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2ret-vim : Ben Thouret's Vim Distribution

2ret-vim image

2ret-vim is a distribution of vim plugins and resources for Vim, Gvim and MacVim.

The distribution is completely customisable using a ~/.vimrc.local and ~/.vimrc.bundles.local Vim RC files.

INSTALLATION (Linux, Mac OSX Installation)

The easiest way to install 2ret-vim is to use our automatic installer by simply copying and pasting the following line into a terminal. This will install 2ret-vim and backup your existing vim configuration.

    curl -L -o - | sh


  • git (ex: ubuntu apt-get install git-core)
  • vim 7.4+ with lua support
  • curl

IMPORTANT: To make all the plugins work, specifically neocomplete, you need vim with lua.

On Mac OSX, with homebrew, you would do something like this to reinstall your terminal vim with lua support:

$ brew update && brew uninstall --force vim && brew install vim --with-lua

Updating to the latest version

The simpliest (and safest) way to update is to simply rerun the installer. It will completely and non destructively upgrade to the latest version.

    curl -L -o - | sh

Alternatively you can manually perform the following steps. If anything has changed with the structure of the configuration you will need to create the appropriate symlinks.

    cd $HOME/.2ret-vim/
    git pull
    vim +PluginInstall! +PluginClean +qall


2ret-vim vimrc image

The .vimrc file is suited to programming. It is well organized and folds in sections. Each section is labeled and each option is commented.

It fixes many of the inconveniences of vanilla vim including

  • A single config can be used across Windows, Mac and linux
  • Eliminates swap and backup files from littering directories, preferring to store in a central location.
  • Fixes common typos like :W, :Q, etc
  • Setup a solid set of settings for Formatting (change to meet your needs)
  • Setup the interface to take advantage of vim's features including
    • omnicomplete
    • line numbers
    • syntax highlighting
    • A better ruler & status line
    • & more
  • Configuring included plugins
  • Automatically remove trailing whitespaces when saving a file

It uses Vundle which has an excellent system built on the same principles as Pathogen, but with an integrated plugin management system that is Git and Github aware.

Some Basic Mappings

The leader key is mapped to ,

  • <leader><leader> - switch between the currently open buffer and the previous one
  • <leader><space> - remove search highlighting
  • <leader>w - open a new vertical split window and switch to it
  • <leader>z - zoom In/Out current window
  • Y - yank from cursor to end of line
  • arrows - inactive, please use h,j,k,l

Function Keys Mappings

  • F2 - when you want to paste something in terminal, toggle to paste mode
  • F5 - toggle the undotree panel
  • F6 - open extradite for the current file
  • F8 - toggle the tagbar panel
  • F12 - validate the current buffer as json

Vim in the Terminal with Tmux

TODO: Tricks, gotchas (cut/paste, etc...)


Create ~/.vimrc.local and ~/.gvimrc.local for any local customizations.

For example, to override the default color schemes:

    echo colorscheme ir_black  >> ~/.vimrc.local


Adding new plugins

Create ~/.vimrc.bundles.local for any additional bundles.

To add a new bundle

    echo Bundle \'2ret-vim/vim-colors\' >> ~/.vimrc.bundles.local

Then to install or update bundles and remove obsolete ones:

vim +PluginInstall! +PluginClean +qall

Here are a few of the plugins:

This plugin is a tool for dealing with pairs of "surroundings." Examples of surroundings include parentheses, quotes, and HTML tags. They are closely related to what Vim refers to as text-objects. Provided are mappings to allow for removing, changing, and adding surroundings.

Details follow on the exact semantics, but first, consider the following examples. An asterisk (*) is used to denote the cursor position.

  Old text                  Command     New text ~
  "Hello *world!"           ds"         Hello world!
  [123+4*56]/2              cs])        (123+456)/2
  "Look ma, I'm *HTML!"     cs"<q>      <q>Look ma, I'm HTML!</q>
  if *x>3 {                 ysW(        if ( x>3 ) {
  my $str = *whee!;         vlllls'     my $str = 'whee!';

For instance, if the cursor was inside "foo bar", you could type cs"' to convert the text to 'foo bar'.

There's a lot more, check it out at :help surround

vinegar.vim enhances netrw, partially in an attempt to mitigate the need for more disruptive "project drawer" style plugins.

QuickStart Press - in any buffer to hop up to the directory listing and seek to the file you just came from.

QuickStart gcc to comment or uncomment a text selection

Want to comment 3 lines? Try 3gcc

Neocomplete is an autocomplete plugin. It can complete simultaniously from the dictionary, buffer, omnicomplete.

QuickStart Just start typing, it will autocomplete where possible


  • Automatically present the autocomplete menu
  • Support tab and enter for autocomplete

Fugitive adds pervasive git support to git directories in vim. For more information, use :help fugitive

Use :Gstatus to view git status and type - on any file to stage or unstage it. Type p on a file to enter git add -p and stage specific hunks in the file.

Use :Gdiff on an open file to see what changes have been made to that file

QuickStart <leader>gs to bring up git status


  • <leader>gs :Gstatus
  • <leader>gd :Gdiff
  • <leader>gc :Gcommit
  • <leader>gb :Gblame
  • <leader>gl :Glog
  • <leader>gp :Git push
  • :Git will pass anything along to git.

For more: vimcast: Fugitive

A great plugin for quick refactoring!

vim-multiple-cursors image

QuickStart <CTRL-n>

Out of the box, all you need to know is a single key Ctrl-n. Pressing the key in Normal mode highlights the current word under the cursor in Visual mode and places a virtual cursor at the end of it. Pressing it again finds the next ocurrence and places another virtual cursor at the end of the visual selection. If you select multiple lines in Visual mode, pressing the key puts a virtual cursor at every line and leaves you in Normal mode.

After you've marked all your locations with Ctrl-n, you can change the visual selection with normal Vim motion commands in Visual mode. You could go to Normal mode by pressing v and wield your motion commands there. Single key command to switch to Insert mode such as c or s from Visual mode or i, a, I, A in Normal mode should work without any issues.

At any time, you can press <Esc> to exit back to regular Vim.

Ack.vim uses ack to search inside the current directory for a pattern. You can learn more about it with :help Ack

QuickStart :Ack

Customization <leader>A will Ack the word under your cursor.

Plugin for browsing the tags of source code files. It provides a sidebar that displays the ctags-generated tags of the current file, ordered by their scope.

QuickStart CTRL-] while the cursor is on a keyword (such as a function name) to jump to it's definition.

Customizations: 2ret-vim binds <F8> to toggle the tagbar panel

Install dependency with exuberant ctags

ex: ubuntu `sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags`
ex: macos `brew install ctags && sudo mv /usr/bin/ctags /usr/bin/ctags.bak`

Run ctags -R in project root to generate tags

Quickly make the current window zooms into a full screen and when done, restore the previous set of windows.

QuickStart <leader>z

Ctrlp provides an intuitive and fast mechanism to load files from the file system (with regex and fuzzy find), from open buffers, and from recently used files.

QuickStart <CTRL>-p: will run the find file mode.


  • 1<CTRL>-p: will run :CtrlPBuffer, the open buffers mode.
  • 2<CTRL>-p: will run :CtrlPMRU, the MRU files mode.

Very simple function navigator for ctrlp.vim.

QuickStart <leader>-fu: to navigate and jump to function definitions from the current file without ctags

If you undo changes and then make a new change, in most editors the changes you undid are gone forever, as their undo-history is a simple list. Since version 7.0 vim uses an undo-tree instead. If you make a new change after undoing changes, a new branch is created in that tree. Combined with persistent undo, this is nearly as flexible and safe as git ;-)

Undotree makes that feature more accessible by creating a visual representation of said undo-tree.

QuickStart F5

Gist current file/selection

Requires setting GITHUB_TOKEN and GITHUB_USER Env's

QuickStart :Gist

QuickStart <leader>r run current file's specs

Other Shortcuts:

  • <leader>R run closest specs
  • <leader>g run all project's specs

Intro to VIM

Here's some tips if you've never used VIM before:



  • VIM has two (common) modes:
    • insert mode- stuff you type is added to the buffer
    • normal mode- keys you hit are interpreted as commands
  • To enter insert mode, hit i
  • To exit insert mode, hit <ESC>

Useful commands

  • Use :q to exit vim
  • Certain commands are prefixed with a <Leader> key, which by default maps to \. 2ret-vim uses let mapleader = "," to change this to , which is in a consistent and convenient location.

Vim cheat sheet

source cheatsheet

vim cheatsheet image

Keyboard cheat sheet

source cheatsheet

vim key mapping cheatsheet image


Strongly inspired by spf13-vim : Steve Francia's Vim Distribution


My personal vim distribution







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