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This repository contains various algorithms and data structure problems.

Program name Description
fibonacci.c Generates fibonacci sequence till nth term
binary_to_decimal.c Converts a binary number to its decimal equivalent
decimal_to_binary.c Converts a decimal number to its binary equivalent
prime_factor.c Printing prime factors of a number entered by user
half_pyramid_pattern.c Printing a half-pyramid of a specified height
star_pattern.c Printing a star pattern of a specified height
change_return.c Calculate the minimum number of coins required to give a user change
sieve_of_eratosthenes.c Implement Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm
optimized_prime_factors.c Printing prime factors of a number less than 1000 using sieve of eratosthenes
credit_card_validation.c Check if a credit card number is valid based on Luhn's algorithm
initials.c Generate initials of a given name
Caesar_cipher.c Encrypts text using Caesar’s cipher
vigenere_cipher.c Encrypts text using Vigenere’s cipher
unit_converter.c Unit converter (Temperature, Currency and Weight)
factorial_loop.c Calculates factorial of a positive number using loop
factorial_recursion.c Calculates factorial of a positive number using recursion method
average_using_arrays.c Calculates average using arrays
power_of_two.c Checks if an integer is a power of two
palindrome.c Checks if an input string is a palindrome or not
happy_number.c Checks if a given positive number is a happy number or not
reverse_string.c Print the reverse of a string
string_operations.c Perform string operations copy and compare without using string functions
bubble_sort.c Implement Bubble Sort
concat.c Concat two strings without using library function
binary_search.c Search an element using binary search iterative approach
selection_sort.c Implement Selection Sort
insertion_sort.c Implement Insertion Sort
linear_search.c Search element of an array using linear search
merge_sort.c Implement Merge Sort
quick_sort.c Implement Quick Sort
smallest_missing.c Find smallest missing element in a sorted array of distinct non-negative integers
anagram.c Determine if two strings are anagrams or not
triplet.c Determine if triplet exist with given sum in an unsorted array
unsorted_subarray.c Find the Minimum length Unsorted Subarray, sorting which makes the complete array sorted
first_last_occurence.c Determine the first and last occurence of an element in a sorted array
max_numeric_value.c Extract maximum numeric value from an alphanumeric string
odd_times.c Find the number occuring odd number of times
missing_number.c Find the missing number from a list of n-1 integers
build_max_heap.c Program to build max heap with an input array
heap_sort.c Program to sort an array using Heap Sort algorithm
bst_insert.c Program to insert nodes with given keys in a Binary Search Tree.
bst_search.c Program to search node with given key in a Binary Search Tree
bst_delete.c Program to delete a node with a key in Binary Search Tree
bst_or_not.c Program to check if a binary tree is BST or not
counting_sort.c Program to sort numbers using Counting sort
merge_trees.c Program to merge two binary trees
hamming_distance.c Program to calculate Hamming distance between two integers
binary_tree_vertical.c Program to print a vertical binary tree
number_complement.c Program to output complement of a positive integer Program to check whether there exists two distinct elements in the array whose sum equals a target value