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File metadata and controls

284 lines (179 loc) · 9.2 KB


Setting up a development environment

  • Install Node.js and Yarn (v1).

  • Install dependencies.

  • Install pre-commit and configure hooks.

    pre-commit install
  • For data pipeline development, install Python, dependencies, and development tools.

    pip install -r data_pipeline/requirements.txt
    pip install -r data_pipeline/requirements-dev.txt


The exome results browsers are structured as a single application that serves a different dataset and browser interface based on the request hostname.

  • data_pipeline
    • data_pipeline
      • datasets - Browser specific data pipelines
      • pipelines - Shared data pipelines
    • pipeline_config.ini - Data URLs
  • src
    • browsers - Frontend code
      • base - Shared browser code
      • geneResultComponents.js - Browser specific components for gene-level results
    • server - API code

Data pipeline

See data_pipeline/ for instructions on running the data pipeline.


In production, the dataset/browser is determined by the request hostname. In development, the application is served on localhost and the dataset/browser is determined by the BROWSER environment variable. The first argument to sets that variable.

To start a development server, run:


For example:

RESULTS_DATA_DIRECTORY=/path/to/results/data ./ SCHEMA

This runs the server with nodemon and frontend with webpack-dev-server, so that each is rebuilt/reloaded when a source file is changed. RESULTS_DATA_DIRECTORY should be the path to a directory where the data pipeline results files were written.

For frontend development, instead of running a server locally, API requests can be proxied to the production environment.

./ $BROWSER_NAME --proxy-api


The Docker build copies a build.env file and reads environment variables from it. Currently, the only values in build.env are Google Analytics tracking IDs for the production deployment. Thus, an empty file will work for development.

touch build.env

Build the Docker image.

docker build -t exome-results-browsers .

Run the Docker image. A directory containing results files output from the data pipeline must be attached as a volume and the RESULTS_DATA_DIRECTORY environment variable set to that volume's mount point.

docker run --rm -ti --init \
   -v /path/to/results/data:/var/lib/results \
   -e RESULTS_DATA_DIRECTORY=/var/lib/results \
   -p 8000:8000 \

The Docker image is configured to run the application in production mode, where the current dataset/browser is determined by the subdomain of the requested URL. One way to make this work locally is adding hostnames to /etc/hosts:

With those lines added to /etc/hosts, the browsers can be accessed at,, etc.

Adding a new browser

  • Create a data preparation pipeline for the dataset.

    • Create a file data_pipeline/data_pipeline/datasets/<dataset>/<dataset>, where <dataset> is the lowercase dataset/browser name.

      This file should define a function prepare_gene_results that returns a Hail Table with the following fields:

      'gene_id': str
      'group_results': dict<str, struct{ ... }>

      The table should be keyed by gene_id.

      gene_id should contain the Ensembl ID for the gene.

      group_results keys should be names of analysis groups and values the gene-level results for those groups. The result struct may contain string, number, or boolean fields.

      The prepare_datasets pipeline validates the schema of the Hail Table returned by this function.

    • Create a file data_pipeline/data_pipeline/datasets/<dataset>/<dataset>, where <dataset> is the lowercase dataset/browser name.

      This file should define a function prepare_variant_results that returns a Hail Table with the following fields:

      'locus': locus
      'alleles': array<str>
      'gene_id': str
      'consequence': str
      'hgvsc': str
      'hgvsp': str
      'group_results': dict<str, struct{ ... }>
      'info': struct{ ... }

      The table should be keyed by locus and alleles.

      consequence should contain the variant's consequence in the analysis. This can be an arbitrary value.

      gene_id should contain the Ensembl ID for the gene in which the variant appears.

      hgvsc should contain the variant's HGVSc consequence in the gene's canonical transcript.

      hgvsp should contain the variant's HGVSp consequence in the gene's canonical transcript.

      group_results keys should be names of analysis groups and values the variant-level results for those groups. The result struct may contain string, number, or boolean fields.

      info may contain additional variant level data (string, number, or boolean fields).

      The prepare_datasets pipeline validates the schema of the Hail Table returned by this function.

    • Add dataset name to the datasets.datasets configuration in data_pipeline/pipeline_config.ini.

  • Create the browser frontend.

    • Create a file src/browsers/<dataset>/<dataset>Browser.js (the directory name must be lowercase).

      This file should export a component to render the browser for the dataset. This will likely render a configured Browser component from src/browsers/base/Browser.js.

    • Create a file src/browsers/<dataset>/<dataset>GeneResults.js.

      This file should export a component to render the gene-level result for the dataset. The component should take a results prop, which is an object whose keys are analysis group names and values the gene-level result for that analysis group.

      Add this component to src/browsers/geneResultComponents.js.

    • Add the dataset name to list of browsers in src/browsers/webpack.config.js.

Browser configuration

  • browserTitle (string) - Title displayed in navigation bar.

  • navBarBackgroundColor (string) - Background color of navigation bar.

  • homePage (Component) - React component for home page content.

  • extraPages (array of objects) - Additional browser pages.

    • path (string) - URL path for page.

    • label (string) - Label for page in navigation bar.

    • component (Component) - React component for page content.

Gene results configuration

  • geneResultsPageHeading (string) - Heading for all gene results page.

  • geneResultAnalysisGroupOptions (array of strings) - Groups to include in analysis group menu on all gene results page.

  • defaultGeneResultAnalysisGroup (string) - Analysis group to show by default on all gene results page.

  • defaultGeneResultSortKey (string) - Default field to sort gene results table by.

  • geneResultColumns (array of objects) - Column definitions for gene results table.

    • key (string) - Unique identifier for field.

    • heading (string) - Column label.

    • minWidth (number) - Minimum width (in pixels) for column.

    • tooltip (string) - Tooltip text for column heading.

    • render (function) - Function to render cell content.

    • renderForCSV (function) - Function to render cell content in CSV export.

  • geneResultTabs (array of objects) - Define additional tabs for content on all gene results page.

    • id (string) - Tab ID.

    • label (string) - Tab label.

    • render (function) - Function to render tab content.

Variant results configuration

  • variantAnalysisGroupOptions (array of strings) - Groups to include in analysis group menu for variants table on gene page.

  • defaultVariantAnalysisGroup (string) - Analysis group to show by default in variants table.

  • variantResultColumns (array of objects) - Column definitions for variants table.

    • key (string) - Unique identifier for field.

    • heading (string) - Column label.

    • minWidth (number) - Minimum width (in pixels) for column.

    • tooltip (string) - Tooltip text for column heading.

    • render (function) - Function to render cell content.

    • renderForCSV (function) - Function to render cell content in CSV export.

    • showOnGenePage (boolean) - Include this column in variants table on gene page.

    • showOnDetails (boolean) - Include this column in table in variant details popup.

  • variantConsequences (array of objects) - List of variant consequences used in analysis.

    • term (string) - Consequence term in variant results.

    • category (one of lof, missense, synonymous, other) - Consequence category

  • variantConsequenceCategoryLabels (object) - Labels for consequence categories in variant filter controls.

  • variantCustomFilter (object) - Definition for browser specific variant filter controls.

    • component (Component) - React component to render filter controls.

    • defaultFilter (any) - Default filter settings.

    • applyFilter (function) - Function to filter list of variants based on current filter settings.

  • renderVariantAttributes (function) - Function to render info field of a variant.