From Autolab versions v.3.0.0
Students can download all assignments from another student, as long as they are logged in, using the download_all_submissions feature. This can allow for leakage of submissions to unauthorized users, such as downloading submissions from other students in the class, or even instructor test submissions, given they know their user IDs.
Patch is included in this advisory and is now deployed.
Administrators can disable the feature. Otherwise, there are no workarounds.
From Autolab versions v.3.0.0
Students can download all assignments from another student, as long as they are logged in, using the download_all_submissions feature. This can allow for leakage of submissions to unauthorized users, such as downloading submissions from other students in the class, or even instructor test submissions, given they know their user IDs.
Patch is included in this advisory and is now deployed.
Administrators can disable the feature. Otherwise, there are no workarounds.