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File metadata and controls

90 lines (82 loc) · 5.57 KB


Experiments with unshare

This script creates an encrypted container as home directory for the application given as argument. It unshares mountpoint, network, IPC and UTS namespaces. The script is designed as pretty advanced proof of concept application sandboxing wrapper. Shadowing of original home, "/run" and "/tmp" directories is intentional. To be able to use unshare/setns, mount, dm-crypt and configure network the script needs sudo to get root access. To use X it preserves "/tmp/.X11-unix" and handles Xauthority. To run X applications you need to pass "--xauth". To allow applications to access internet use "--skip-network" or "--nat" option. If you pass "--skip-network" options "--tcpdump" and "--nat" will not work.

Warning: Option "--nat" will enable IP forwarding on your default network interfaces and WILL NOT remove thoses changes on tear down.

Info: This script is Python rewrite of "per-app-crypted-home.bash" including additional features.


Usage: [options] [-b<DIR>]... [--] <application> [<arguments>...]

Runs application within an encrypted sandboxed filesystem used as home shadowing users original home directory.

  -b DIRECTORY                    Bind mount given subdirectory of home into containers home
  --container=FILE                File used as container for encrypted home (default: $HOME/.crypted-homes/$APPLICATION_ID)
  -c, --config=NAME               Use a config file
  --cpu-quota=FLOAT               Quota for CPU time ( 0.5 = 50% of 1 core, 4 = 100% of 4 cores )
  -d, --display=DISPLAY           Display to use
  -f, --fs-type=TYPE              Filesystem type inside container (default: ext4)
  -h, --help                      Display this help and exits
  -H, --hash=COMMAND              Hash executable used to build application identifier (default: sha256sum)
  -i, --id=APPLICATION_ID         Application identifier (default: $BASENAME-$PATHHASH)
  --int-do-mkfs=<0|1>             Used internally when becoming root after creating a new container
  -k, --key-file=FILE             Use key from FILE instead of passphrase for dm-crypt
  -m, --mac-address=MAC           Spoof virtual ethernet MAC address
  --max-memory=SIZE               Set memory limit for container
  -n, --nat                       Setup NAT for internet access
  -q, --quiet                     Suppress extra output
  -r, --resize=SIZE               Resize an existing container
  -s, --size=SIZE                 Maximum size of container (default: 4G)
  --seccomp                       Sandbox syscalls with seccomp
  --skip-dbus-launch              Skip DBUS launch inside container
  --skip-devices                  Skip restricting devices access inside container
  --skip-hide-run                 Skip mount new tmpfs to /run
  --skip-hide-tmp                 Skip mount new tmpfs to /tmp
  --skip-ipc                      Skip IPC virtualisation
  --skip-network                  Skip network virtualisation
  --skip-uts                      Skip UTS (hostname) virtualisation
  --skip-bind-x11-unix            Skip bind mount of /tmp/.X11-unix
  --skip-xdg-runtime-dir          Skip providing XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
  -u, --user=USER                 User to run as
  -v, --verbose                   Verbose logging output 
  --version                       Shows version and exits
  -w, --write-config              Write current settings to config
  -x, --xauth                     Xauth cookie handling
  -t, --tcpdump                   Dump reduced version of network traffic with tcpdump
  --teardown-timeout=SECONDS      Timeout for closing the container in seconds (default: 10)

Simple example

# start firefox without virtual network
./ --skip-network --xauth firefox
# start firefox with virtual network and NAT (see warning)
./ --nat --xauth firefox

Advanced examples

# key file, pipe, exit code and quite example
head -c32 /dev/random > ~/secret_key
echo "hello world"|./ --key-file ~/secret_key --quiet -- "$SHELL" -c "cat; exit 42"
# application arguments with quote example
./ --key-file ~/secret_key "$SHELL" -c "pwd; ls -la; mount |grep \"$HOME\"; echo \"sleeping 1m so you can try to find this mount in another shell. Hint: it won't be easy.\"; sleep 1m"
# resize shrink example
./ --resize 128M --key-file ~/secret_key -- "$SHELL" -c "df -h ."
# quiet resize expand example
./ --quiet --resize 512M --key-file ~/secret_key -- "$SHELL" -c "df -h ."
# capture ip activities (excluding TCP stream data)
./ --xauth --nat --tcpdump --key-file ~/secret_key chromium
ls -lh chromium*.pcap
# bind mount $HOME/Downloads into private container
./ --key-file ~/secret_key -b Downloads "$SHELL" -c "ls -la Downloads"
# spoof network MAC address
./ --key-file ~/secret_key --mac-address c0:01:da:1a:d0:0d "$SHELL" -c "ip link |grep link/ether"
# memory limit
./ --key-file ~/secret_key --max-memory 16M -- python -c 'buf="A"*32*1024*1024'
dmesg |tail
# CPU quota options
./ --key-file ~/secret_key --cpu-quota 0.1 "$SHELL" -c 'for i in $( seq 1 $( grep "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo |wc -l ) ); do while true; do true; done & done; top'
# hiding host /tmp, /run and /home
./ --key-file ~/secret_key "$SHELL" -c "ls -la /tmp /run /home"

Console cast

Console cast