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Ben edited this page Jun 16, 2021 · 20 revisions


The plugin connects to the eWeLink HTTPS API on Homebridge startup to authenticate user credentials and request a list of devices and current state. The plugin also uses the HTTPS API to request the full details of a new device that is added to your eWeLink account whilst Homebridge is running.

This initial connection to the eWeLink server is necessary regardless of your plugin mode setting.

Connection Modes

You can use the mode setting to allow and restrict which connection methods the plugin should use:

  • auto

    • LAN control for supported devices will be attempted and will revert to the web socket upon failure
    • Devices that don't support LAN mode will automatically use the web socket
    • This setting is the default and is recommended for most users
  • wan

    • The plugin will only use the web socket to control your devices
    • This setting can be useful if you find LAN updates are slow and failing, and in some cases the web socket can be faster than LAN control
  • lan

    • The plugin will only communicate to supported devices via LAN
    • Devices that don't support LAN control will not be supported
    • The plugin will not create a web socket connection with eWeLink
    • This mode can be useful if you only use LAN-enabled devices and you can block the devices from accessing the internet

The LAN mode monitoring and the web socket are persistent connections that "listen" for device updates whilst Homebridge is running. This means there is no need to "poll" for device updates. If a device goes offline then Homebridge will be notified once eWeLink updates the device status. There can be a small delay. If a devices comes back online then Homebridge will be notified once eWeLink updates the device status. Again, there can be a small delay. Homebridge will refresh a device's current status upon being notified it is online.

Web Socket

You can disable the web socket connection by setting mode to lan in the plugin settings.

A web socket connection is used for (1) devices that don't support LAN mode and (2) as a "fallback" if there is an issue with LAN mode. In these cases the web socket is used to:

  • Send device updates from Homebridge to eWeLink, and
  • Receive real-time updates from eWeLink when devices are controlled outside of Homebridge (e.g. physically or through the eWeLink app)

LAN Mode

You can disable LAN mode by setting mode to wan in the plugin settings.

LAN mode is available for devices that support this mode and is generally faster than the web socket (see below). Currently the plugin will:

  • Discover eWeLink devices on your local network,
  • Send device updates for supported devices, and
  • Receive real-time updates when devices are controlled outside of Homebridge (e.g. physically or through the eWeLink app).

If a device on your network changes IP address then the plugin will be updated upon receiving a status update from the device. If you try to control the device before this, then the request will fail and default to web socket. It is recommended to give your eWeLink devices a static IP from your router. You can also use the configuration to "override" device IPs, please refer to Configuration.

Devices are unable to "alert" Homebridge via LAN mode if they go offline - because they are offline! The only way that Homebridge gets notified of offline devices is through the web socket (see above).

For a list of devices that support LAN control, please see Supported Devices.

## LAN Mode (without eWeLink credentials)

This mode is available from v6.9.0

Docs coming soon