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File metadata and controls

55 lines (41 loc) · 3.37 KB

CUAHSI WOF 1.1 Web service (SOAP)

Basic use instructions

Official documentation: WHOS-Plata URL:

I. Metadata harvest

  1. Request GetSitesByBoxObject with geograhical bounding box (west, south, east and north in decimal degrees) and IncludeSeries=true. authToken is not required Parse XML response and for each GetSitesByBoxObjectResponse->site item extract these parameters:

    • STATION_ID = site->siteInfo->siteCode (needed for getValues request)
    • STATION_NAME = site->siteInfo->siteName
    • LATITUDE = site->siteInfo->geoLocation->geogLocation->latitude
    • LONGITUDE = site->siteInfo->geoLocation->geogLocation->longitude
    • SOURCE = site->siteInfo->siteCode["network"] (network attribute from siteCode tag) and for each site->seriesCatalog->series, extract:
    • series->variable->variableCode (needed for getValues request)
  2. Request GetVariables (with no parameters) Parse XML response and for each variables->variable item extract:

    • variable->variableCode
    • variable->variableName
    • variable->unit->unitName
    • variable->timeScale->unit->unitName
    • variable->timeScale->timeSupport

    From variableName you should be able to find the PARAMETERS P, H and Q. For example "nivel agua" means H. Note that the variable names vary between sources; a complete mapping of variables into the hydrology ontology may be found here: From the timeScale tag you should be able to get the TEMPORAL RESOLUTION, for example: variable->timeScale->unit->unitName = "hora" variable->timeScale->timeSupport = 3.0 means 3-hours temporal resolution.

Alternatively, you may request GetSitesByBoxObject with IncludeSeries=false and then use each GetSitesByBoxObjectResponse->site->siteInfo->siteCode as parameter site in request GetSiteInfo. From the GetSiteInfo response iterate over site->seriesCatalog->series to find the required PARAMETERS

For covering all Del Plata Basin area, I suggest splitting the area into 5° x 5° or smaller boxes and perform GetSitesByBoxObject for each box. This is to get faster responses and minimize time-out errors.

II. Data retrieval

Request GetValues with parameters location = siteCode, variable = variableCode, startDate and endDate in ISO format, for example "2022-02-01" or "2022-02-01T00:00:00.000Z". Parse XML response and for each timeSeries->values->value get dateTimeUTC attribute as the observation timestamp and the content itself as the observation value. For example:

<value dateTime="2022-01-01T12:00:00Z" dateTimeUTC="2022-01-01T12:00:00Z" sourceID="1">0.01</value>

means a value of 0.01 observed at 2022-01-01 12:00:00 UTC

Please check the related SOAPUI project file: whos_plata_cuahsi_1_1.xml

Other useful links


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