at both top and bottom
      capital-a = 'straight-tri-serifed', cv01 = 7
      Straight A with serif at both top and bottom
      capital-a = 'curly-tri-serifed', cv01 = 8
      Slightly curly A, like Iosevka 2.x, with serif at both top and bottom
    • Styles for B:
      capital-b = 'standard-serifless', cv02 = 1
      B in near-symmetric proportion, without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-serifless', cv02 = 2
      B in more asymmetric proportion to differentiate with 8, without serifs
      capital-b = 'standard-unilateral-serifed', cv02 = 3
      B in near-symmetric proportion with motion serifs at top
      capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-unilateral-serifed', cv02 = 4
      B in more asymmetric proportion with motion serifs at top
      capital-b = 'standard-bilateral-serifed', cv02 = 5
      B in near-symmetric proportion with motion serifs at both top and bottom (default for Slab)
      capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-bilateral-serifed', cv02 = 6
      B in more asymmetric proportion with motion serifs at both top and bottom
      capital-b = 'standard-interrupted-serifless', cv02 = 7
      B in near-symmetric proportion with interrupted middle bar, without serifs
      capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-interrupted-serifless', cv02 = 8
      B in more asymmetric proportion to differentiate with 8, with interrupted middle bar, without serifs
      capital-b = 'standard-interrupted-unilateral-serifed', cv02 = 9
      B in near-symmetric proportion with interrupted middle bar and motion serifs at top
      capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-interrupted-unilateral-serifed', cv02 = 10
      B in more asymmetric proportion with interrupted middle bar and 8 with motion serifs at top
      capital-b = 'standard-interrupted-bilateral-serifed', cv02 = 11
      B in near-symmetric proportion with interrupted middle bar and motion serifs at both top and bottom
      capital-b = 'more-asymmetric-interrupted-bilateral-serifed', cv02 = 12
      B in more asymmetric proportion with interrupted middle bar and 8 with motion serifs at both top and bottom
    • Styles for C:
      capital-c = 'serifless', cv03 = 1
      Serifless C (default for Sans)
      capital-c = 'unilateral-serifed', cv03 = 2
      C with serif at top (default for Slab)
      capital-c = 'bilateral-serifed', cv03 = 3
      C with serifs at both top and bottom
      capital-c = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv03 = 4
      C with inward serif at top
      capital-c = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv03 = 5
      C with inward serif at both top and bottom
    • Styles for D:
      capital-d = 'standard-serifless', cv04 = 1
      Standard D without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-d = 'more-rounded-serifless', cv04 = 2
      More rounded D to differentiate with O, without serifs
      capital-d = 'standard-unilateral-serifed', cv04 = 3
      Standard D with serifs at top
      capital-d = 'more-rounded-unilateral-serifed', cv04 = 4
      More rounded D to differentiate with O with motion serifs at top
      capital-d = 'standard-bilateral-serifed', cv04 = 5
      Standard D with serifs at both top and bottom (default for Slab)
      capital-d = 'more-rounded-bilateral-serifed', cv04 = 6
      More rounded D to differentiate with O with serifs at both top and bottom
    • Styles for E:
      capital-e = 'serifless', cv05 = 1
      E without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-e = 'top-left-serifed', cv05 = 2
      E with serif only at top left
      capital-e = 'serifed', cv05 = 3
      E with serifs (default for Slab)
    • Styles for F:
      capital-f = 'serifless', cv06 = 1
      F without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-f = 'top-left-serifed', cv06 = 2
      F with serif only at top left
      capital-f = 'serifed', cv06 = 3
      F with serifs (default for Slab)
    • Styles for G:
      capital-g = 'toothed-serifless-hookless', cv07 = 1
      Toothed G
      capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifless-hookless', cv07 = 2
      Corner toothless G
      capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifless-hookless', cv07 = 3
      Round toothless G
      capital-g = 'toothed-serifless-hooked', cv07 = 4
      Toothed G with inward hook at terminal (default for Sans)
      capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifless-hooked', cv07 = 5
      Corner toothless G with inward hook at terminal
      capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifless-hooked', cv07 = 6
      Round toothless G with inward hook at terminal
      capital-g = 'toothed-serifless-capped', cv07 = 7
      Toothed G with a cap terminal
      capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifless-capped', cv07 = 8
      Corner toothless G with a cap terminal
      capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifless-capped', cv07 = 9
      Round toothless G with a cap terminal
      capital-g = 'toothed-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 10
      Toothed G with top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 11
      Corner toothless G with top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 12
      Round toothless G with top serif
      capital-g = 'toothed-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 13
      Toothed G with inward hook at terminal and top serif (default for Slab)
      capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 14
      Corner toothless G with inward hook at terminal and top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 15
      Round toothless G with inward hook at terminal and top serif
      capital-g = 'toothed-serifed-capped', cv07 = 16
      Toothed G with a cap terminal and top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-corner-serifed-capped', cv07 = 17
      Corner toothless G with a cap terminal and top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-serifed-capped', cv07 = 18
      Round toothless G with a cap terminal and top serif
      capital-g = 'toothed-inward-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 19
      Toothed G with inward top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-corner-inward-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 20
      Corner toothless G with inward top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-inward-serifed-hookless', cv07 = 21
      Round toothless G with inward top serif
      capital-g = 'toothed-inward-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 22
      Toothed G with inward hook at terminal and inward top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-corner-inward-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 23
      Corner toothless G with inward hook at terminal and inward top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-inward-serifed-hooked', cv07 = 24
      Round toothless G with inward hook at terminal and inward top serif
      capital-g = 'toothed-inward-serifed-capped', cv07 = 25
      Toothed G with a cap terminal and inward top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-corner-inward-serifed-capped', cv07 = 26
      Corner toothless G with a cap terminal and inward top serif
      capital-g = 'toothless-rounded-inward-serifed-capped', cv07 = 27
      Round toothless G with a cap terminal and inward top serif
    • Styles for H:
      capital-h = 'serifless', cv08 = 1
      H without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-h = 'top-left-serifed', cv08 = 2
      H with serif only at top left
      capital-h = 'top-left-bottom-right-serifed', cv08 = 3
      H with serif only at top left and bottom right
      capital-h = 'serifed', cv08 = 4
      H with serifs (default for Slab)
    • Styles for I:
      capital-i = 'serifed', cv09 = 1
      I with standard (long) serifs (default)
      capital-i = 'serifless', cv09 = 2
      I without serifs, like a straight bar
      capital-i = 'short-serifed', cv09 = 3
      I with short serifs
    • Styles for J:
      capital-j = 'serifless', cv10 = 1
      J without top serif
      capital-j = 'serifed', cv10 = 2
      J with top serif at left side (default)
      capital-j = 'serifed-both-sides', cv10 = 3
      J with top serif at both sides (asymmetric)
      capital-j = 'serifed-symmetric', cv10 = 4
      J with top serif at both sides (symmetric)
      capital-j = 'flat-hook-serifless', cv10 = 5
      J with flat hook and without top serif
      capital-j = 'flat-hook-serifed', cv10 = 6
      J with flat hook and top serif at left side
      capital-j = 'flat-hook-serifed-both-sides', cv10 = 7
      J with flat hook and top serif at both sides (asymmetric)
      capital-j = 'flat-hook-serifed-symmetric', cv10 = 8
      J with flat hook and top serif at both sides (symmetric)
      capital-j = 'descending-serifless', cv10 = 9
      J with hook goes below descender and without serif
      capital-j = 'descending-serifed', cv10 = 10
      J with hook goes below descender and top serif at left side
      capital-j = 'descending-serifed-both-sides', cv10 = 11
      J with hook goes below descender and top serif at both sides (asymmetric)
      capital-j = 'descending-serifed-symmetric', cv10 = 12
      J with hook goes below descender and top serif at both sides (symmetric)
      capital-j = 'descending-flat-hook-serifless', cv10 = 13
      J with flat hook goes below descender and without serif
      capital-j = 'descending-flat-hook-serifed', cv10 = 14
      J with flat hook goes below descender and top serif at left side
    • Styles for K:
      capital-k = 'straight-serifless', cv11 = 1
      K with standard shape, without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-k = 'curly-serifless', cv11 = 2
      Slightly curly K, like Iosevka 2.x, without serifs
      capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-serifless', cv11 = 3
      K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, without serifs
      capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-serifless', cv11 = 4
      K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, without serifs
      capital-k = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv11 = 5
      K with standard shape and serifs at top left
      capital-k = 'curly-top-left-serifed', cv11 = 6
      Slightly curly K, like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at top left
      capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-serifed', cv11 = 7
      K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
      capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-serifed', cv11 = 8
      K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
      capital-k = 'straight-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 9
      K with standard shape and serifs at bottom right
      capital-k = 'curly-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 10
      Slightly curly K, like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at bottom right
      capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 11
      K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
      capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 12
      K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
      capital-k = 'straight-serifed', cv11 = 13
      K with standard shape, and serifs (default for Slab)
      capital-k = 'curly-serifed', cv11 = 14
      Slightly curly K, like Iosevka 2.x, and with serifs
      capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-serifed', cv11 = 15
      K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs
      capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-serifed', cv11 = 16
      K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs
      capital-k = 'straight-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 17
      K with standard shape and serifs at top left and bottom right
      capital-k = 'curly-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 18
      Slightly curly K, like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at top left and bottom right
      capital-k = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 19
      K with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
      capital-k = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv11 = 20
      K with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
    • Styles for L:
      capital-l = 'serifless', cv12 = 1
      Serifless L (default for Sans)
      capital-l = 'motion-serifed', cv12 = 2
      Standard L with motion serif at bottom right
      capital-l = 'serifed', cv12 = 3
      L with serifs (default for Slab)
    • Styles for M:
      capital-m = 'hanging', cv13 = 1
      M with middle being hanging off baseline (default)
      capital-m = 'flat-bottom', cv13 = 2
      M with middle aligned to baseline
      capital-m = 'slanted-sides-hanging', cv13 = 3
      M with slanted sides and middle being hanging off baseline
      capital-m = 'slanted-sides-flat-bottom', cv13 = 4
      M with slanted sides and middle aligned to baseline
      capital-m = 'hanging-motion-serifed', cv13 = 5
      M with middle being hanging off baseline and motion serifs
      capital-m = 'flat-bottom-motion-serifed', cv13 = 6
      M with middle aligned to baseline and motion serifs
      capital-m = 'slanted-sides-hanging-motion-serifed', cv13 = 7
      M with slanted sides, middle being hanging off baseline, and motion serifs
      capital-m = 'slanted-sides-flat-bottom-motion-serifed', cv13 = 8
      M with slanted sides, middle aligned to baseline, and motion serifs
    • Styles for N:
      capital-n = 'standard', cv14 = 1
      Standard N (default)
      capital-n = 'asymmetric', cv14 = 2
      More asymmetric N, with the diagonal bar stops at middle of right stem
      capital-n = 'motion-serifed', cv14 = 3
      Standard N with motion serifs
      capital-n = 'asymmetric-motion-serifed', cv14 = 4
      More asymmetric N, with the diagonal bar stops at middle of right stem and motion serifs
    • Styles for P:
      capital-p = 'closed', cv15 = 1
      Closed P (default)
      capital-p = 'open', cv15 = 2
      P with open contour at bottom
      capital-p = 'closed-motion-serifed', cv15 = 3
      Closed P with motion serifs
      capital-p = 'open-motion-serifed', cv15 = 4
      P with open contour at bottom and motion serifs
    • Styles for Q:
      capital-q = 'curly-tailed', cv16 = 1
      Q with a curly tail (default)
      capital-q = 'crossing-curly-tailed', cv16 = 2
      Q with a curly tail
      capital-q = 'straight', cv16 = 3
      Q with a straight tail like in the old versions
      capital-q = 'crossing', cv16 = 4
      Q with a tail crossing the ring
      capital-q = 'vertical-crossing', cv16 = 5
      Q with a vertical tail crossing the ring
      capital-q = 'horizontal-tailed', cv16 = 6
      Q with a horizontal tail, like Univers
      capital-q = 'detached-tailed', cv16 = 7
      Q with a oblique tail detached
      capital-q = 'detached-bend-tailed', cv16 = 8
      Q with a bend tail detached
      capital-q = 'open-swash', cv16 = 9
      Q with open contour and swash-y shape
    • Styles for R:
      capital-r = 'straight', cv17 = 1
      Standard, straight-leg R (default)
      capital-r = 'curly', cv17 = 2
      Slightly curly-legged R, like Iosevka 2.x
      capital-r = 'standing', cv17 = 3
      R with near-vertical standing leg
      capital-r = 'straight-open', cv17 = 4
      Standard, straight-leg R, with open contour at bottom
      capital-r = 'curly-open', cv17 = 5
      Slightly curly-legged R, like Iosevka 2.x, with open contour at bottom
      capital-r = 'standing-open', cv17 = 6
      R with near-vertical standing leg, with open contour at bottom
      capital-r = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv17 = 7
      Standard, straight-leg R, with motion serifs
      capital-r = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv17 = 8
      Slightly curly-legged R, like Iosevka 2.x, with motion serifs
      capital-r = 'standing-motion-serifed', cv17 = 9
      R with near-vertical standing leg
      capital-r = 'straight-open-motion-serifed', cv17 = 10
      Standard, straight-leg R, with open contour at bottom and motion serifs
      capital-r = 'curly-open-motion-serifed', cv17 = 11
      Slightly curly-legged R, like Iosevka 2.x, with open contour at bottom and motion serifs
      capital-r = 'standing-open-motion-serifed', cv17 = 12
      R with near-vertical standing leg, with open contour at bottom and motion serifs
    • Styles for S:
      capital-s = 'serifless', cv18 = 1
      Serifless S (default for Sans)
      capital-s = 'unilateral-serifed', cv18 = 2
      S with single serif at top
      capital-s = 'bilateral-serifed', cv18 = 3
      S with serifs at both end (default for Slab)
      capital-s = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv18 = 4
      S with single inward serif at top
      capital-s = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv18 = 5
      S with inward serifs at both end
    • Styles for T:
      capital-t = 'serifless', cv19 = 1
      Serifless T (default for Sans)
      capital-t = 'motion-serifed', cv19 = 2
      Motion-Serifed T
      capital-t = 'serifed', cv19 = 3
      Serifed T (default for Slab)
    • Styles for U:
      capital-u = 'toothed', cv20 = 1
      U with bottom-right tooth
      capital-u = 'toothless-corner', cv20 = 2
      Toothless (corner bottom-right) U
      capital-u = 'toothless-rounded', cv20 = 3
      Toothless (rounded) U (default)
      capital-u = 'tailed', cv20 = 4
      U with right bar and a slightly curly tail
      capital-u = 'motion-serifed', cv20 = 5
      Normal U with right bar and motion serifs
      capital-u = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv20 = 6
      U with right bar, motion serifs and a slightly curly tail
      capital-u = 'toothless-corner-unilateral-motion-serifed', cv20 = 7
      Toothless (corner bottom-right) U with motion serifs, like Museo
      capital-u = 'toothless-rounded-unilateral-motion-serifed', cv20 = 8
      Toothless (rounded) U with motion serifs, like Museo
      capital-u = 'toothless-corner-bilateral-motion-serifed', cv20 = 9
      Toothless (corner bottom-right) U with motion serifs, like Museo
      capital-u = 'toothless-rounded-bilateral-motion-serifed', cv20 = 10
      Toothless (rounded) U with motion serifs, like Museo
    • Styles for V:
      capital-v = 'straight', cv21 = 1
      Standard, straight V (default)
      capital-v = 'curly', cv21 = 2
      Slightly curly V, like Iosevka 2.x
      capital-v = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv21 = 3
      Standard, straight V, and motion serifs
      capital-v = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv21 = 4
      Slightly curly V, like Iosevka 2.x, and motion serifs
    • Styles for W:
      capital-w = 'straight', cv22 = 1
      Standard, straight W (default)
      capital-w = 'curly', cv22 = 2
      Slightly curly W, like Iosevka 2.x
      capital-w = 'straight-flat-top', cv22 = 3
      Standard, straight W, and the middle is forced to be aligned the top
      capital-w = 'straight-double-v', cv22 = 4
      Straight W looks like double V
      capital-w = 'straight-asymmetric', cv22 = 5
      Straight W looks asymmetric
      capital-w = 'straight-vertical-sides', cv22 = 6
      Straight W with vertical sides
      capital-w = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv22 = 7
      Standard, straight W, with motion serifs
      capital-w = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv22 = 8
      Slightly curly W, like Iosevka 2.x, with motion serifs
      capital-w = 'straight-flat-top-motion-serifed', cv22 = 9
      Standard, straight W, and the middle is forced to be aligned the top, with motion serifs
      capital-w = 'straight-double-v-motion-serifed', cv22 = 10
      Straight W looks like double V, with motion serifs
      capital-w = 'straight-asymmetric-motion-serifed', cv22 = 11
      Straight W looks asymmetric, with motion serifs
      capital-w = 'straight-vertical-sides-motion-serifed', cv22 = 12
      Straight W with vertical sides and motion serifs
    • Styles for X:
      capital-x = 'straight-serifless', cv23 = 1
      Serifless, straight X (default for Sans)
      capital-x = 'curly-serifless', cv23 = 2
      Serifless, slightly curly X, like Iosevka 2.x
      capital-x = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv23 = 3
      Straight X with motion serifs
      capital-x = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv23 = 4
      Slightly curly X, like Iosevka 2.x, with motion serifs
      capital-x = 'straight-serifed', cv23 = 5
      Straight X with full serifs (default for Slab)
      capital-x = 'curly-serifed', cv23 = 6
      Slightly curly X, like Iosevka 2.x, with full serifs
    • Styles for Y:
      capital-y = 'straight-serifless', cv24 = 1
      Straight Y without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-y = 'curly-serifless', cv24 = 2
      Slightly curly Y, like Iosevka 2.x, without serifs
      capital-y = 'straight-base-serifed', cv24 = 3
      Standard, straight Y, with serif at bottom
      capital-y = 'curly-base-serifed', cv24 = 4
      Slightly curly Y, like Iosevka 2.x, with serif at bottom
      capital-y = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv24 = 5
      Standard, straight Y, with motion serifs
      capital-y = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv24 = 6
      Slightly curly Y, like Iosevka 2.x, with motion serifs
      capital-y = 'straight-serifed', cv24 = 7
      Standard, straight Y, with serifs (default for Slab)
      capital-y = 'curly-serifed', cv24 = 8
      Slightly curly Y, like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs
    • Styles for Z:
      capital-z = 'straight-serifless', cv25 = 1
      Straight Z without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-z = 'straight-serifless-with-crossbar', cv25 = 2
      Straight Z with a diagonal crossbar, and without serifs
      capital-z = 'straight-serifless-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 3
      Straight Z with a horizontal crossbar, and without serifs
      capital-z = 'curly-serifless', cv25 = 4
      Curly Z without serifs
      capital-z = 'curly-serifless-with-crossbar', cv25 = 5
      Curly Z with a diagonal crossbar, and without serifs
      capital-z = 'curly-serifless-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 6
      Curly Z with a horizontal crossbar, and without serifs
      capital-z = 'straight-serifed', cv25 = 7
      Straight Z with top and bottom serifs (default for Slab)
      capital-z = 'straight-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 8
      Straight Z with a diagonal crossbar and serifs
      capital-z = 'straight-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 9
      Straight Z with a horizontal crossbar and serifs
      capital-z = 'curly-serifed', cv25 = 10
      Curly Z with top and bottom serifs
      capital-z = 'curly-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 11
      Curly Z with a diagonal crossbar and serifs
      capital-z = 'curly-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 12
      Curly Z with a horizontal crossbar and serifs
      capital-z = 'straight-bottom-serifed', cv25 = 13
      Standard Z with serif at bottom
      capital-z = 'straight-bottom-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 14
      Standard Z with a diagonal crossbar and serif at bottom
      capital-z = 'straight-bottom-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 15
      Standard Z with a horizontal crossbar and serif at bottom
      capital-z = 'curly-bottom-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 16
      Curly Z with serif at bottom
      capital-z = 'curly-bottom-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 17
      Curly Z with a diagonal crossbar and serif at bottom
      capital-z = 'curly-bottom-serifed', cv25 = 18
      Curly Z with a horizontal crossbar and serif at bottom
      capital-z = 'straight-top-serifed', cv25 = 19
      Standard Z with serif at top
      capital-z = 'straight-top-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 20
      Standard Z with a diagonal crossbar and serif at top
      capital-z = 'straight-top-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 21
      Standard Z with a horizontal crossbar and serif at top
      capital-z = 'curly-top-serifed', cv25 = 22
      Curly Z with serif at top
      capital-z = 'curly-top-serifed-with-crossbar', cv25 = 23
      Curly Z with a diagonal crossbar and serif at top
      capital-z = 'curly-top-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 24
      Curly Z with a horizontal crossbar and serif at top
      capital-z = 'cursive', cv25 = 25
      Cursive Z
      capital-z = 'cursive-with-crossbar', cv25 = 26
      Cursive Z with a diagonal cross bar
      capital-z = 'cursive-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv25 = 27
      Cursive Z with a horizontal cross bar
    • Styles for a:
      a = 'double-storey-serifless', cv26 = 1
      Double-storey a without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
      a = 'double-storey-tailed', cv26 = 2
      Double-storey a with curly tail
      a = 'double-storey-toothless-corner', cv26 = 3
      Toothless (cornered bottom-right) double-storey a
      a = 'double-storey-toothless-rounded', cv26 = 4
      Toothless (rounded bottom-right) double-storey a
      a = 'double-storey-serifed', cv26 = 5
      Double-storey a with serif at bottom right (default for Slab Upright)
      a = 'single-storey-serifless', cv26 = 6
      Single-storey a without serifs
      a = 'single-storey-earless-corner-serifless', cv26 = 7
      Earless (cornered top-right) single-storey a without serifs
      a = 'single-storey-earless-rounded-serifless', cv26 = 8
      Earless (rounded top-right) single-storey a without serifs
      a = 'single-storey-tailed', cv26 = 9
      Single-storey a with curly tail (default for Italic)
      a = 'single-storey-earless-corner-tailed', cv26 = 10
      Earless (cornered top-right) single-storey a with curly tail
      a = 'single-storey-earless-rounded-tailed', cv26 = 11
      Earless (rounded top-right) single-storey a with curly tail
      a = 'single-storey-serifed', cv26 = 12
      Single-storey a with serif at bottom right
      a = 'single-storey-earless-corner-serifed', cv26 = 13
      Earless (cornered top-right) single-storey a with serif at bottom right
      a = 'single-storey-earless-rounded-serifed', cv26 = 14
      Earless (rounded top-right) single-storey a with serif at bottom right
    • Styles for b:
      b = 'toothed', cv27 = 1
      b with bottom-left tooth (default)
      b = 'toothless-corner', cv27 = 2
      b without bottom-left tooth, with a corner transition
      b = 'toothless-rounded', cv27 = 3
      b without bottom-left tooth, with a rounded transition
      b = 'toothed-motion-serifed', cv27 = 4
      b with motion serif, and with bottom-left tooth
      b = 'toothless-corner-motion-serifed', cv27 = 5
      b with motion serif, and without bottom-left tooth, with a corner transition
      b = 'toothless-rounded-motion-serifed', cv27 = 6
      b with motion serif, and without bottom-left tooth, with a rounded transition
    • Styles for c:
      c = 'serifless', cv28 = 1
      Serifless c (default for Sans)
      c = 'unilateral-serifed', cv28 = 2
      c with serif at top (default for Slab Upright)
      c = 'bilateral-serifed', cv28 = 3
      c with serifs at both top and bottom
      c = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv28 = 4
      c with inward serif at top (default for Slab Italic)
      c = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv28 = 5
      c with inward serif at both top and bottom
    • Styles for d:
      d = 'toothed-serifless', cv29 = 1
      d with bottom-right tooth, and without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
      d = 'toothless-corner-serifless', cv29 = 2
      d without bottom-right tooth, with a corner transition, and without serif
      d = 'toothless-rounded-serifless', cv29 = 3
      d without bottom-right tooth, with a rounded transition, and without serif
      d = 'tailed-serifless', cv29 = 4
      d with a bottom-right tail, and without serif (default for Sans Italic)
      d = 'toothed-top-serifed', cv29 = 5
      d with bottom-right tooth and top serif
      d = 'toothed-serifed', cv29 = 6
      d with serifs (default for Slab Upright)
      d = 'toothless-corner-serifed', cv29 = 7
      d without bottom-right tooth, with a corner transition and top serif
      d = 'toothless-rounded-serifed', cv29 = 8
      d without bottom-right tooth, with a rounded transition and top serif
      d = 'tailed-serifed', cv29 = 9
      d with a bottom-right tail and top serif (default for Slab Italic)
    • Styles for e:
      e = 'flat-crossbar', cv30 = 1
      e with flat crossbar (default for Upright)
      e = 'rounded', cv30 = 2
      e with more rounded shape (default for Italic)
    • Styles for f:
      f = 'serifless', cv31 = 1
      f without bottom serif, hook or extension (default for Sans Upright)
      f = 'serifed', cv31 = 2
      f with bottom serif (default for Slab Upright)
      f = 'tailed', cv31 = 3
      f with bottom hook
      f = 'extended', cv31 = 4
      f with bar extended to descender
      f = 'diagonal-tailed', cv31 = 5
      f with bottom diagonal tail
      f = 'serifless-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 6
      f without bottom serif, hook or extension; crossbar is placed right at X-height
      f = 'serifed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 7
      f with bottom serif; crossbar is placed right at X-height
      f = 'tailed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 8
      f with bottom hook; crossbar is placed right at X-height
      f = 'extended-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 9
      f with bar extended to descender; crossbar is placed right at X-height
      f = 'diagonal-tailed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 10
      f with bottom diagonal tail; crossbar is placed right at X-height
      f = 'flat-hook', cv31 = 11
      f with flat top hook, without bottom serif, hook or extension
      f = 'flat-hook-serifed', cv31 = 12
      f with flat top hook and bottom serif
      f = 'flat-hook-tailed', cv31 = 13
      f with flat top hook and bottom hook (default for Italic)
      f = 'flat-hook-extended', cv31 = 14
      f with flat top hook and bar extended to descender
      f = 'flat-hook-diagonal-tailed', cv31 = 15
      f with flat hook and bottom diagonal tail
      f = 'flat-hook-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 16
      f with flat top hook, without bottom serif, hook or extension; crossbar is placed right at X-height
      f = 'flat-hook-serifed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 17
      f with flat top hook, bottom serif; crossbar is placed right at X-height
      f = 'flat-hook-tailed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 18
      f with flat top hook, bottom hook; crossbar is placed right at X-height
      f = 'flat-hook-extended-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 19
      f with flat top hook, bar extended to descender; crossbar is placed right at X-height
      f = 'flat-hook-diagonal-tailed-crossbar-at-x-height', cv31 = 20
      f with flat hook and bottom diagonal tail; crossbar is placed right at X-height
    • Styles for g:
      g = 'double-storey', cv32 = 1
      Double-storey g
      g = 'double-storey-open', cv32 = 2
      Open Double-storey g, like Trebuchet MS or Fira Code
      g = 'single-storey-serifless', cv32 = 3
      Single-storey g without serifs (default for Sans)
      g = 'single-storey-serifed', cv32 = 4
      Single-storey g with serif at top right (default for Slab)
      g = 'earless-corner', cv32 = 5
      Earless (cornered top-right) single-storey g
      g = 'earless-rounded', cv32 = 6
      Earless (rounded top-right) single-storey g
      g = 'single-storey-flat-hook-serifless', cv32 = 7
      Single-storey g with flat terminal hook and without serifs
      g = 'single-storey-flat-hook-serifed', cv32 = 8
      Single-storey g with top-right serif and flat terminal hook
      g = 'single-storey-earless-corner-flat-hook', cv32 = 9
      Earless (cornered top-right) single-storey g with flat terminal hook
      g = 'single-storey-earless-rounded-flat-hook', cv32 = 10
      Earless (rounded top-right) single-storey g with flat terminal hook
    • Styles for h:
      h = 'straight', cv33 = 1
      h with straight ending (default)
      h = 'tailed', cv33 = 2
      h with curly tailed ending
      h = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv33 = 3
      h with straight ending and motion serifs
      h = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv33 = 4
      h with curly tailed ending and motion serifs
      h = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv33 = 5
      h with straight ending and serif at top left
    • Styles for i:
      i = 'serifed', cv34 = 1
      Serifed i (default for Upright)
      i = 'zshaped', cv34 = 2
      Z-shaped i
      i = 'serifless', cv34 = 3
      i like a straight line
      i = 'hooky', cv34 = 4
      Hooky i
      i = 'hooky-bottom', cv34 = 5
      i with a sharp-turning horizontal tail
      i = 'serifed-asymmetric', cv34 = 6
      i with shorter top serif and full bottom serif
      i = 'tailed', cv34 = 7
      i with curly tail
      i = 'tailed-serifed', cv34 = 8
      i with top serif and curly tail (default for Italic)
      i = 'flat-tailed', cv34 = 9
      i with curly-then-flat tail
      i = 'serifed-flat-tailed', cv34 = 10
      i with top serif and curly-then-flat tail
      i = 'diagonal-tailed', cv34 = 11
      i with diagonal tail
      i = 'serifed-diagonal-tailed', cv34 = 12
      i with top serif and diagonal tail
    • Styles for j:
      j = 'serifless', cv35 = 1
      j without serif
      j = 'serifed', cv35 = 2
      j with top serif (default)
      j = 'straight-line', cv35 = 3
      j like a straight line
      j = 'hooky', cv35 = 4
      j like a straight line with top serif
      j = 'flat-hook-serifless', cv35 = 5
      j with flat terminal hook
      j = 'flat-hook-serifed', cv35 = 6
      j with flat terminal hook and top serif
      j = 'diagonal-tailed-serifless', cv35 = 7
      j with diagonal tail
      j = 'diagonal-tailed-serifed', cv35 = 8
      j with top serif and diagonal tail
    • Styles for k:
      k = 'straight-serifless', cv36 = 1
      k with standard shape, and without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
      k = 'curly-serifless', cv36 = 2
      Slightly curly k, like Iosevka 2.x, and without serifs
      k = 'cursive-serifless', cv36 = 3
      k with a cursive loop, and without serifs (default for Sans Italic)
      k = 'diagonal-tailed-cursive-serifless', cv36 = 4
      k with a cursive loop and diagonal tail, and without serifs
      k = 'symmetric-touching-serifless', cv36 = 5
      k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and without serifs
      k = 'symmetric-connected-serifless', cv36 = 6
      k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and without serifs
      k = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 7
      k with serifs at top left
      k = 'curly-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 8
      Slightly curly k, like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at top left
      k = 'cursive-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 9
      k with a cursive loop and serifs at top left
      k = 'diagonal-tailed-cursive-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 10
      k with a cursive loop, diagonal tail and serifs at top left (default for Slab Italic)
      k = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 11
      k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar and serifs at top left
      k = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-serifed', cv36 = 12
      k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar and serifs at top left
      k = 'straight-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 13
      k with serifs at bottom right
      k = 'curly-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 14
      Slightly curly k, like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at bottom right
      k = 'cursive-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 15
      k with a cursive loop and serifs at bottom right
      k = 'symmetric-touching-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 16
      k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar and serifs at bottom right
      k = 'symmetric-connected-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 17
      k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar and serifs at bottom right
      k = 'straight-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 18
      k with serifs at top left and bottom right
      k = 'curly-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 19
      Slightly curly k, like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at top left and bottom right
      k = 'cursive-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 20
      k with a cursive loop and serifs at top left and bottom right
      k = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 21
      k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar and serifs at top left and bottom right
      k = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv36 = 22
      k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar and serifs at top left and bottom right
      k = 'straight-serifed', cv36 = 23
      k with serifs (default for Slab Upright)
      k = 'curly-serifed', cv36 = 24
      Slightly curly k, like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs
      k = 'cursive-serifed', cv36 = 25
      k with a cursive loop and serifs
      k = 'symmetric-touching-serifed', cv36 = 26
      k with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar and serifs
      k = 'symmetric-connected-serifed', cv36 = 27
      k with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar and serifs
    • Styles for l:
      l = 'serifed', cv37 = 1
      Serifed l (default for Upright)
      l = 'serifless', cv37 = 2
      l like a straight line
      l = 'hooky', cv37 = 3
      Hooky l
      l = 'zshaped', cv37 = 4
      Z-shaped l
      l = 'hooky-bottom', cv37 = 5
      l with a straight sharp-turning horizontal tail
      l = 'serifed-asymmetric', cv37 = 6
      l with shorter top serif and full bottom serif
      l = 'tailed', cv37 = 7
      l with curly tail
      l = 'tailed-serifed', cv37 = 8
      l with top serif and curly tail (default for Italic)
      l = 'flat-tailed', cv37 = 9
      l with curly-then-flat tail
      l = 'serifed-flat-tailed', cv37 = 10
      l with top serif and curly-then-flat tail
      l = 'diagonal-tailed', cv37 = 11
      l with diagonal tail
      l = 'serifed-diagonal-tailed', cv37 = 12
      l with top serif and diagonal tail
    • Styles for m:
      m = 'normal', cv38 = 1
      m with normal middle leg, touching the baseline (default)
      m = 'short-leg', cv38 = 2
      m with shorter middle leg, like Ubuntu Mono
      m = 'tailed', cv38 = 3
      m with normal middle leg, touching the baseline, and a curly tail
      m = 'short-leg-tailed', cv38 = 4
      m with shorter middle leg, like Ubuntu Mono, and a curly tail
      m = 'earless-corner-double-arch', cv38 = 5
      Earless (corner top-left) m with normal middle leg touching baseline
      m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-short-leg', cv38 = 6
      Earless (corner top-left) m with a shorter middle leg like Ubuntu Mono
      m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-tailed', cv38 = 7
      Earless (corner top-left) m with normal middle leg touching baseline, and a curly tail
      m = 'earless-corner-double-arch-short-leg-tailed', cv38 = 8
      Earless (corner top-left) m with a shorter middle leg like Ubuntu Mono, and a curly tail
      m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch', cv38 = 9
      Earless (rounded top-left) m with normal middle leg touching baseline
      m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-short-leg', cv38 = 10
      Earless (rounded top-left) m with a shorter middle leg like Ubuntu Mono
      m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-tailed', cv38 = 11
      Earless (rounded top-left) m with normal middle leg touching baseline, and a curly tail
      m = 'earless-rounded-double-arch-short-leg-tailed', cv38 = 12
      Earless (rounded top-left) m with a shorter middle leg like Ubuntu Mono, and a curly tail
      m = 'earless-single-arch', cv38 = 13
      Earless (single-arch) m with normal middle leg touching baseline
      m = 'earless-single-arch-short-leg', cv38 = 14
      Earless (single-arch) m with a shorter middle leg like Ubuntu Mono
      m = 'earless-single-arch-tailed', cv38 = 15
      Earless (single-arch) m with normal middle leg touching baseline, and a curly tail
      m = 'earless-single-arch-short-leg-tailed', cv38 = 16
      Earless (single-arch) m with a shorter middle leg like Ubuntu Mono, and a curly tail
      m = 'top-left-serifed', cv38 = 17
      m with serif at top left, normal middle leg touching baseline
      m = 'short-leg-top-left-serifed', cv38 = 18
      m with serif at top left, a shorter middle leg like Ubuntu Mono
      m = 'tailed-top-left-serifed', cv38 = 19
      m with serif at top left, normal middle leg touching baseline, and a curly tail
      m = 'short-leg-tailed-top-left-serifed', cv38 = 20
      m with serif at top left, a shorter middle leg like Ubuntu Mono, and a curly tail
      m = 'top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 21
      m with serifs at top left and bottom right, normal middle leg touching baseline
      m = 'short-leg-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv38 = 22
      m with serifs at top left and bottom right, a shorter middle leg like Ubuntu Mono
    • Styles for n:
      n = 'straight', cv39 = 1
      n with straight ending (default)
      n = 'tailed', cv39 = 2
      n with a curly tail
      n = 'earless-corner-straight', cv39 = 3
      Earless (corner top-left) n with straight ending
      n = 'earless-corner-tailed', cv39 = 4
      Earless (corner top-left) n with a curly tail
      n = 'earless-rounded-straight', cv39 = 5
      Earless (rounded top-left) n with straight ending
      n = 'earless-rounded-tailed', cv39 = 6
      Earless (rounded top-left) n with a curly tail
      n = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv39 = 7
      n with motion serifs and straight ending
      n = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv39 = 8
      n with motion serifs and a curly tail
      n = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv39 = 9
      n with motion serifs at top left and straight ending
    • Styles for p:
      p = 'eared', cv40 = 1
      p with top-left ear (default)
      p = 'earless-corner', cv40 = 2
      p without top-left ear (corner)
      p = 'earless-rounded', cv40 = 3
      p without top-left ear (rounded)
      p = 'motion-serifed', cv40 = 4
      p with motion serifs
    • Styles for q:
      q = 'straight', cv41 = 1
      q with straight bar (default)
      q = 'earless-corner', cv41 = 2
      Earless (cornered top-left) single-storey q
      q = 'earless-rounded', cv41 = 3
      Earless (rounded top-left) single-storey q
      q = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv41 = 4
      q with straight bar and motion serifs
      q = 'tailed', cv41 = 5
      q with tail
      q = 'earless-corner-tailed', cv41 = 6
      Earless (cornered top-left) single-storey q with curly tail
      q = 'earless-rounded-tailed', cv41 = 7
      Earless (rounded top-left) single-storey q with curly tail
      q = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv41 = 8
      q with tail and motion serifs
      q = 'diagonal-tailed', cv41 = 9
      q with diagonal tail
      q = 'earless-corner-diagonal-tailed', cv41 = 10
      Earless (cornered top-left) single-storey q with curly diagonal tail
      q = 'earless-rounded-diagonal-tailed', cv41 = 11
      Earless (rounded top-left) single-storey q with curly diagonal tail
      q = 'diagonal-tailed-motion-serifed', cv41 = 12
      q with diagonal tail and motion serifs
    • Styles for r:
      r = 'serifless', cv42 = 1
      Straight, serif-less r (default for Sans)
      r = 'serifed', cv42 = 2
      r with serif at both top and bottom (default for Slab Upright)
      r = 'top-serifed', cv42 = 3
      r with serifs at top-left only (default for Slab Italic)
      r = 'base-serifed', cv42 = 4
      r with serifs at top-left only
      r = 'earless-corner', cv42 = 5
      Earless (corner top-left), serif-less r
      r = 'earless-corner-serifed', cv42 = 6
      Earless (corner top-left), serifed r
      r = 'earless-rounded', cv42 = 7
      Earless (rounded top-left), serif-less r
      r = 'earless-rounded-serifed', cv42 = 8
      Earless (rounded top-left), serifed r
      r = 'hookless', cv42 = 9
      Hookless, serifless r
      r = 'hookless-serifed', cv42 = 10
      Hookless r with top and bottom serifs
      r = 'hookless-top-serifed', cv42 = 11
      Hookless r with top serif
      r = 'hookless-base-serifed', cv42 = 12
      Hookless r with bottom serif
      r = 'corner-hooked', cv42 = 13
      r with vertical corner hook downwards
      r = 'corner-hooked-serifed', cv42 = 14
      r with vertical corner hook downwards, top and bottom serifs
      r = 'corner-hooked-top-serifed', cv42 = 15
      r with vertical corner hook downwards and top serif
      r = 'corner-hooked-base-serifed', cv42 = 16
      r with vertical corner hook downwards and bottom serif
      r = 'compact', cv42 = 17
      Hookless and compact, serifless r. Identical to compact for monospace fonts
      r = 'compact-serifed', cv42 = 18
      Hookless and compact r with top and bottom serifs. Identical to compact-serifed for monospace fonts
      r = 'compact-top-serifed', cv42 = 19
      Hookless and compact r with top serif. Identical to compact-top-serifed for monospace fonts
      r = 'compact-base-serifed', cv42 = 20
      Hookless and compact r with bottom serif. Identical to compact-base-serifed for monospace fonts
    • Styles for s:
      s = 'serifless', cv43 = 1
      Serifless s (default for Sans)
      s = 'unilateral-serifed', cv43 = 2
      s with single serif at top
      s = 'bilateral-serifed', cv43 = 3
      s with serifs at both end (default for Slab Upright)
      s = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv43 = 4
      s with single inward serif at top
      s = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv43 = 5
      s with inward serifs at both end (default for Slab Italic)
    • Styles for t:
      t = 'standard', cv44 = 1
      Standard t shape (default)
      t = 'flat-hook', cv44 = 2
      t with flat hook
      t = 'diagonal-tailed', cv44 = 3
      t with diagonal tail
      t = 'cross', cv44 = 4
      Futura-like t shape
      t = 'hookless-asymmetric', cv44 = 5
      t without hook and with ony half the cross bar
      t = 'standard-short-neck', cv44 = 6
      Standard t shape with a shorter neck
      t = 'flat-hook-short-neck', cv44 = 7
      t with flat hook and a slightly shorter neck
      t = 'diagonal-tailed-short-neck', cv44 = 8
      t with diagonal tail and a shorter neck
      t = 'cross-short-neck', cv44 = 9
      Futura-like t shape with a shorter neck
      t = 'hookless-asymmetric-short-neck', cv44 = 10
      t without hook, with ony half the cross bar and a shorter neck
      t = 'standard-short-neck2', cv44 = 11
      Standard t shape with a more shorter neck
      t = 'flat-hook-short-neck2', cv44 = 12
      t with flat hook and a more shorter neck
      t = 'diagonal-tailed-short-neck2', cv44 = 13
      t with diagonal tail and a more shorter neck
      t = 'cross-short-neck2', cv44 = 14
      Futura-like t shape with a more shorter neck
      t = 'hookless-asymmetric-short-neck2', cv44 = 15
      t without hook, with ony half the cross bar and a more shorter neck
    • Styles for u:
      u = 'toothed', cv45 = 1
      Normal u with bottom-right tooth (default for Upright)
      u = 'toothless-corner', cv45 = 2
      Toothless (corner bottom-right) u
      u = 'toothless-rounded', cv45 = 3
      Toothless (rounded) u, like a smaller uppercase U
      u = 'tailed', cv45 = 4
      u with right bar and a slightly curly tail (default for Italic)
      u = 'motion-serifed', cv45 = 5
      Normal u with right bar and motion serifs
      u = 'tailed-motion-serifed', cv45 = 6
      u with right bar, motion serifs and a slightly curly tail
      u = 'toothless-corner-motion-serifed', cv45 = 7
      Toothless (corner bottom-right) u with motion serifs
      u = 'toothless-rounded-motion-serifed', cv45 = 8
      Toothless (rounded) u with motion serifs
      u = 'bottom-right-serifed', cv45 = 9
      u with right bar and a slightly curly tail
    • Styles for v:
      v = 'straight', cv46 = 1
      Standard, straight v (default for Sans Upright, Sans Italic, Slab Upright)
      v = 'curly', cv46 = 2
      Slightly curly v, like Iosevka 2.x
      v = 'cursive', cv46 = 3
      Cursive v
      v = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv46 = 4
      Standard, straight v, with motion serifs (default for Slab Italic)
      v = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv46 = 5
      Slightly curly v, like Iosevka 2.x, with motion serifs
      v = 'cursive-serifed', cv46 = 6
      Cursive v with motion serifs
    • Styles for w:
      w = 'straight', cv47 = 1
      Standard, straight w (default for Sans Upright, Sans Italic, Slab Upright)
      w = 'curly', cv47 = 2
      Slightly curly w, like Iosevka 2.x
      w = 'straight-flat-top', cv47 = 3
      Standard, straight w, and the middle is forced to be aligned the top
      w = 'straight-double-v', cv47 = 4
      Straight w looks like double V
      w = 'straight-asymmetric', cv47 = 5
      Straight w looks asymmetric
      w = 'straight-vertical-sides', cv47 = 6
      Straight w with vertical sides
      w = 'cursive', cv47 = 7
      Cursive w
      w = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv47 = 8
      Standard, straight w, with motion serifs (default for Slab Italic)
      w = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv47 = 9
      Slightly curly w, like Iosevka 2.x, with motion serifs
      w = 'straight-flat-top-motion-serifed', cv47 = 10
      Standard, straight w, and the middle is forced to be aligned the top, with motion serifs
      w = 'straight-double-v-motion-serifed', cv47 = 11
      Straight w looks like double V, with motion serifs
      w = 'straight-asymmetric-motion-serifed', cv47 = 12
      Straight w looks asymmetric, with motion serifs
      w = 'straight-vertical-sides-motion-serifed', cv47 = 13
      Straight w with vertical sides and motion serifs
      w = 'cursive-motion-serifed', cv47 = 14
      Cursive w with motion serifs
    • Styles for x:
      x = 'straight-serifless', cv48 = 1
      Serifless, straight x (default for Sans)
      x = 'curly-serifless', cv48 = 2
      Serifless, slightly curly x, like Iosevka 2.x
      x = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv48 = 3
      Straight x with motion serifs
      x = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv48 = 4
      Slightly curly x, like Iosevka 2.x, with motion serifs
      x = 'straight-serifed', cv48 = 5
      Straight x with full serifs (default for Slab Upright)
      x = 'curly-serifed', cv48 = 6
      Slightly curly x, like Iosevka 2.x, with full serifs
      x = 'cursive', cv48 = 7
      Cursive x (default for Slab Italic)
    • Styles for y:
      y = 'straight', cv49 = 1
      Letter y that is fully straight (default for Sans Upright)
      y = 'straight-turn', cv49 = 2
      Letter y with straight upper and a tail turns leftward (default for Slab Upright)
      y = 'curly', cv49 = 3
      More curly letter y, like Iosevka 2.x
      y = 'curly-turn', cv49 = 4
      More curly letter y, like Iosevka 2.x, with a tail turns leftward
      y = 'cursive', cv49 = 5
      Cursive-like y (default for Italic)
      y = 'cursive-flat-hook', cv49 = 6
      Cursive-like y with flat terminal hook
      y = 'straight-motion-serifed', cv49 = 7
      Letter y that is fully straight, with motion serifs
      y = 'straight-turn-motion-serifed', cv49 = 8
      Letter y with straight upper and a tail turns leftward, and motion serifs
      y = 'curly-motion-serifed', cv49 = 9
      More curly letter y, like Iosevka 2.x, with motion serifs
      y = 'curly-turn-motion-serifed', cv49 = 10
      More curly letter y, like Iosevka 2.x, with a tail turns leftward and motion serifs
      y = 'cursive-motion-serifed', cv49 = 11
      Cursive-like y, with motion serifs
      y = 'cursive-flat-hook-motion-serifed', cv49 = 12
      Cursive-like y with flat terminal hook, and motion serifs
    • Styles for z:
      z = 'straight-serifless', cv50 = 1
      Straight z without serifs (default for Sans)
      z = 'straight-serifless-with-crossbar', cv50 = 2
      Straight z with a diagonal crossbar, and without serifs
      z = 'straight-serifless-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 3
      Straight z with a horizontal crossbar, and without serifs
      z = 'curly-serifless', cv50 = 4
      Curly z without serifs
      z = 'curly-serifless-with-crossbar', cv50 = 5
      Curly z with a diagonal crossbar, and without serifs
      z = 'curly-serifless-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 6
      Curly z with a horizontal crossbar, and without serifs
      z = 'straight-serifed', cv50 = 7
      Straight z with top and bottom serifs (default for Slab Upright)
      z = 'straight-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 8
      Straight z with a diagonal crossbar and serifs
      z = 'straight-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 9
      Straight z with a horizontal crossbar and serifs
      z = 'curly-serifed', cv50 = 10
      Curly z with top and bottom serifs
      z = 'curly-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 11
      Curly z with a diagonal crossbar and serifs
      z = 'curly-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 12
      Curly z with a horizontal crossbar and serifs
      z = 'straight-bottom-serifed', cv50 = 13
      Standard z with serif at bottom
      z = 'straight-bottom-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 14
      Standard z with a diagonal crossbar and serif at bottom
      z = 'straight-bottom-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 15
      Standard z with a horizontal crossbar and serif at bottom
      z = 'curly-bottom-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 16
      Curly z with serif at bottom
      z = 'curly-bottom-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 17
      Curly z with a diagonal crossbar and serif at bottom
      z = 'curly-bottom-serifed', cv50 = 18
      Curly z with a horizontal crossbar and serif at bottom
      z = 'straight-top-serifed', cv50 = 19
      Standard z with serif at top
      z = 'straight-top-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 20
      Standard z with a diagonal crossbar and serif at top
      z = 'straight-top-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 21
      Standard z with a horizontal crossbar and serif at top
      z = 'curly-top-serifed', cv50 = 22
      Curly z with serif at top
      z = 'curly-top-serifed-with-crossbar', cv50 = 23
      Curly z with a diagonal crossbar and serif at top
      z = 'curly-top-serifed-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 24
      Curly z with a horizontal crossbar and serif at top
      z = 'cursive', cv50 = 25
      Cursive z (default for Slab Italic)
      z = 'cursive-with-crossbar', cv50 = 26
      Cursive z with a diagonal cross bar
      z = 'cursive-with-horizontal-crossbar', cv50 = 27
      Cursive z with a horizontal cross bar
    • Styles for ſ (Long-S):
      long-s = 'bent-hook', cv51 = 1
      Long-S with standard bending hook (default for Upright)
      long-s = 'flat-hook', cv51 = 2
      Long-S with flat hook
      long-s = 'bent-hook-descending', cv51 = 3
      Long-S with standard bending hook and descends baseline
      long-s = 'flat-hook-descending', cv51 = 4
      Long-S with flat hook and descends baseline
      long-s = 'bent-hook-tailed', cv51 = 5
      Long-S with standard bending hook and tail
      long-s = 'flat-hook-tailed', cv51 = 6
      Long-S with flat hook and tail (default for Italic)
    • Styles for ß (Eszet):
      eszet = 'traditional', cv52 = 1
      Traditional, Fraktur-like Eszet (ß)
      eszet = 'traditional-descending', cv52 = 2
      Traditional, Fraktur-like Eszet (ß) with descending bar
      eszet = 'traditional-tailed', cv52 = 3
      Traditional, Fraktur-like Eszet (ß) with descending tail
      eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook', cv52 = 4
      Traditional, Fraktur-like Eszet (ß) with flat hook
      eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-descending', cv52 = 5
      Traditional, Fraktur-like Eszet (ß) with flat hook and descending bar
      eszet = 'traditional-flat-hook-tailed', cv52 = 6
      Traditional, Fraktur-like Eszet (ß) with flat hook and descending tail
      eszet = 'sulzbacher', cv52 = 7
      More modern, beta-like Eszet (ß) (default for Upright)
      eszet = 'sulzbacher-descending', cv52 = 8
      More modern, beta-like Eszet (ß) with descending bar
      eszet = 'sulzbacher-tailed', cv52 = 9
      More modern, beta-like Eszet (ß) with descending tail (default for Italic)
      eszet = 'longs-s-lig', cv52 = 10
      Eszet (ß) shown as a ligature of long-S (ſ) and s
      eszet = 'longs-s-lig-descending', cv52 = 11
      Eszet (ß) shown as a ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, with descending bar
      eszet = 'longs-s-lig-tailed', cv52 = 12
      Eszet (ß) shown as a ligature of long-S (ſ) and s, with descending tail
    • Styles for Λ, Δ (Greek capital Lambda (Λ) and Greek capital Delta (Δ)):
      turn-v = 'straight', cv53 = 1
      Standard, straight Greek capital Lambda (Λ) and Greek capital Delta (Δ) (default)
      turn-v = 'curly', cv53 = 2
      Slightly curly Greek capital Lambda (Λ) and Greek capital Delta (Δ), like Iosevka 2.x
    • Styles for α (Greek lower Alpha):
      lower-alpha = 'crossing', cv54 = 1
      Greek lower Alpha (α) with a cross-like shape at right (default)
      lower-alpha = 'tailed-barred', cv54 = 2
      Greek lower Alpha (α) with a straight right bar and tail
    • Styles for δ (Greek lower Delta):
      lower-delta = 'rounded', VXAA = 1
      Greek lower Delta (δ) with rounded top (default)
      lower-delta = 'flat-top', VXAA = 2
      Greek lower Delta (δ) with flat top
    • Styles for Γ (Greek capital Gamma):
      capital-gamma = 'serifless', cv55 = 1
      Standard capital Gamma (Γ) without serifs (default for Sans)
      capital-gamma = 'top-right-serifed', cv55 = 2
      Standard capital Gamma (Γ) with serifs at top right
      capital-gamma = 'serifed', cv55 = 3
      Standard capital Gamma (Γ) with motion serifs at top and bottom (default for Slab)
    • Styles for ι (Greek lower Iota):
      lower-iota = 'zshaped', cv56 = 1
      Z-shaped Greek lower Iota (ι)
      lower-iota = 'hooky-bottom', cv56 = 2
      Greek lower Iota (ι) with a sharp-turning horizontal tail
      lower-iota = 'tailed', cv56 = 3
      Greek lower Iota (ι) with curly tail
      lower-iota = 'tailed-serifed', cv56 = 4
      Greek lower Iota (ι) with top serif and curly tail
      lower-iota = 'flat-tailed', cv56 = 5
      Greek lower Iota (ι) with a curly-then-flat tail
      lower-iota = 'serifed-flat-tailed', cv56 = 6
      Greek lower Iota (ι) with top serif and a curly-then-flat tail (default)
    • Styles for λ (Greek small Lambda):
      lower-lambda = 'straight', cv57 = 1
      More-straight Greek small Lambda (λ) (default for Sans Upright, Sans Italic, Slab Italic)
      lower-lambda = 'straight-turn', cv57 = 2
      Greek small Lambda (λ) with straight upper and a tail turns leftward (default for Slab Upright)
      lower-lambda = 'curly', cv57 = 3
      More curly Greek small Lambda (λ), like Iosevka 2.x
      lower-lambda = 'curly-turn', cv57 = 4
      More curly Greek small Lambda (λ), like Iosevka 2.x, with a tail turns leftward
    • Styles for μ (Greek small Mu):
      lower-mu = 'tailless', VXAC = 1
      Tailless Greek small Mu (μ)
      lower-mu = 'tailed', VXAC = 2
      Tailed Greek small Mu (μ) (default)
    • Styles for ξ (Greek lower Xi):
      lower-xi = 'rounded', VXAB = 1
      Greek lower Xi (ξ) with rounded top
      lower-xi = 'flat-top', VXAB = 2
      Greek lower Xi (ξ) with flat top (default)
    • Styles for Ж (Cyrillic Capital Zhe):
      cyrl-capital-zhe = 'straight', VXAD = 1
      Cyrillic Capital Lower Zhe (Ж) with straight legs
      cyrl-capital-zhe = 'curly', VXAD = 2
      Cyrillic Capital Lower Zhe (Ж) with curly legs
      cyrl-capital-zhe = 'symmetric-touching', VXAD = 3
      Cyrillic Capital Lower Zhe (Ж) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar
      cyrl-capital-zhe = 'symmetric-connected', VXAD = 4
      Cyrillic Capital Lower Zhe (Ж) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar (default)
    • Styles for ж (Cyrillic Zhe):
      cyrl-zhe = 'straight', VXAE = 1
      Cyrillic Lower Zhe (ж) with straight legs
      cyrl-zhe = 'curly', VXAE = 2
      Cyrillic Lower Zhe (ж) with curly legs
      cyrl-zhe = 'symmetric-touching', VXAE = 3
      Cyrillic Lower Zhe (ж) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar
      cyrl-zhe = 'symmetric-connected', VXAE = 4
      Cyrillic Lower Zhe (ж) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar (default)
    • Styles for З (Cyrillic Capital Ze):
      cyrl-capital-ze = 'serifless', cv58 = 1
      Serifless Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) (default for Sans)
      cyrl-capital-ze = 'unilateral-serifed', cv58 = 2
      Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) with serif (default for Slab)
      cyrl-capital-ze = 'bilateral-serifed', cv58 = 3
      Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) with serif
      cyrl-capital-ze = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv58 = 4
      Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) with inward serif
      cyrl-capital-ze = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv58 = 5
      Cyrillic Capital Ze (З) with inward serif
    • Styles for з (Cyrillic Lower Ze):
      cyrl-ze = 'serifless', cv59 = 1
      Serifless Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) (default for Sans)
      cyrl-ze = 'unilateral-serifed', cv59 = 2
      Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) with serif (default for Slab)
      cyrl-ze = 'bilateral-serifed', cv59 = 3
      Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) with serif
      cyrl-ze = 'unilateral-inward-serifed', cv59 = 4
      Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) with inward serif
      cyrl-ze = 'bilateral-inward-serifed', cv59 = 5
      Cyrillic Lower Ze (з) with inward serif
    • Styles for К (Cyrillic Capital Ka):
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-serifless', cv60 = 1
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with standard shape
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-serifless', cv60 = 2
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) , like Iosevka 2.x
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-serifless', cv60 = 3
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-serifless', cv60 = 4
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar (default for Sans)
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv60 = 5
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with standard shape and serifs at top left
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-top-left-serifed', cv60 = 6
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) , like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at top left
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-serifed', cv60 = 7
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-serifed', cv60 = 8
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-bottom-right-serifed', cv60 = 9
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with standard shape and serifs at bottom right
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-bottom-right-serifed', cv60 = 10
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) , like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at bottom right
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-bottom-right-serifed', cv60 = 11
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-bottom-right-serifed', cv60 = 12
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-serifed', cv60 = 13
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with standard shape and serifs
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-serifed', cv60 = 14
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) , like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-serifed', cv60 = 15
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-serifed', cv60 = 16
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs (default for Slab)
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'straight-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv60 = 17
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with standard shape and serifs at top left and bottom right
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'curly-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv60 = 18
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) , like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at top left and bottom right
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv60 = 19
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
      cyrl-capital-ka = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv60 = 20
      Cyrillic Capital Ka (К) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
    • Styles for к (Cyrillic Ka):
      cyrl-ka = 'straight-serifless', cv61 = 1
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with standard shape, and without serifs
      cyrl-ka = 'curly-serifless', cv61 = 2
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) , like Iosevka 2.x, and without serifs
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-serifless', cv61 = 3
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and without serifs
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-serifless', cv61 = 4
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and without serifs (default for Sans)
      cyrl-ka = 'straight-top-left-serifed', cv61 = 5
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with standard shape and serifs at top left
      cyrl-ka = 'curly-top-left-serifed', cv61 = 6
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) , like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at top left
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-serifed', cv61 = 7
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-serifed', cv61 = 8
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left (default for Slab Italic)
      cyrl-ka = 'straight-bottom-right-serifed', cv61 = 9
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with standard shape and serifs at bottom right
      cyrl-ka = 'curly-bottom-right-serifed', cv61 = 10
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) , like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at bottom right
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-bottom-right-serifed', cv61 = 11
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-bottom-right-serifed', cv61 = 12
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at bottom right
      cyrl-ka = 'straight-serifed', cv61 = 13
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with standard shape and serifs
      cyrl-ka = 'curly-serifed', cv61 = 14
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) , like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-serifed', cv61 = 15
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-serifed', cv61 = 16
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs (default for Slab Upright)
      cyrl-ka = 'straight-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv61 = 17
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with standard shape and serifs at top left and bottom right
      cyrl-ka = 'curly-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv61 = 18
      Slightly curly Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) , like Iosevka 2.x, with serifs at top left and bottom right
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-touching-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv61 = 19
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs touching the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
      cyrl-ka = 'symmetric-connected-top-left-and-bottom-right-serifed', cv61 = 20
      Cyrillic Lower Ka (к) with symmetric legs connected to the vertical bar, and serifs at top left and bottom right
    • Styles for л (Cyrillic Lower El):
      cyrl-el = 'straight', cv62 = 1
      Cyrillic Lower El (л) with standard shape (default)
      cyrl-el = 'tailed', cv62 = 2
      Cyrillic Lower El (л) with tail shape
    • Styles for н (Cyrillic Lower En):
      cyrl-en = 'serifless', cv63 = 1
      Cyrillic Lower En (н) with standard shape (default for Sans)
      cyrl-en = 'tailed-serifless', cv63 = 2
      Cyrillic Lower En (н) with tail
      cyrl-en = 'top-left-serifed', cv63 = 3
      Cyrillic Lower En (н) with outward serifs only at top left
      cyrl-en = 'tailed-top-left-serifed', cv63 = 4
      Cyrillic Lower En (н) with tail and outward serifs only at top left
      cyrl-en = 'top-left-bottom-right-serifed', cv63 = 5
      Cyrillic Lower En (н) with outward serifs only at top left and bottom right (default for Slab Italic)
      cyrl-en = 'serifed', cv63 = 6
      Cyrillic Lower En (н) with full serifs (default for Slab Upright)
      cyrl-en = 'tailed-serifed', cv63 = 7
      Cyrillic Lower En (н) with tail and full serifs
    • Styles for ф (Cyrillic Lower Ef):
      cyrl-ef = 'serifless', cv64 = 1
      Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with standard shape and without serifs (default for Sans Upright)
      cyrl-ef = 'cursive', cv64 = 2
      Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with cursive shape (default for Italic)
      cyrl-ef = 'top-serifed', cv64 = 3
      Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with standard shape and serif at top
      cyrl-ef = 'serifed', cv64 = 4
      Cyrillic Lower Ef (ф) with standard shape and serifs at top and bottom (default for Slab Upright)
    • Styles for ч (Cyrillic Lower Che):
      cyrl-che = 'standard', cv65 = 1
      Cyrillic Lower Che (ч) with standard shape (default)
      cyrl-che = 'tailed', cv65 = 2
      Cyrillic Lower Che (ч) with tail
    • Styles for У (Cyrillic Capital U):
      cyrl-capital-u = 'straight', cv66 = 1
      Cyrillic capital U (У) that is fully straight (default for Sans)
      cyrl-capital-u = 'straight-turn', cv66 = 2
      Cyrillic capital U (У) with straight upper and a tail turns leftward (default for Slab)
      cyrl-capital-u = 'curly', cv66 = 3
      More curly Cyrillic capital U (У), like Iosevka 2.x
      cyrl-capital-u = 'curly-turn', cv66 = 4
      More curly Cyrillic capital U (У), like Iosevka 2.x, with a tail turns leftward
      cyrl-capital-u = 'cursive', cv66 = 5
      Cursive-like Cyrillic capital U (У)
      cyrl-capital-u = 'cursive-flat-hook', cv66 = 6
      Cursive-like Cyrillic capital U (У) with flat terminal hook
    • Styles for Я (Cyrillic Capital Ya):
      cyrl-capital-ya = 'straight', cv67 = 1
      Standard, straight-leg Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) (default)
      cyrl-capital-ya = 'curly', cv67 = 2
      Slightly curly-legged Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я), like Iosevka 2.x
      cyrl-capital-ya = 'standing', cv67 = 3
      Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with near-vertical standing leg
      cyrl-capital-ya = 'straight-open', cv67 = 4
      Standard, straight-leg Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я), with open contour at bottom
      cyrl-capital-ya = 'curly-open', cv67 = 5
      Slightly curly-legged Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я), like Iosevka 2.x, with open contour at bottom
      cyrl-capital-ya = 'standing-open', cv67 = 6
      Cyrillic Capital Ya (Я) with near-vertical standing leg, with open contour at bottom
    • Styles for я (Cyrillic Lower Ya):
      cyrl-ya = 'straight', cv68 = 1
      Standard, straight-leg Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) (default)
      cyrl-ya = 'curly', cv68 = 2
      Slightly curly-legged Cyrillic Lower Ya (я), like Iosevka 2.x
      cyrl-ya = 'standing', cv68 = 3
      Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with near-vertical standing leg
      cyrl-ya = 'straight-open', cv68 = 4
      Standard, straight-leg Cyrillic Lower Ya (я), with open contour at bottom
      cyrl-ya = 'curly-open', cv68 = 5
      Slightly curly-legged Cyrillic Lower Ya (я), like Iosevka 2.x, with open contour at bottom
      cyrl-ya = 'standing-open', cv68 = 6
      Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with near-vertical standing leg, with open contour at bottom
      cyrl-ya = 'straight-tailed', cv68 = 7
      Standard, straight-leg Cyrillic Lower Ya (я), with tail
      cyrl-ya = 'curly-tailed', cv68 = 8
      Slightly curly-legged Cyrillic Lower Ya (я), like Iosevka 2.x, with tail
      cyrl-ya = 'standing-tailed', cv68 = 9
      Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with near-vertical standing leg
      cyrl-ya = 'straight-open-tailed', cv68 = 10
      Standard, straight-leg Cyrillic Lower Ya (я), with open contour at bottom and tail
      cyrl-ya = 'curly-open-tailed', cv68 = 11
      Slightly curly-legged Cyrillic Lower Ya (я), like Iosevka 2.x, with open contour at bottom and tail
      cyrl-ya = 'standing-open-tailed', cv68 = 12
      Cyrillic Lower Ya (я) with near-vertical standing leg, with open contour at bottom and tail
    • Styles for ь (Cyrillic Lower Yeri and related letters):
      cyrl-yeri = 'corner', cv69 = 1
      Cyrillic Lower Yeri (ь) with corner at bottom left (default for Upright)
      cyrl-yeri = 'round', cv69 = 2
      Cyrillic Lower Yeri (ь) with rounded shape (default for Sans Italic)
      cyrl-yeri = 'cursive', cv69 = 3
      Cyrillic Lower Yeri (ь) with cursive shape (default for Slab Italic)
    • Styles for ы (Cyrillic Lower Yery):
      cyrl-yery = 'corner', cv70 = 1
      Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with corner at bottom left (default for Upright)
      cyrl-yery = 'round', cv70 = 2
      Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with rounded shape (default for Sans Italic)
      cyrl-yery = 'cursive', cv70 = 3
      Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with cursive shape (default for Slab Italic)
      cyrl-yery = 'corner-tailed', cv70 = 4
      Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with corner at bottom left and tail
      cyrl-yery = 'round-tailed', cv70 = 5
      Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with rounded shape and tail
      cyrl-yery = 'cursive-tailed', cv70 = 6
      Cyrillic Lower Yery (ы) with cursive shape and tail
    • Styles for 0:
      zero = 'unslashed', cv71 = 1
      O-like Zero (0)
      zero = 'slashed', cv71 = 2
      Slashed Zero (0) (default)
      zero = 'reverse-slashed', cv71 = 3
      Reverse-slashed Zero (0)
      zero = 'dotted', cv71 = 4
      Dotted Zero (0)
      zero = 'long-dotted', cv71 = 5
      Long-dotted Zero (0) like Hack
      zero = 'slashed-split', cv71 = 6
      Slashed Zero (0) with slash separated from the outline
      zero = 'reverse-slashed-split', cv71 = 7
      Reverse-slashed Zero (0) with slash separated from the outline
      zero = 'unslashed-oval', cv71 = 8
      O-like Zero (0) but more round
      zero = 'slashed-oval', cv71 = 9
      Slashed Zero (0) but more round
      zero = 'reverse-slashed-oval', cv71 = 10
      Reverse-slashed Zero (0) but more round
      zero = 'dotted-oval', cv71 = 11
      Dotted Zero (0) but more round
      zero = 'long-dotted-oval', cv71 = 12
      Long-dotted Zero (0) like Hack but more round
      zero = 'slashed-split-oval', cv71 = 13
      Slashed Zero (0) with slash separated from the outline and more round
      zero = 'reverse-slashed-split-oval', cv71 = 14
      Reverse-slashed Zero (0) with slash separated from the outline and more round
    • Styles for 1:
      one = 'line', cv72 = 1
      1 drawn just like a straight line
      one = 'no-base', cv72 = 2
      1 without bottom serif (default for Sans)
      one = 'base', cv72 = 3
      1 with bottom serif (default for Slab)
      one = 'no-base-long-top-serif', cv72 = 4
      1 without bottom serif and with a long top serif
      one = 'base-long-top-serif', cv72 = 5
      1 with bottom serif and a long top serif
      one = 'no-base-flat-top-serif', cv72 = 6
      1 without bottom serif and with a flat top serif
      one = 'base-flat-top-serif', cv72 = 7
      1 with bottom serif and a flat top serif
      one = 'no-base-top-cut', cv72 = 8
      1 without bottom serif and with a diagonal cut at top
      one = 'base-top-cut', cv72 = 9
      1 with bottom serif and a diagonal cut at top
    • Styles for 2:
      two = 'straight-neck', cv73 = 1
      2 with straight neck
      two = 'curly-neck', cv73 = 2
      2 with curly neck (default)
    • Styles for 3:
      three = 'flat-top', cv74 = 1
      Flat top 3 (Like Museo Sans / Montserrat)
      three = 'two-arcs', cv74 = 2
      Arched top 3 (default)
    • Styles for 4:
      four = 'closed', cv75 = 1
      4 with closed contour
      four = 'closed-non-crossing', cv75 = 2
      4 with closed contour but the horizontal bar does not overflow the vertical bar
      four = 'semi-open', cv75 = 3
      4 with semi-open contour (default)
      four = 'semi-open-non-crossing', cv75 = 4
      4 with semi-open contour but the horizontal bar does not overflow the vertical bar
      four = 'open', cv75 = 5
      4 with open contour
      four = 'open-non-crossing', cv75 = 6
      4 with open contour but the horizontal bar does not overflow the vertical bar
    • Styles for 5:
      five = 'vertical-upper-left-bar', cv76 = 1
      5 with a vertical upper-left bar (default)
      five = 'oblique-upper-left-bar', cv76 = 2
      5 with an oblique upper-left bar
    • Styles for 6:
      six = 'closed-contour', cv77 = 1
      6 with a more closed contour
      six = 'open-contour', cv77 = 2
      6 with a more open contour
      six = 'straight-bar', cv77 = 3
      6 with a straight bar (default)
    • Styles for 7:
      seven = 'straight-serifless', cv78 = 1
      7 with straight stem and without serif (default for Sans)
      seven = 'straight-serifed', cv78 = 2
      7 with straight stem and initial serif (default for Slab)
      seven = 'bend-serifless', cv78 = 3
      7 with bend stem and without serif
      seven = 'bend-serifed', cv78 = 4
      7 with bend stem and initial serif
      seven = 'curly-serifless', cv78 = 5
      7 with curly stem and without serif
      seven = 'curly-serifed', cv78 = 6
      7 with curly stem and initial serif
      seven = 'straight-crossbar', cv78 = 7
      7 with straight stem and crossbar
      seven = 'straight-crossbar-serifed', cv78 = 8
      7 with straight stem, crossbar and initial serif
      seven = 'bend-crossbar', cv78 = 9
      7 with bend stem and crossbar
      seven = 'bend-crossbar-serifed', cv78 = 10
      7 with bend stem, crossbar and initial serif
      seven = 'curly-crossbar', cv78 = 11
      7 with curly stem and crossbar
      seven = 'curly-crossbar-serifed', cv78 = 12
      7 with curly stem, crossbar and initial serif
    • Styles for 8:
      eight = 'crossing', cv79 = 1
      8 with crossing middle part (default)
      eight = 'two-circles', cv79 = 2
      8 looks like two circles joined together
      eight = 'crossing-asymmetric', cv79 = 3
      8 looks asymmetric crossing middle part
    • Styles for 9:
      nine = 'closed-contour', cv80 = 1
      9 with a more closed contour
      nine = 'open-contour', cv80 = 2
      9 with a more open contour
      nine = 'straight-bar', cv80 = 3
      9 with a straight bar (default)
    • Styles for ~:
      tilde = 'high', cv81 = 1
      Higher tilde ~
      tilde = 'low', cv81 = 2
      Lower tilde ~ (default)
    • Styles for *:
      asterisk = 'penta-high', cv82 = 1
      Higher five-pointed asterisk * (default)
      asterisk = 'penta-low', cv82 = 2
      Lower five-pointed asterisk *
      asterisk = 'flip-penta-high', cv82 = 3
      Higher five-pointed and turned asterisk *
      asterisk = 'flip-penta-low', cv82 = 4
      Lower five-pointed and turned asterisk *
      asterisk = 'hex-high', cv82 = 5
      Higher six-pointed asterisk *
      asterisk = 'hex-low', cv82 = 6
      Lower six-pointed asterisk *
      asterisk = 'turn-hex-high', cv82 = 7
      Higher turned six-pointed asterisk *
      asterisk = 'turn-hex-low', cv82 = 8
      Lower turned six-pointed asterisk *
    • Styles for _:
      underscore = 'above-baseline', cv83 = 1
      Extra-high _, placed right below baseline
      underscore = 'high', cv83 = 2
      Higher underscore _, placed right below baseline (default)
      underscore = 'low', cv83 = 3
      Lower underscore _, placed right above descender line
    • Styles for :
      pilcrow = 'high', cv84 = 1
      Higher pilcrow sign (default)
      pilcrow = 'low', cv84 = 2
      Lower pilcrow sign
    • Styles for ^:
      caret = 'high', cv85 = 1
      Higher circumflex ^
      caret = 'medium', cv85 = 2
      Lower circumflex ^ (default)
      caret = 'low', cv85 = 3
      Lower circumflex ^
    • Styles for (, ):
      paren = 'normal', cv86 = 1
      Parenthesis with normal contour (default)
      paren = 'large-contour', cv86 = 2
      Parenthesis with larger contour, like that in Monaco
      paren = 'flat-arc', cv86 = 3
      Parenthesis with flat arc, like that in JetBrains Mono
    • Styles for {, }:
      brace = 'straight', cv87 = 1
      More straight braces
      brace = 'curly', cv87 = 2
      More curly braces (default)
      brace = 'curly-flat-boundary', cv87 = 3
      Curly braces with flat boundary shape
    • Styles for #:
      number-sign = 'upright', cv88 = 1
      Number sign with vertical bars (default)
      number-sign = 'slanted', cv88 = 2
      Number sign with slanted bars
      number-sign = 'upright-open', cv88 = 3
      Number sign with vertical bars and open inner
      number-sign = 'slanted-open', cv88 = 4
      Number sign with slanted bars and open inner
      number-sign = 'upright-tall', cv88 = 5
      Number sign with vertical bars and taller than digits
      number-sign = 'slanted-tall', cv88 = 6
      Number sign with slanted bars and taller than digits
      number-sign = 'upright-open-tall', cv88 = 7
      Number sign with vertical bars, open inner, and taller than digits
      number-sign = 'slanted-open-tall', cv88 = 8
      Number sign with slanted bars, open inner, and taller than digits
    • Styles for &:
      ampersand = 'closed', cv89 = 1
      Ampersand (&) with a closed contour (default)
      ampersand = 'upper-open', cv89 = 2
      Ampersand (&) with an open contour at upper half
      ampersand = 'lower-open', cv89 = 3
      Ampersand (&) with an open contour at lower half
      ampersand = 'flat-top', cv89 = 4
      Ampersand (&) drawn with a flat top
      ampersand = 'et-toothed', cv89 = 5
      Ampersand (&) drawn like a ligature of Ɛ and t with tooth
      ampersand = 'et-toothless-corner', cv89 = 6
      Ampersand (&) drawn like a ligature of Ɛ and t without tooth (corner)
      ampersand = 'et-toothless-rounded', cv89 = 7
      Ampersand (&) drawn like a ligature of Ɛ and t without tooth (rounded)
      ampersand = 'et-tailed', cv89 = 8
      Ampersand (&) drawn like a ligature of Ɛ and t with tail
    • Styles for @:
      at = 'threefold', cv90 = 1
      The three-fold At symbol (@) (default)
      at = 'fourfold', cv90 = 2
      The traditional, four-fold At symbol (@)
      at = 'fourfold-solid-inner', cv90 = 3
      The four-fold At symbol (@) with inner loop being solid
      at = 'threefold-tall', cv90 = 4
      The three-fold At symbol (@) with taller outline
      at = 'fourfold-tall', cv90 = 5
      The traditional, four-fold At symbol (@) with taller outline
      at = 'fourfold-solid-inner-tall', cv90 = 6
      The four-fold At symbol (@) with inner loop being solid and taller outline
      at = 'short', cv90 = 7
      The shorter, Fira-like At symbol (@)
    • Styles for $:
      dollar = 'open', cv91 = 1
      Dollar symbol with open contour
      dollar = 'through', cv91 = 2
      Dollar symbol with strike-through vertical bar (default)
      dollar = 'interrupted', cv91 = 3
      Dollar symbol with strike-through vertical bar
      dollar = 'open-cap', cv91 = 4
      Dollar symbol with open contour, not exceeding baseline and ascender
      dollar = 'through-cap', cv91 = 5
      Dollar symbol with strike-through vertical bar, not exceeding baseline and ascender
      dollar = 'interrupted-cap', cv91 = 6
      Dollar symbol with strike-through vertical bar, not exceeding baseline and ascender
    • Styles for ¢:
      cent = 'open', cv92 = 1
      Cent sign (¢) with open contour
      cent = 'through', cv92 = 2
      Cent sign (¢) with vertical bar all through the c part (default)
      cent = 'bar-interrupted', cv92 = 3
      Cent sign (¢) with vertical bar breaks at center
    • Styles for %:
      percent = 'dots', cv93 = 1
      Percent % with rectangular dots
      percent = 'rings-segmented-slash', cv93 = 2
      Percent % with rings and segmented slash (default)
      percent = 'rings-continuous-slash', cv93 = 3
      Percent % with rings and continuous bar
      percent = 'rings-continuous-slash-also-connected', cv93 = 4
      Percent % with rings and continuous bar and the slash in % is also connected to the top-left ring
    • Styles for |:
      bar = 'natural-slope', cv94 = 1
      Bar punctuations (|) has a natural slope under italics and oblique (default)
      bar = 'force-upright', cv94 = 2
      Bar punctuations (|) is forced upright under italics and oblique
    • Styles for <=, >= (Less-equal and Greater-equal ligations):
      lig-ltgteq = 'flat', cv95 = 1
      The lower bar of <= and >= ligation is flat (default)
      lig-ltgteq = 'slanted', cv95 = 2
      The lower bar of <= and >= ligation is slanted
    • Styles for ':
      ascii-single-quote = 'straight', cv96 = 1
      Show ASCII quote (") as short vertical straight bar. (default)
      ascii-single-quote = 'raised-comma', cv96 = 2
      Show ASCII quote (") as raised comma.
    • Styles for `:
      ascii-grave = 'straight', cv97 = 1
      Show ASCII grave (`) as short diagonal straight bar. (default)
      ascii-grave = 'raised-inverse-comma', cv97 = 2
      Show ASCII grave (`) as raised comma.
      ascii-grave = 'raised-turn-comma', cv97 = 3
      Show ASCII grave (`) as raised turned comma, identical to curly open single quote symbols (U+2018).
    • Styles for ?:
      question = 'smooth', cv98 = 1
      Smooth question mark (?) (default)
      question = 'corner', cv98 = 2
      Question mark (?) with a corner at middle
      question = 'corner-flat-hooked', cv98 = 3
      Question mark (?) with a corner at middle and flat hook
    • Styles for .,, :; (Dot and Comma shape in punctuations and symbols):
      punctuation-dot = 'round', cv99 = 1
      Small punctuations (like ., ,) use round dots (default)
      punctuation-dot = 'square', cv99 = 2
      Small punctuations (like ., ,) use square dots
    • Styles for öẋ, ij (Dot and Comma shape in diacritics):
      diacritic-dot = 'round', VXDD = 1
      Dots and Commas in diacritics are round (default)
      diacritic-dot = 'square', VXDD = 2
      Dots and Commas in diacritics are square
    • Styles for != (Not-equal ligations):
      lig-neq = 'vertical', VXAF = 1
      The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is vertical
      lig-neq = 'slightly-slanted', VXAF = 2
      The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is slightly slanted (default)
      lig-neq = 'more-slanted', VXAF = 3
      The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is more slanted
      lig-neq = 'vertical-dotted', VXAF = 4
      The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is vertical, and with a dot at bottom for ligations built from exclamation sign (!)
      lig-neq = 'slightly-slanted-dotted', VXAF = 5
      The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is slightly slanted, and with a dot at bottom for ligations built from exclamation sign (!)
      lig-neq = 'more-slanted-dotted', VXAF = 6
      The bar in inequality (!=, etc.) ligation is more slanted, and with a dot at bottom for ligations built from exclamation sign (!)
    • Styles for == (Equality ligations):
      lig-equal-chain = 'with-notch', VXAG = 1
      The bars in equality (==, etc.) ligation have notches in the middle (default)
      lig-equal-chain = 'without-notch', VXAG = 2
      The bars in equality (==, etc.) ligation do not have notches in the middle

Configuring Weights, Widths and Slopes

Subsection weights is used to change the weight grades that the custom family needs. It is a dictionary of either strings formatted in default.<weight> format, meaning reusing a default weight grade, or sub-objects with properties:

  • shape: Number, configures the weight grade of the glyphs' shapes.
  • menu: Integer, configures the weight grade used when naming fonts.
  • css: Integer, configures the weight grade used in web font CSS.

Subsection widths is used to change the width grades that the custom family needs. It is a dictionary of either strings formatted in default.<width> format, meaning reusing a default width grade, or sub-objects with properties:

  • shape: Number, configures the width of the glyphs' shapes, measured in 1/1000 em.
  • menu: Integer, configures the width grade used when naming fonts. The valid values are 1 to 9, inclusive.
  • css: String, configures the font-stretch value used in web font CSS.

Subsection slopes is used to change the slope angles and grades that the custom family needs. It is a dictionary of either strings formatted in default.<slope> format, meaning reusing a default slope grade, or sub-objects with properties:

  • angle: Number, configures the slope angle in degrees. The valid vales are 0 to 15, inclusive.
  • shape: String from upright, italic or oblique. Configures the slope used for variant selection.
  • menu: String from upright, italic or oblique. Configures the slope grade used when naming fonts.
  • css: String from normal, italic or oblique. Configures the CSS font-style value.

Subsection slopes is a simple string-to-string dictionary maps slopes (upright, italic or oblique) to CSS font-style values, represented in string.

Compatibility Ligatures

Certain software, notably Emacs, relies on pre-encoded ligatures instead of OpenType to provide ligations. Iosevka could be configured with additional subsection compatibility-ligatures, being an array of records with following fields:

  • unicode: The PUA code point being assigned to.
  • featureTag: The feature tag to compute ligations.
  • sequence: The source character sequence.

A sample of compatibility ligature config is:

unicode = 57600 # 0xE100
featureTag = 'calt'
sequence = '<*>'

Metric Override

Subsection metric-override provides ability to override certain metric values, if you reallly want to. Adding this section is strongly discouraged as it may introduce broken geometry or broken shapes.

Property Unit Default Value Meaning
cap emu 735 Height of H.
ascender emu 735 Height of b.
xHeight emu 520 Height of x.
sb emu (varies, 60 for Regular) Width of common side-bearings.
accentWidth emu 200 Width of accent marks.
accentClearance emu 72 Vertical clearance of accent marks to the base.
accentHeight emu 176 Height of accent marks.
accentStackOffset emu 220 Offset height of accent mark stack.
dotSize emu (varies, 125 for regular) Size of dots in diacritic marks.
periodSize emu (varies, 140 for regular) Size of dots in period.
leading emu 1250 Built-in line height.
symbolMid emu 340 Height of the center of hyphen (-).
parenSize emu 966 Height of Parentheses.
winMetricAscenderPad emu 0 Additional pad for Win metrics’ ascender to avoid clipping in legacy Windows applications.
winMetricDescenderPad emu 0 Additional pad for Win metrics’ descender to avoid clipping in legacy Windows applications.
powerlineScaleX, powerlineScaleY (ratio) 1 X and Y scale of Powerline glyphs.
powerlineShiftX, powerlineShiftY emu 0 X and Y shift of Powerline glyphs.
onumZeroHeightRatio (ratio) 1.145 Ratio of height of 0 under onum feature, to the height of x.
essRatio (ratio) (varies, 1.12 for Regular) Ratio of the thickness of the neck of S/s/?, to the normal stroke width. essRatioUpper, essRatioLower and rssRatioQuestion will override this value for corresponded glyph categories when set.
essRatioUpper (ratio) (varies, 1.12 for Regular) Ratio of the thickness of the neck of S, to the normal stroke width.
essRatioLower (ratio) (varies, 1.12 for Regular) Ratio of the thickness of the neck of s, to the normal stroke width.
essRatioQuestion (ratio) (varies, 1.12 for Regular) Ratio of the thickness of the neck of ?, to the normal stroke width.
archDepth emu (varies, 195 for Regular) Depth of the curve segment of arches / O rings in capital letters.
smallArchDepth emu (varies, 200 for Regular) Depth of the curve segment of arches / O rings in small letters.

The values of each item could be either a number, or a string representing an expression so that it could be different for different instance fonts, or depending on default values. The syntax of valid expressions are:

Expression -> Term (('+' | '-') Term)*
Term       -> Factor (('*' | '/') Factor)*
Factor     -> ('+' | '-')* Primitive
Primitive  -> Literal
            | Call
            | Binding
            | Group
            | List
Literal    -> ['0'..'9']+ ('.' ['0'..'9']+)?
Identifier -> ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_']+
Call       -> Identifier '(' Expression (',' Expression)* ')'
List       -> Identifier '[' Expression (',' Expression)* ']'
Binding    -> Identifier

Valid identifiers include:

  • weight: being the weight grade;
  • width: being the characters' unit width, measured in em-units;
  • slopeAngle: being the slope angle in degrees;
  • Default value of all overridable metrics, prefixed with default_, i.e., default cap value will be accessable thorugh default_cap.

Valid functions include:

  • blend(x, [x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...): Perform a smooth interpolation through data pairs [x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., against parameter x.

For example, the following configuration:

leading = 1500
sb = 'default_sb * 1.0625 + 15'
dotSize = 'blend(weight, [100, 50], [400, 125], [900, 180])'


  • Override line height to 1500 em-unit;
  • Override the sidebearing value by its value multiplied by 1.0625 then added with 15.
  • Override the dot size by a interpolation against weight: at thin (100) being 50, at regular (400) being 125, and at heavy (900) being 180.

Sample Configuration

A sample configuration could be found at private-build-plans.sample.toml.

TTC Building

It is possible to create a customized TTC build by using the following method:

  1. Add a collect plan into private-build-plans.toml, with a from field containing all the TTF groups it needs:
from = ["iosevka-custom1", "iosevka-custom-2"]
  1. Run build with the following command:
  • npm run build -- ttc::iosevka-custom: Create TTCs from collection iosevka-custom; The file will be saved into dist/.ttc.
  • npm run build -- super-ttc::iosevka-custom: Create a single-file TTC from collection iosevka-custom; The file will be saved into dist/.super-ttc.