Main development steps:
0.0 Import some base files Import some base classes, set text files (like license, readme). Just a startup phase -- completed February 12, 2013 --
0.1 Installation procedure / database main tables Create installation scripts and the database structure. By now, only MySQL and SQLite will be used and tested. For the final release want to use/test also PostgreSQL. Create functions to insert sample data for test purposes. A configuration file should be created, starting from a template config file -- completed March 10, 2013 --
0.2 Login and security Implement login features and some security mechanisms Encrypted and secure session management Use of nonce Login page -- completed March 24, 2013
0.3 Ticket creation Create basic application layout Create ticket creation form Implement generic categories load/select system Implement basic ticket creation + assignment + save -- completed May 5, 2013
0.4 Ticket listing List Jobs Enable/disable/apply filters Show/hide details Basic editing operations -- completed Sep 26, 2013
0.5 Ticket editing GUI design data population data editing
---------> first release can be published here
0.6 Admin config
0.7 Admin tables editing
0.8 Chat block
0.9 ACL implementation
0.10 Check and strengthen security
1.0 First release