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BigBlueButton on AWS

BigBlueButton is an online conference system. You can use this solution to provision an online web conference system automatically, or you can combine this with our previously published Moodle on AWS CN. Through the combination with Moodle, we can quickly deploy a complete e-learning solution.

  • Supported Regions: cn-north-1(Beijing), cn-northwest-1(Ningxia)
  • Version: v1.0
  • Time to deploy: Approximately 60 minutes


You can choose to deploy the Web Conference system directly, or deploy with the Moodle solution. The following is the architecture diagram.


Deployment Prerequisites

  1. This solution provides a one-click deployment solution for BigBlueButton in the AWS China region. BigBlueButton is under the GNU Lesser General Public License V3 (LGPLv3), By deploy the BigBlueButton through this solution, you agrees to the BigBlueButton license.

  2. Prepare ICP-registered domain names. Deploying Web services in Mainland China requires an ICP-registered domain name to run your business legally. Please prepare the domain name filed by ICP in advance.

  3. 2 Elastic IPs. These 2 Elastic IPs are used for Turn Server and App Server respectively.

  4. Configure DNS resolution. Configure DNS so that the domain names of Turn Server and App Server point to two Elastic IPs respectively.

Step 1: Launch CloudFormation Stack

This automated AWS CloudFormation template deploys the BigBlueButton application on AWS Cloud.

You are responsible for the cost of AWS services used when running this solution. For more details, please see the "Fee" section. For full details, see the pricing page for each AWS service that will be used in this solution.

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and click the button below to launch the AWS CloudFormation template.

    Launch Stack

  2. By default, the template is launched in the AWS Ningxia region. To start the solution in other AWS regions, use the region selector in the navigation bar of the console.

  3. On the Create Stack page, confirm that the correct template URL is displayed in the Amazon S3 URL text box, and then choose Next.

  4. On the Specify Stack Details page, assign a name to the solution stack.

  5. Under Parameters, view the parameters of the template and modify them as needed. This solution uses the following default values.

    General AWS

    Parameter Default Description
    EC2 Key Pair EC2 Key Pair name, used to SSH access to instance
    SSH Access From Allowed IP range to SSH from for Bastion Security Group


    Parameter Default Description
    VPC ID Choose existing VPC
    Subnet ID Choose existing Subnet, must be a public subnet

    BigBlueButton General Information

    Parameter Default Description
    Email Used for Let's encrypt SSL
    Secret ID 12345678 Inter-communication between Turn and App servers

    Turn Server

    Parameter Default Description
    Instance Size c5.large Turn instance size
    Domain Name Turn Server domain
    EIP Allocation ID EIP Allocation ID
    Disk Size 100 Disk size

    App Server

    Parameter Default Description
    Instance Size c5.2xlarge App instance size
    Domain Name App Server domain
    EIP Allocation ID EIP 的 Allocation ID
    Disk Size 100 Disk size
  6. Choose Next

  7. On the Configure Stack Options page, choose Next.

  8. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Make sure to check the box that confirms that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources.

  9. Select Create Stack to deploy the stack.

You can check the status of the stack in the Status column of the AWS CloudFormation console. You should see the status as CREATE_COMPLETE in about 60 minutes.