From 3a126a1ffae1e741967d8826b75be68033bdff77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jake Bowers Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2019 11:44:10 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Prelim syllabus done --- references.bib | 13255 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ syllabus.tex | 58 +- 2 files changed, 13295 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) create mode 100644 references.bib diff --git a/references.bib b/references.bib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fca2b24 --- /dev/null +++ b/references.bib @@ -0,0 +1,13255 @@ +%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. +%% + +%% Created for Jake Bowers at 2019-07-01 11:22:06 -0700 + + +%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) + + + +@article{hansen:2004, + Author = {Hansen, B.B.}, + Date-Added = {2019-07-01 11:22:02 -0700}, + Date-Modified = {2019-07-01 11:22:02 -0700}, + Journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, + Month = {September}, + Number = {467}, + Pages = {609-618}, + Title = {Full matching in an observational study of coaching for the {SAT}}, + Volume = {99}, + Year = {2004}} + +@book{imbens2015causal, + Author = {Imbens, Guido W and Rubin, Donald B}, + Date-Added = {2019-07-01 11:21:50 -0700}, + Date-Modified = {2019-07-01 11:21:50 -0700}, + Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, + Title = {{Causal inference in statistics, social, and biomedical sciences}}, + Year = {2015}} + +@book{gelman2007dau, + Author = {Gelman, A. and Hill, J.}, + Date-Added = {2019-07-01 11:21:35 -0700}, + Date-Modified = {2019-07-01 11:21:35 -0700}, + Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, + Title = {{Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models}}, + Year = {2007}} + +@book{dunning2012natural, + Author = {Dunning, Thad}, + Date-Added = {2019-07-01 11:21:21 -0700}, + Date-Modified = {2019-07-01 11:21:21 -0700}, + Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, + Title = {Natural experiments in the social sciences: a design-based approach}, + Year = {2012}} + +@article{brady2008cae, + Author = {Brady, Henry E.}, + Date-Added = {2019-07-01 11:21:02 -0700}, + Date-Modified = {2019-07-01 11:21:02 -0700}, + Journal = {Oxford handbook of political methodology}, + Pages = {217--270}, + Title = {{Causation and explanation in social science}}, + Year = {2008}, + Bdsk-File-1 = {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}} + +@article{hansen2008cbs, + Author = {Hansen, B.B. and Bowers, J.}, + Date-Added = {2019-07-01 11:19:14 -0700}, + Date-Modified = {2019-07-01 11:19:14 -0700}, + Journal = {Statistical Science}, + Pages = {219}, + Title = {Covariate Balance in Simple, Stratified and Clustered Comparative Studies}, + Url = {doi:10.1214/08-STS254}, + Volume = {23}, + Year = {2008}, + Bdsk-File-1 = {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}, + Bdsk-File-2 = {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}, + Bdsk-Url-1 = {doi:10.1214/08-STS254}} + +@book{rosenbaum:2002, + Author = {Rosenbaum, Paul R.}, + Date-Added = {2019-07-01 11:18:39 -0700}, + Date-Modified = {2019-07-01 11:18:39 -0700}, + Edition = {Second}, + Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, + Title = {Observational Studies}, + Year = {2002}} + +@book{rosenbaum2010design, + Author = {Rosenbaum, 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{2018-08-12 18:51:07 -0400}, + Date-Modified = {2018-08-12 18:52:53 -0400}, + Journal = {The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science}, + Number = {1}, + Pages = {169--179}, + Title = {Using Cluster Randomized Field Experiments to Study Voting Behavior}, + Volume = {601}, + Year = {2005}} + +@article{upton1992, + Author = {Upton, Graham J G}, + Date-Added = {2018-08-12 13:23:02 -0400}, + Date-Modified = {2018-08-12 13:23:45 -0400}, + Journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 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Rockman}, + Pages = {23--38}, + Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, + Title = {Rational Choice Institutionalism}, + Year = {2008}} + +@incollection{calvert1995, + Address = {Ann Arbor, MI}, + Author = {Calvert, Randall}, + Booktitle = {Explaining Social Institutions}, + Date-Modified = {2017-02-15 18:30:23 +0000}, + Editor = {Jack Knight and Itai Sened}, + Pages = {57--95}, + Publisher = {University of Michigan Press}, + Title = {Rational Actors, Equilibrium, and Social Institutions}, + Year = {1995}} + +@incollection{katznelson2002, + Author = {Katznelson, Ira}, + Booktitle = {Shaped by War and Trade: International Influences on American Political Development}, + Editor = {Ira Katznelson and Martin Shefter}, + Pages = {82--110}, + Title = {Flexible Capacity: The Military and Early American Statebuilding}, + Year = {2002}} + +@incollection{pateman2007, + Address = {Walden, MA}, + Author = {Pateman, Carole}, + Booktitle = {The Contract and Domination}, + Editor = {Carole Pateman and Charles Mills}, + Pages = {35--78}, + Publisher = {Polity Press}, + Title = {The Settler Contract}, + Year = {2007}} + +@techreport{alesinareich2013, + Address = {Cambridge, MA}, + Author = {Alesina, Alberto and Reich, Bryony}, + Institution = {National Bureau of Economic Research}, + Number = {NBER Working Paper No. 18839}, + Title = {Nation Building}, + Year = {2013}} diff --git a/syllabus.tex b/syllabus.tex index 6ac9bae..c3bd3f1 100644 --- a/syllabus.tex +++ b/syllabus.tex @@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ %\titleformat{〈command〉}[〈shape〉]{〈format〉}{〈label〉}{〈sep〉}{〈before-code〉}[〈after-code〉 \usepackage[compact,nobottomtitles*]{titlesec} %nobottomtitles \titleformat{\part}[hang]{\Large\scshape}{\thepart}{5em}{}{} -\titleformat{\section}[hang]{\large\bfseries}{\hspace{-.75in}\thesection}{.5em}{}{} +\titleformat{\section}[hang]{\large\bfseries}{\thepart}{5em}{}{} \titleformat{\subsection}[leftmargin]{\small\bfseries\filleft}{\thesubsection}{.5em}{\hspace{-.75in}}{} \titleformat{\subsubsection}[leftmargin]{\itshape\filleft}{\thesubsubsection}{.2em}{\hspace{-.75in}}{} \titleformat{\paragraph}[runin]{\bfseries}{\theparagraph}{0em}{}{} \titlespacing{\part}{0ex}{.5ex plus .1ex minus .2ex}{-.25\parskip} -\titlespacing{\section}{0ex}{1.5ex plus .1ex minus .2ex}{-.25\parskip} +\titlespacing{\section}{0ex}{1.5ex plus .1ex minus .2ex}{1ex} \titlespacing{\subsection}{0ex}{.5ex plus .1ex minus .1ex}{1ex} \titlespacing{\subsubsection}{0ex}{.5ex plus .1ex minus .1ex}{1ex} \titlespacing{\paragraph}{0em}{1ex}{.5ex plus .1ex minus .1ex} @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ \fancypagestyle{myfancy}{% \fancyhf{} % \fancyhead[R]{\small{Page~\thepage}} - \fancyhead[R]{\small{PS 531 -- Statistical Inference -- Spring 2018 -- \thepage}} + \fancyhead[R]{\small{Causal Inference --- IPM 2019 -- Page \thepage}} \fancyfoot[R]{\footnotesize{Version~of~\input{|"date"}}} % \fancyfoot[R]{\small{\today -- Jake Bowers}} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} @@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ Thursday\or Friday\or Saturday\fi } +\usepackage{enumitem}% \begin{document} @@ -187,31 +188,52 @@ \section*{Class 1: Doing Matching, Assessing Matched Designs, Estimating Effects \subsection*{Topics:} -\begin{description} - \item[How to use optimal, full matching to produce a matched-research design?] Multivariate optimal matching review using \texttt{optmatch} in R: producing matched research designs using matching on scalars, propensity scores, and Mahalanobis distances. - \item[How to reason about whether we have a good matched research design?] Multivariate balance assessment using null hypothesis testing using the \texttt{RItools} package for R (and perhaps also using equivalence testing). - \item[How to customize and focus the matched research design creation?] Multivariate optimal matching; calipers; penalties; combining scores - \item[How to estimate the ATE and test hypotheses about causal effects given a matched research design?] Estimating ATE and Std Errors from Matched Designs using the Block Randomized Experiment as an Analogy. -\end{description} +\paragraph*{How to use optimal, full matching to produce a matched-research +design?} \vspace{-1.5em} Multivariate optimal matching review using \texttt{optmatch} in R: +producing matched research designs using matching on scalars, propensity +scores, and Mahalanobis distances. + +\paragraph*{How to reason about whether we have a good matched research design?} +Multivariate balance assessment using null hypothesis testing using the +\texttt{RItools} package for R (and perhaps also using equivalence testing). + +\paragraph*{How to customize and focus the matched research design creation?} +Multivariate optimal matching; calipers; penalties; combining scores + + +\paragraph*{How to estimate the ATE and test hypotheses about causal effects +given a matched research design?} Estimating ATE and Std Errors from Matched +Designs using the Block Randomized Experiment as an Analogy. + +\subsection*{References} + +\citealp[Chap 1,3,7,8,9,13]{rosenbaum2010design} (\url{}) + +\citealp[Chap 9.0--9.2]{gelman2007dau} (on causal inference and the problems of interpolation and extrapolation) + +\citealp{hansen:2004} on full matching for adjustment + +\citealp{hansen2008cbs} on assessing balance. -\subsection*{Recommended Reading:} \section*{Class 2: Going Beyond Two Treatment Groups} \subsection*{Topics:} -\begin{description} - \item[Matching with more than one treatment] Multivariate optimal \textbf{nonbipartite} matching review using the \texttt{nbpMatching} package for R: producing matched research designs using matching on scalars, propensity scores, and Mahalanobis distances. - \item[Balance assessment after non-bipartite matching.] Multivariate balance assessment using null hypothesis testing (and using equivalence testing). - \item[Focusing and customizing non-bipartite matched designs] Multivariate optimal matching; calipers; penalties; combining scores - \item[Statistical inference after non-bipartite matching] Estimating ATE and Std Errors from Matched Designs using the Block Randomized Experiment as an Analogy. -\end{description} +\paragraph*{Matching with more than one treatment} \vspace{-1.5em} Multivariate optimal \textbf{nonbipartite} matching review using the \texttt{nbpMatching} package for R: producing matched research designs using matching on scalars, propensity scores, and Mahalanobis distances. +\paragraph*{Balance assessment after non-bipartite matching.} Multivariate balance assessment using null hypothesis testing (and using equivalence testing). +\paragraph*{Focusing and customizing non-bipartite matched designs} Multivariate optimal matching; calipers; penalties; combining scores +\paragraph*{Statistical inference after non-bipartite matching} Estimating ATE and Std Errors from Matched Designs using the Block Randomized Experiment as an Analogy. -\subsection*{Recommended Reading:} +\subsection*{References:} +\citealp[Chap 11 \& 12]{rosenbaum2010design} + +\citealp{lu2011optimal} \section*{References} -\bibliography{/Users/jwbowers/Documents/PROJECTS/BIB/big} + +\bibliography{references} \end{document}