All Contributions to the code base or documentation must be done on a branch with intuitive name e.g aol-#13-patch
, yandex-engine-implementation
Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub under Issues.
If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. If possible, be sure to make use of the bug template with label
Ensure the issue description clearly describes the bug.Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
Ensure the bug is first reported by searching on GitHub under Issues using label
If issue does not exist, open an issue with the bug report template
Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch using bug fix template.
Ensure the PR description clearly describes the solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
Ensure the feature was not already requested by searching on GitHub under Issues. Search using the
labels -
Suggest your feature/change in the search-engine-parser mailing list and start writing code.
Do not open an issue on GitHub until you have collected positive feedback about the change.
Raise an issue using the feature request template with labels
Upon implementing the feature, make a PR using the feature implementation template
Refer to the SearchEngineParser Engines Documentation for help on implementing Engines
If an issue for the Engine does not already exist under [Issues], suggest the engine in the search-engine-parser mailing list
If the Engine to be included is accepted, raise an issue using the feature template and labels
Upon implementing the Engine, make a PR using the engine implementation template
- Ask any question about how to use SearchEngineParser search-engine-parser mailing list.
- Please read Contributing to the SearchEngineParser Documentation.
NOTE: There are exceptions in every case and we know that too!
SearchEngineParser is a volunteer effort. We encourage you to pitch in and join the team!
Bisoncorps Team - B
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❤️ ❤️