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Start a new React project.
Create components for Header, NewsList, NewsCard, SearchBar, CategoryMenu, and Footer.
Choose a news API. Use Axios or Fetch to fetch news data.
Render news articles in NewsList. Use NewsCard to display each article with title, image, description, source, and date.
Implement a search feature with the SearchBar. Filter news articles using keywords in API requests.
Provide navigation by news categories with the CategoryMenu. Modify API requests for category filtering.
Implement pagination for displaying news articles.
Create a detailed view for each news article. Use routing (e.g., React Router) for navigation.
Apply Tailwind CSS classes for styling.
Display loading indicators and error messages.
Ensure the application is responsive on various screen sizes.
Write tests for components and API interactions.
Deploy the React app on a hosting platform.
Maintain project documentation, including setup instructions.
Focus on providing a user-friendly experience.
Ensure compliance with content usage policies.
Keep dependencies updated and address security issues. This concise list outlines the steps to create a news application using React and Tailwind CSS.