A curated list of awesome open source tools and commercial products that will help you train, deploy, monitor, version, scale, and secure your production machine learning on kubernetes 🚀
- Bodywork: Deploys machine learning projects developed in Python, to Kubernetes.
- Katib: Kubernetes-based system for hyperparameter tuning and neural architecture search.
- Kubeflow: A machine learning toolkit for Kubernetes.
- Kserve: Serverless Inferencing on Kubernetes.
- MLOperator: Machine Learning Operator & Controller for Kubernetes.
- Pachyderm: Pachyderm is the leader in data versioning and pipelines for MLOps on Kubernetes.
- Polyaxon: A cloud native platform for reproducible and scalable machine learning and deep learning on kubernetes.
- Seldon Core: Open source platform for deploying and monitoring machine learning models in kubernetes.
- Training Operator: Training operators on Kubernetes.