The following PHP codes shows how to write a simple WebSocket server. The WebSocket server sends the client a message when the WebSocket connection is established.
- open
- handshake
- message
- close
$server = new swoole_websocket_server("", 9501);
$server->on('open', function (swoole_websocket_server $server, $request) {
echo "server: handshake success with fd{$request->fd}\n";
$server->on('message', function (swoole_websocket_server $server, $frame) {
echo "receive from {$frame->fd}:{$frame->data},opcode:{$frame->opcode},fin:{$frame->finish}\n";
$server->push($frame->fd, "This message is from swoole websocket server.");
$server->on('close', function ($ser, $fd) {
echo "client {$fd} closed\n";
There is a default on handshake callback in the Swoole WebSocket server. But developers can write custom function to override the default callback function.
function onHandShake(swoole_http_request $request, swoole_http_response $response);
When the custom on handshake function is implemented, the onOpen callback function will not be called.
$server->on('handshake',function(\swoole_http_request $request,$swoole_http_response $response){
// End the connection
// $response->end();
// return false;
// WebSocket handshake logic
if(0===preg_match('#^[+/0-9A-Za-z]{21}[AQgw]==$#',$request->header['sec-websocket-key']) || 16!==strlen(base64_decode($request->header['sec-websocket-key']))){
return false;
'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' =>$key,
foreach($headers as $key=>$val){
echo "connected!".PHP_EOL;
return true;
- onOpen
- onMessage
- onHandShake
Register event callback functions before server started.
Push data to the connected websocket client.
string swoole_websocket_server->pack($data, $length = DATA_LENGTH, $opcode = 1, $finish = true, $mask = false);
Encode data.
Decode data.
Check if the connection to the websocket client is active.