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Releases: brian-j-smith/MachineShop

MachineShop 3.1.0

01 Oct 15:17
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Version Updates


  • Add argument na.rm to dependence().
  • Add global setting stats.VarImp for summary statistics to compute on permutation-based variable importance.
  • Add permutation-based variable importance to varimp().
  • Sort variable importance by first column only if not scaled.
  • Correct the estimated variances for cross-validation estimators of mean performance difference in t.test.PerformanceDiff().
  • Rename argument metric to type in varimp() functions for BartMachineModel, C50Model, EarthModel, RFSRCModel, and XGBModel.
  • Set argument type default to "nsubsets" in EarthModel varimp().
  • Expand case weighted metrics support.
    • Fix weights used in survival event-specific metrics.
    • Use weights for cross_entropy() numeric method.
    • Use weights for predicted survival probabilities.
  • Fix error with argument f in roc_index() Surv method.

MachineShop 3.0.0

20 Aug 00:03
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Version Updates


  • Add slot weights to MLModel classes.
  • Allow case weights in LMModel for all response types.
  • Exclude infinite values from calculation of breaks in calibration().
  • Fix invalid max = Inf arguments to print.default().
  • Add support for case weights in performance metrics and curves.
  • Evaluate ModelFrame() arguments strata and weights in data environment.
  • Fix issue introduced in package version 2.9.0 of recipe case weights not being used in model fitting.
  • Add column Weight of case weights to Resamples data frame.
  • Rename values column to get_values in MLModel gridinfo slot.
  • Move global settings resample_progress and resample_verbose to set_monitor() arguments progress and verbose.
  • Move MLControl() arguments strata_breaks, strata_nunique, strata_prop, and strata_size to set_strata() arguments breaks, nunique, prop, and size.
  • Move MLControl() arguments times, distr, and method to set_predict().
  • Export %>% operator.
  • Return case stratification values in the 'strata' slot of Resamples objects.