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Migration Guide

Upgrading from v3.x -> v4.0

The version 4 release contains several improvements:

  • Support for java.time.Instant when creating or verifying JWTs with Numeric Date claim values.
  • Improvements to JWT claim validation, including support for custom claim validation using Predicates.
  • Improved exception handling when validating JWTs, to better inform of the reason for failed validation.
  • Consistent handling of null claim values both when creating and validation JWTs.

This guide captures the changes you should be aware of when planning and upgrading to version 4.

Compile or runtime breaking changes

Classes or methods removed:

  • The impl package has been removed as an export in This package contains implementation-specific code that may change at any point.
  • Support for the ES256K algorithm has been removed, as it is disabled in Java 15+. The Algorithm#ECDSA256K(ECDSAKeyProvider keyProvider) and Algorithm#ECDSA256K(ECPublicKey publicKey, ECPrivateKey privateKey) methods have been removed.
  • com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.Clock has been removed. Instead, an implementation of java.time.Clock can be passed to the BaseVerification for testing purposes.
  • com.auth0.jwt.impl.NullClaim has been removed. Claim#isNull can be used to determine if a claim's value is null.
  • com.auth0.jwt.impl.PublicClaims was removed, and replaced by com.auth0.jwt.RegisteredClaims and com.auth0.jwt.HeaderParams.
  • com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.Verification#withAnyOfAudience no longer provides a default implementation.

Behavioral potentially breaking changes

JWT creation

  • All date/time claim values are now serialized as seconds since the epoch, in both the payload and header. In version 3, date/time claims nested in a list or map, as well as any header parameters with date/time values, were serialized as milliseconds since the epoch.
  • When creating a JWT, passing null as the value no longer removes the claim if it was previously added to the builder. It now adds the claim with a null value.

JWT validation

  • In version 3, specifying multiple claim expectations for the same claim name would override any previous expectations for that claim. In version 4, all expectations for that claim will be validated.
  • In version 3, passing null for the value of a claim expectation would remove that expectation from the validation. In version 4, passing null does not remove that expectation, but instead validates that the claim has the literal value null.
  • When validating a JWT, if an expected claim is present in the JWT but contains a value different from the one expected, an IncorrectClaimException (subclass of InvalidClaimException) will now be thrown instead of an InvalidClaimException.
  • When validating a JWT, if an expected claim is not present in the JWT, an MissingClaimException (subclass of InvalidClaimException) will now be thrown instead of an InvalidClaimException.
  • withClaimPresence(String claimName) now validates that the claim is present in the JWT, and a claim with a null value is considered present. Previously, a claim with a value of null would be considered as missing and fail the validation.
  • When validating a date/time claim value, the validation no longer checks for strict equality of the claim's value and the provided Date (or Instant). Instead, the expected Date or Instant will be compared to the claim's value only considering seconds (because JWT date/time claims are represented as seconds since the epoch).

Claim changes

  • com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.Claim#isNull() now returns true only if the claim is present and its value is null. Previously, it returned true if the claim was present and its value was null, or if the claim was not present in the JWT. To check if the claim is present or not in the JWT, use isMissing().

New classes or methods

IncorrectClaimException added

This class extends InvalidClaimException and represents that when validating a JWT, an expected claim exists in the JWT but does not match the expected value.

MissingClaimException added

This class extends InvalidClaimException and represents that when validating a JWT, an expected claim is missing from the JWT.

HeaderParams added

This class contains constants representing common header parameter names.

RegisteredClaims added

This class contains constants representing the registered claim names.

JWTCreator new methods

  • JWTCreator.Builder#withExpiresAt(Instant expiresAt) - adds the exp claim to the JWT from a java.time.Instant.
  • JWTCreator.Builder#withNotBefore(Instant notBefore) - adds the nbf claim to the JWT from a java.time.Instant.
  • JWTCreator.Builder#withIssuedAt(Instant issuedAt) - adds the iat claim to the JWT from a java.time.Instant.
  • JWTCreator.Builder#withClaim(String claimName, Instant value) - adds a claim to the JWT from a java.time.Instant.
  • JWTCreator.Builder#withNullClaim(String claimName) - adds a claim to the JWT with the literal value null.

DecodedJWT new methods

  • Instant getExpiresAtAsInstant() - Returns a JWT's exp claim as a java.time.Instant.
  • Instant getNotBeforeAsInstant() - Returns a JWT's nbf claim as a java.time.Instant.
  • Instant getIssuedAtAsInstant() - Returns a JWT's iat claim as a java.time.Instant.

Claim new methods

  • Instant asInstant() - Gets a claim as a java.time.Instant.
  • boolean isMissing() - Returns whether the claim is present or not.

Verification new methods

  • Verification withClaim(String name, Instant value) - Adds an expectation that a claim with the provided name has a value equal to the provided java.time.Instant.
  • Verification withClaim(String name, BiPredicate<Claim, DecodedJWT> predicate) - Allows for a claim to be validated with the supplied predicate.
  • Verification withNullClaim(String name) - Adds an expectation that a claim with the provided name has a value equal to the literal null.