EC2 101
- Elastic Compute Cloud - resizable compute capacity in the cloud
- Pricing models
- On demand - fixed rate per hour with no commitment
- Reserved - capacity reservation - offer a significant discount on the hourly charge. Contract terms 1 or 3 years. Good for predictable usage
- Standard reserved instances - 75% off on demand instances. The more you pay up front and the longer the contract, the greater the discount
- Convertible reserved isntances - up to 54% off on demand. Change attributes of the RI as long as the exhange results in equal value
- Scheduled reserved instances - e.g. if you run a school. Fraction of a time period
- Spot - bid a price for instance capacity - greater savings. May lose instances if price increases. Apps that have flexible start and end times.
- Dedicated hosts - physical ec2 servers that are dedicated to you. Use existing server-bound software licenses if possible. Regulatory requirements. Can pay for these by the hour (on demand)
- FIGHT DR MC PXZ AU (servers)
EC2 Notes
- AMI - Amazon Machine Image
- Protect against accidental termination option 🙂
- EBS volume types - root volume can only use SSD or magnetic, but not cold HDD or optimized HDD
- varied IOPS speeds
- You can encrypt your root device volumes from the get go
- Additional volumes
- Cold HDD (sc1)
- Throughput optimized HDD (st1) - data warehouses?
- Delete on termination not checked by default
- Security group - virtual firewall. Allows communication over particular ports (covered in VPC section). e.g. SSH uses port 22
- Source of means open to the whole world
- Key pair - asymmetric encryption
- public key = padlock. Can go in the ec2 instance
- private key = key to the padlock. Store locally on your machine
- ssh ec2-user@IP... -i keyfile.pem
- ssh-keygen -y -f MyKP.pem > (generate public key)
- -y = yes 😮
- Webserver path for html files: /var/www/html (accessible via port 80)
- Turn on apache service: service httpd start
- chkconfig on (runs service if ec2 instance reboots)
AMI Types (EBS vs Instance Store)
- Instance Store volumes - Ephemeral Storage
- Instance store volumes cannot be stopped - if host fails, data is lost
- EBS backed instances can be stopped - will not lose data
- Can reboot both, wont lose data
- By default, Root volumes will be deleted on termination. However, with EBS volumes, you can tell AWS to keep the root device volume
Encrypted Root Device volumes & Snapshots
- Can provision encrypted root device volumes (EBS) when provisioning ec2 instance
- To do it from an unencrypted root device volume
- Take a snapshot
- Take a copy of the snapshot and enable encryption
- Create an AMI using this encrypted copy
- Launch instance with AMI
- Note: You cant take a snapshot that is encrypted and launch it as an unencrypted instance/volume
Spot Instances
- Can look at historical price trends and decide on AZ based on this
- CI/CD, testing, image and media rendering, high performance computing (?)
- Persistent = stop and start based on hitting price threshold
- Onetime = closed when price threshold reached
- Spot fleets - collection of spot instances
- CapcityOptimized
- LowestPrice - default strategy
- diversified
- InstancePPoolsToUseCount - must be used in conjunction with lowestprice
EC2 Hibernate
- Suspend to dsik
- Saves contents from the instance memory to your EBS root volume
- We persist the instance EBS root volume and any attached amazon EBS data volumes
- Basically dont need to boot up the OS etc. again
- Good for long running processes / services that take long time to start up
- Root device volume must be encrypted
- Monitoring service / monitors performance
- Host level metrics
- Network
- Disk
- Status check
- Cloudtrail
- Like a CCTV
- Visibility to users and resource activity
- e.g. an s3 bucket created - cloudtrail
Elastic File System EFS
- You can have multiple instances sharing an EFS volume
- Elastic - dont need to reprovision
- Has lifecycle policies (needs to be enabled)
- EC2 instance - yum install -y amazon-efs-utils
- mount -t efs -o tls ...
- Above commands need to run to mount the instance to EFS - run on both instances. Updates on file in 1 instance will be viewable by the other instance
- Only pay for storage you use
FSX for Windows & FSX for Lustre
- EFS - When you need distributed, highly resilient storage for Linux instances and linux based applications
- Amazon FSx for Windows - When you need centralised storage for Windows-based applications such as Sharepoint, SQL Server, Workspaces, IIS Web Server etc.
- Amazon FSx for Lustre - When you need high-speed, high-capacity distributed storage. This will be for applications that do High Performance Compute (HPC), financial modelling etc. Remeber that FSx for Lustre can store data directly on S3
EC2 Placement Groups
- Clustered placement group - group instances close together in an AZ
- Spread placement group -instances that are each placed on distinct underlying hardware (hardware failure impacts just one instance)
- Partition placement groups - each partition within a placement group has its own set of racks, each rack has its own network and power source --> multiple EC2 instance per partition (as opposed to spread placement group, which is 1 instance per hardware)
- Storage
- Snowball/snowmobile
- AWS datasync
- Direct connect
- Dedicated network connection from your premises to AWS
- Instance attached storage: EBS, instance store
- Network storage: S3, EFS, FSx for Lustre
- Compute & Networking
- EC2, EC2 spot fleets, ENA, Placement Groups, EFA
- Orchestration & Automation
- AWS Batch
- ParallelCluster
- cluster management tool