Swoole process manager can be used to replace PHP pcntl extension. Compare with PHP pcntl, Swoole process manager provides more features:
- Interprocess communication based on unixsock, with read/write or push/pop API.
- Redirect standard input and output
- The child process can use swoole_event callbacks.
- Exec API enable the child process execute Linux applications and communicate with parent process
(new class{
public $mpid=0;
public $works=[];
public $max_precess=1;
public $new_index=0;
public function __construct(){
try {
swoole_set_process_name(sprintf('php-ps:%s', 'master'));
$this->mpid = posix_getpid();
}catch (\Exception $e){
die('ALL ERROR: '.$e->getMessage());
public function run(){
for ($i=0; $i < $this->max_precess; $i++) {
public function CreateProcess($index=null){
$process = new swoole_process(function(swoole_process $worker)use($index){
for ($j = 0; $j < 16000; $j++) {
echo "msg: {$j}\n";
}, false, false);
return $pid;
public function checkMpid(&$worker){
echo "Master process exited, I [{$worker['pid']}] also quit\n";
public function rebootProcess($ret){
$index=array_search($pid, $this->works);
echo "rebootProcess: {$index}={$new_pid} Done\n";
throw new \Exception('rebootProcess Error: no pid');
public function processWait(){
while(1) {
$ret = swoole_process::wait();
if ($ret) {
int swoole_process->__construct(mixed $function, $redirect_stdin_stdout = false, $create_pipe = true);
Construct a child process with the callback function executed in the child process, optionally redirect the standard I/O to pipes between the parent process and the child processes.
When the parent process is stopped, the child processes will receive CLOSE event from the pipe.
Fork the swoole child process constructed and return the PID of the child process, or return false if the fork is failed.
Attributes of the child process:
Set name of the process started.
Execute system commands:
- $execfile is the path of the command.
- $args are the arguments for the command.
The process will be replaced to be the system command process, but the pipe between the parent process will be kept.
Write data into the pipe and communicate with the parent process or child processes.
Read data from the pipe:
Create a message queue as the communication method between the parent process and child processes.
- $msgkey is the ID of the message queue, the default value is ftok(FILE, 1)
Get the stats of the message queue used as the communication method between processes.
Destory the message queue created by swoole_process->useQueue(int $msgkey = 0, int $mode = 2).
Write and push data into the message queue.
$workers = [];
$worker_num = 2;
for($i = 0; $i < $worker_num; $i++)
$process = new swoole_process('callback_function', false, false);
$pid = $process->start();
$workers[$pid] = $process;
function callback_function(swoole_process $worker)
echo "Child process started, PID=".$worker->pid."\n";
//recv data from the parent process
$recv = $worker->pop();
echo "Data received from the parent process: $recv\n";
foreach($workers as $pid => $process)
$process->push("hello child process [$pid]\n");
for($i = 0; $i < $worker_num; $i++)
$ret = swoole_process::wait();
$pid = $ret['pid'];
echo "Child process exit, PID=".$pid.PHP_EOL;
Read and pop data from the message queue.
Close the pipe of the child process.
Stop the child process.
Send signal to the child process.
Wait for the events of child processes.
Change the process to be a daemon process.
- $nochdir: whether change the current path.
- $noclose: whether close the standard I/O of the process.
Setup signal callback function.
Set the CPU affinity of the process.