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SQL-to-Text Scripts

Note : Please run each script from this directory only since it contains relative paths

Here, each <X> represents an SQL-to-Text method

Each train_<X>.sh script does the following :

  • Preprocesses the spider data appropriately and stores the preprocessed data in ../../data/sql-to-text/<X>/ directory
  • Trains the appropriate model using the preprocessed data and saves the intermediate and best checkpoints in ../models/sql-to-text/<X>/ directory

Each infer_<X>.sh script does the following :

  • Reads spider workloads from ../../data/spider_groups/
  • Generates text corresponding to each SQL using appropriate SQL-to-Text method (uses model checkpoints from the location where train_<X>.sh saves them)
  • Splits the (SQL, generated-text) pairs into train-dev splits for further SmBop finetuning

Implementation of each method can be found in ../../sql-to-text/ directory