SEASide is a cross-platform graphical desktop application to make using the UCLA SEASnet servers as easy as possible.
- First install yarn
- Clone the repository and enter the directory:
$ git clone $ cd SEASide
- Run
to install the required packages - To test run
yarn start
- assets/ - Holds images needed for application
- public/ - holds files to be copied to the build directory
- electron.js - Electron's launch point, opens the main
- index.html - Principal web page to host the React app
- src/ - Holds main source of application window and controls the application
- components/ - React components
- ConnectionMenu.jsx - Holds connection button and server selector
- FileExplorer.jsx - File explorer component
- Loader.jsx - Establishes SSH connection while loading
- Login.jsx - User login credentials form
- MainWindow.jsx - The main application view
- MasterTab.jsx - Individual tab component
- ServerSelector.jsx - Server selection component
- Terminal.jsx - Terminal emulator
- config/ - Configuration files
- servers.json - a list of selectable servers to connect to
- App.js - The main React component
- App.test.js - Tests for App.js
- Connection.js - interface for SSH connection to SEASnet
- index.css - Global CSS to affect all pages
- index.js - React's launch point
- registerServiceWorker.js - utility from
- SaveData.js - contains fields which are saved when the
- components/ - React components
- config-overrides.js - change default configuration of webpack from
- package.json - Description of dependencies and scripts to test/build the application
General Guidelines:
- Major changes should be done in branches
- Commit messages should be descriptive and written as actions:
Add login fields and error message to GUI