Ting is an open source project.
If you'd like to contribute, please respect the following standards :
- Code formating: Ting completely follows the PSR-2 standard. Be sure that your code does so.
- Unit tests: Ting has a good code coverage for every feature, using atoum. Please add relevant tests to cover your new feature.
- Backward Compatibility: Ting follows the semver standard. The main principle is that a minor version can not bring any BC Break. Please be sure that you chose the correct target version for your patch. If your feature needs a BC Break, we strongly encourage you to discuss it through the issues before to write any code. We'll discuss about the release of the next major version.
- Pull Request Template: The description of your pull request must contains the following header (after the explaination):
| Q | A
| ------------- | ---
| Bug fix? | yes/no
| New feature? | yes/no
| BC breaks? | yes/no
| Deprecations? | yes/no
| Tests pass? | yes
| Licence | Apache-2.0
| Fixed tickets | #1234