To install this plugin add this to your Config.swift (if you don't have a Config.swift file yet, just create one inside the Tuist folder with the following content):
import ProjectDescription
let config = Config(
plugins: [
.git(url: "", tag: "0.0.1")
and the import the plugin in the files that are needed:
import TuistPList
When defining targets in Tuist, it is common to add a dictionary
name: "SampleAppForPlugin",
destinations: .iOS,
product: .app,
bundleId: "io.tuist.SampleAppForPlugin",
infoPlist: .extendingDefault(with: [
"Test" : true
sources: ["SampleAppForPlugin/Sources/**"],
resources: ["SampleAppForPlugin/Resources/**"],
dependencies: []
The issue with this approach is that you can mispell the correct infoPlist key. And sometimes, you don't really know the right structure to configure valid values.
This plugin allows you to use a more cohesive approach, adding autocompletion and type checking to the infoPlist creation, and it can be used to create the entitlements file as well.
name: "SampleAppForPlugin",
destinations: .iOS,
product: .app,
bundleId: "io.tuist.SampleAppForPlugin",
infoPlist: .with { info in
info.mainStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen.storyboard"
info.bundleVersion = "1.0.1"
info.supportedInterfaceOrientations = [.portrait, .upsideDown]
sources: ["SampleAppForPlugin/Sources/**"],
resources: ["SampleAppForPlugin/Resources/**"],
entitlements: .with { entitlements in
entitlements.appSandboxed = false
dependencies: []
And in case you need to use another key that is not defined in the library, you have access to a raw
property, which allows you to define custom properties:
info.raw.CFCustomEntry = "abcde"
which will add a entry with key "CFCustomEntry" and value "abcde"
You can also add type check and autocompletion, you can create a type that conforms to PlistEntriesAggregator
and define custom properties inside it:
public struct MyInfoPlistEntries: PlistEntriesAggregator {
public let customEntry = PlistEntry<String>(key: "CFCustomEntry")
public init() { }
then you can either add those properties directly into the info
extension InfoPlistBuilder {
public subscript<V: PlistEntryConvertible>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<MyInfoPlistEntries, PlistEntry<V>>) -> V? {
get {
raw.value(for: MyInfoPlistEntries()[keyPath: keyPath].key)
set {
raw.setValue(newValue, for: MyInfoPlistEntries()[keyPath: keyPath].key)
info.customEntry = "My Custom value"
or you can group them inside a property:
extension InfoPlistBuilder {
var custom: GenericInfoPlistBuilder<MyInfoPlistEntries> {
get {
.init(rawBuilder: raw)
nonmutating set { }
info.custom.customEntry = "My Custom tag"
If you need to add more complex objects to the info.plist you can create a type and conform it to the PlistEntryConvertible
protocol. This protocol asks for two methods. A converter from Plist.Value -> Your type, and another converter: Your Type -> Plist.Value
struct CustomObject: PlistEntryConvertible {
let url: String
let secret: String
func toValue() -> ProjectDescription.Plist.Value {
"URL": .string(url),
"SECRET": .string(secret)
static func from(value: ProjectDescription.Plist.Value) -> CustomObject? {
guard case let .dictionary(dictionary) = value,
case let .string(url) = dictionary["URL"],
case let .string(secret) = dictionary["SECRET"] else {
return nil
return CustomObject(url: url, secret: secret)
struct MyInfoPlistEntrys: PlistEntriesAggregator {
let customTag = PlistEntry<String>(key: "CFCustomTag")
let connection = PlistEntry<CustomObject>(key: "Custom_connection")
init() { }
info.custom.connection = CustomObject(url: "my url", secret: "my secret")