Releases: chanzuckerberg/cztack
Releases · chanzuckerberg/cztack
0.13.0 2018-08-21
- [breaking] cloudfront poweruser allow for multiple bucket prefixes
- [new] cloudwatch log group module
- [new] blessclient aws role
0.12.0 2018-08-15
- added a suite of tests via Terratest
- [new] module for ec2 poweruser role
- [new] modules for aws aurora
- better docs for our taggging approach
- [breaking] refactor of params/secrets modules
- [new] AWS ACM cert module
v0.11.0 2018-07-30
cztack release 0.11.0
v0.10.0 2018-07-25
This is the first release for cztack and includes the following modules–
- aws-iam-ecs-task-role
- aws-iam-group-assume-role
- aws-iam-group-console-login
- aws-iam-password-policy
- aws-iam-policy-cwlogs
- aws-iam-role-cloudfront-poweruser
- aws-iam-role-ecs-poweruser
- aws-iam-role-infraci
- aws-iam-role-poweruser
- aws-iam-role-readonly
- aws-iam-role-security-audit