Each agent or tool you add to Agency Swarm will automatically be available for import by the Genesis Swarm, which will help us create an exponentially larger and smarter system.
This document provides guidelines for contributing new agents and tools to the framework.
- Tools should be added in the
directory like below. - Each tool should be in its specific category folder like
etc. - Your tool file should be named
. - Tests should be added in
Directory structure for a new tool:
├── YourNewTool.py # The main agent class file
└── __init__.py # Make sure to import your tool here
For each tool, please add the following test case in agency_swarm/tests/test_tools.py
def test_my_tool_example(self):
output = MyCustomTool(query='John Doe').run()
self.assertFalse("error" in output.lower())
- Agents should be placed in
directory. - Each agent should have its dedicated folder named
like below. - Make sure to use CamelCase for the agent name and the folder.
├── agency_manifesto.md or .txt # Agency's guiding principles (created if not exists)
└── AgentName/ # Directory for the specific agent
├── files/ # Directory for files that will be uploaded to openai (if any)
├── schemas/ # Directory for OpenAPI schemas to be converted into tools (if any)
├── AgentName.py # The main agent class file
├── __init__.py # Initializes the agent folder as a Python package
└── instructions.md # Instruction document for the agent
- Follow the structure below in your
as a guideline. - All tools (except schemas) should be imported in
from theagency_swarm/tools/...
from agency_swarm import Agent
from agency_swarm.tools.example import ExampleTool
class AgentName(Agent):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Initialize tools in kwargs if not present
if 'tools' not in kwargs:
kwargs['tools'] = []
# Add required tools
# Set instructions
kwargs['instructions'] = "./instructions.md"
# Add more kwargs as needed
# Initialize the parent class
Thank you for contributing to Agency Swarm! Your efforts help us build a more robust and versatile framework.