sudo yarn install
If you hav install the puppeteer in the project, you can skip the puppeteer's download by run as follows:
sudo env PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD=true yarn install
- If
sudo yarn install
get stuck when download 'puppeteer' you can try to change the mirror of Chrominum following the code below:
sudo PUPPETEER_DOWNLOAD_HOST= cnpm i puppeteer -D
- If 1 don't work for you, you can try:
vi .npmrc
type puppeteer_download_host =
- single thread mode:
node singleThread.js
- multiple threads mode:
node --experimental-worker multiThreads.js
node --prof singleProcess.js
Info: Replace the filename of log according to your output file.
node --prof-process isolate-0x104000c00-v8.log > processed.txt
白屏时间(first Paint Time)——用户从打开页面开始到页面开始有东西呈现为止
First Contentful Paint: First Contentful Paint marks the time at which the first text or image is painted.
First Meaningful Paint: First Meaningful Paint measures when the primary content of a page is visible.
用户可操作时间(dom Interactive)——用户可以进行正常的点击、输入等操作
TP=Top Percentile,Top 百分数,是一个统计学里的术语,与平均数、中位数都是一类。
TP50、TP90 和 TP99 等指标常用于系统性能监控场景,指高于 50%、90%、99%等百分线的情况。
In singleThread mode, the config of 5 browsers with 10 pages per browser, tends to run better than the config of 10 browsers with 5 pages per browser.
- Improve the concurrent efficiency when trying to view many pages at one time.
- Provide GUI for the output of project.