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Raycaster game for ESP32

This project has been tested with the esp-idf v5.0


Grafic library

  • Driver functions

    • vLcd_Init Init the LCD screen
    • vSend_Frame Sends an array of pixels to the screen at the specified location
    • vBlack_Screen Fills the screen with black color
    • vSend_Pixel Sends one pixel to the specified location
    • vSet_Screen_Rotation Rotates the screen
  • Graphics drawing functions:

    • vSend_Line_Horizontal Draws a horizontal line
    • vSend_Line_Vertical Draws a vertical line
    • vSend_Line Draws thin line from x0, y0 to x1, y1
    • vSend_Rect Draws a rectangular frame
    • vSend_Filled_Rect Draws a filled rectangle
  • Text Print Functions

    • vSet_Font Uses embedded fonts
    • vSet_Font_Transparency
    • vSet_Font_Color
    • vSet_Font_Backgr_Color For a non-transparent font
    • iChar_Print Prints one char at a specified position on the screen
    • xText_Print Prints a null terminated string at the specified location
  • Global variables

    • lcd_width Current lcd width according to the screen rotation
    • lcd_height
    • y_shift TFT buffer is shifted, so correct coordinates must be adjusted
    • x_shift
    • screen_rotation
    • current_font
    • device_tft TFT device handle


  • Based on the raycasting process, using DDA method, the main part of the raycasting logic was taken from
  • The Game uses embedded maps stored in .c files, however, maps can be created in TileD editor and transformed directly to .c file with a python script
  • Uses a minimalistic button library, button pins can be set in the main.c file. Default pins are:
    • BUTTON1 21
    • BUTTON2 22
    • BUTTON3 17
    • BUTTON4 15
    • BUTTON5 13
    • BUTTON6 12
  • Uses textures, pre-loaded in the SPIFFS file system, the process of generating and flashing a SPIFFS image is described below

Display Connection

  • If TTGO LilyGO is used, no changes are required
  • If an external LCD module is used, the default pins used are:
    • PIN_NUM_MISO 25
    • PIN_NUM_MOSI 23
    • PIN_NUM_CLK 19
    • PIN_NUM_CS 22
    • PIN_NUM_DC 21
    • PIN_NUM_RST 18 Reset
    • PIN_NUM_BCKL 5 Backlight

TTGO or custom board can be set using menuconfig in Components -> LCD Driver Configuration or directly in the Lcd_Simple_Driver.h file


  • Clone the repository into your esp folder
  • Run get_idf in the project directory
  • Move to "spiffs_images" directory and run -p <PORT> write_flash 0x200000 image.bin to flash SPIFFS image to device
  • Go back to the main directory, execute menuconfig and configure:
    • Serial flasher config - set flash size to at least 4Mb
    • Partition table -> Partition table -> custom partition table select partitions.csv, included in the project
    • Components -> LCD Driver Configuration -> LCD module type and choose TTGO or Wroom(actually can be any other) kit.
  • Build and flash the example build && -p <PORT> flash monitor
  • To use the game, minimum two buttons must be connected
    • **Button 2 and 6 to select the game in the menu
    • **Button 6 to rotate the player and button 2 to move forward
    • **You can set and use the standard 2 buttons, that are present on TTGO and WROOM board

Custom textures and maps

  • To prepare custom textures create bin file from png files using script, located in graphics directory
  • The custom texture should replace an existing texture with the same name and size, or add it manually in texture_t::textures_load function
  • Add bin files to spiffs_images directory
  • Run python 1048576 image image.bin to generate a 1Mb binary SPIFFS image from the files in spiffs_images/image
  • The custom partition file reserves 1MB for SPIFFS.
  • Custom maps can be created using the TileD editor. Example TileD maps cam be found in graphics directory.
  • Save the map in csv format, then convert it to a .c file using the TileMapToC script. Maps in .c format are stored in main/maps directory
  • The created map should replace an existing map with the same name, because all maps are build-in

Tested on

  • TTGO LilyGO
  • ESP32-WROOOM-KIT, ST7789V controller, 240x135


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