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Bootstrap a Kubernetes Cluster

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

It's easier to create a cluster with eksctl cli. At first, you need to install eksctl, then bootstrap your eks cluster with the following command:

export AWS_REGION="francecentral"
export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME="demo"
export EKS_VERSION="1.19"

eksctl create cluster \
--version $EKS_VERSION \
--region $AWS_REGION \
--nodegroup-name linux-nodes \
--nodes 1 \
--nodes-min 1 \
--nodes-max 3 \
--with-oidc \
--ssh-access \

Update the current context of your local kubeconfig

aws eks --region $AWS_REGION update-kubeconfig --name $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME

You can also install a Kubernetes cluster with AWS CLI or via AWS console

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

export RESOURCE_GROUP="democno"
export REGION="francecentral"
export CLUSTER_NAME="demo"
export AKS_VERSION="1.19.7"

az group create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -l $REGION
az aks create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --name $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --kubernetes-version $AKS_VERSION \
    --node-vm-size Standard_D2_v2 \
    --node-count 2 \
    --generate-ssh-keys  \
    --network-plugin kubenet \
    --network-policy calico

Update the current context of your local kubeconfig

az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $CLUSTER_NAME

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

export GCP_ZONE=xxxxxxx
export GKE_CLUSTER_NAME="xxxxxx"
export GKE_VERSION="1.19"
export GCP_PROJECT_NAME=xxxxxxx

gcloud services enable
gcloud config set project $GCP_PROJECT_NAME
gcloud container clusters create $GKE_CLUSTER_NAME \
    --enable-autoupgrade \
    --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes=1 --max-nodes=10 --num-nodes=1 \
    --zone=$GCP_ZONE --cluster-version=$GKE_VERSION

Update the current context of your local kubeconfig

gcloud container clusters get-credentials $GKE_CLUSTER_NAME --zone us-central1-c --project $GCP_PROJECT_NAME


