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Feature extractors

Tim Sharii edited this page Jul 27, 2019 · 28 revisions
  1. Feature extractors
  2. Best practices
  3. Pre-processing
  4. Post-processing
  5. Serialization
  6. Time-domain feature extractor
  7. Spectral feature extractor
  8. Pitch
  9. MPEG-7 feature extractor
  10. Filterbank extractor
  12. LPC/LPCC
  13. PLP
  14. Wavelet extractor
  15. AMS
  16. Creating your own feature extractor

Feature extractors

All feature extractors are inherited from abstract class FeatureExtractor. It's relatively complex, so first we'll consider only the most important part. The rest will be discussed in section Creating your own feature extractor.

Each feature extractor has two methods for computations: 1) ComputeFrom() that takes float[] array or DiscreteSignal as input (and optionally starting and ending positions for analysis) and 2) ProcessFrame() that takes float[] array representing one frame as input and returns float[] array of computed features in this frame. Extractors can and must be reused: create extractor object once and call ComputeFrom() or ProcessFrame() method every time there's a new portion of data and new features should be calculated.

ComputeFrom() method decomposes signal or array of samples into sequence of frames with certain hop. So in constructor of any feature extractor at least (1) sampling rate, (2) frame duration and (3) hop duration (in seconds) must be specified.


  • abstract int FeatureCount
  • abstract List<string> FeatureDescriptions
  • virtual List<string> DeltaFeatureDescriptions
  • virtual List<string> DeltaDeltaFeatureDescriptions
  • double FrameDuration (in seconds)
  • double HopDuration (in seconds)
  • int FrameSize (in samples)
  • int HopSize (in samples)
  • int SamplingRate

Main methods:

  • abstract float[] ProcessFrame()
  • virtual List<FeatureVector> ComputeFrom()
  • virtual List<FeatureVector> ParallelComputeFrom()
  • virtual void Reset()


var mfccExtractor = new MfccExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, 13, 0.025, 0.01);
var mfccVectors = mfccExtractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

// process only one frame:
float[] features = mfccExtractor.ProcessFrame(block);

// let's say we got some more samples from external source;
// process them with same extractor
// (for demo, let's also ignore first 100 samples):

var newVectors = mfccExtractor.ComputeFrom(samples, 100, samples.Length);

// (supposing that signal sampling rate is 16000 Hz)
// properties:

var count = mfccExtractor.FeatureCount;          // 13
var names = mfccExtractor.FeatureDescriptions;   // { "mfcc0", "mfcc1", ..., "mfcc12" }
var frameDuration = mfccExtractor.FrameDuration; // 0.025
var hopDuration = mfccExtractor.HopDuration;     // 0.010
var frameSize = mfccExtractor.FrameSize;         // 400 = 0.025 * 16000
var hopSize = mfccExtractor.HopSize;             // 160 = 0.010 * 16000

Feature extractors return collection of feature vectors (List<FeatureVector>). Each feature vector contains time position (in seconds) and array of features:

  • double TimePosition
  • float[] Features

Also, there's an extension method Statistics() returning Dictionary with keys:

var stats = featureVector.Statistics();

var min = stats["min"];
var max = stats["max"];
var avg = stats["mean"];

Feature extractors can be parallelizable, i.e. they can create their internal clones which will simultaneously process different parts of signal. In this case property IsParallelizable will return true. All available extractors in NWaves are parallelizable (except PnccExtractor, SpnccExtractor and AmsExtractor). For example:

var lpcExtractor = new LpcExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, 16, 0.032, 0.015);
var lpcVectors = lpcExtractor.ParallelComputeFrom(signal);

ParallelComputeFrom method has one additional parameter parallelThreads. By default, parallelThreads = 0 which means that all CPU cores will be involved in computations. Under the hood, ParallelComputeFrom method creates (N-1) copies of the current extractor, splits data into N chunks and each copy processes its own chunk (N = number of parallel threads). Thus, the method was introduced mainly for processing long signals; for small arrays it's quite an overhead.

Best practices

Actually, I'm not quite sure about it yet :-), and maybe extractors will be redesigned in the future.

In case of offline processing everything is simple: just call ComputeFrom() or ParallelComputeFrom() method. Say, you need to extract MFCC features from the set of files and save them to csv files. You can do it like this:

var i = 1;
foreach (var filename in filenames)
    DiscreteSignal signal;

    using (var stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open))
         var waveFile = new WaveFile(stream);
         signal = waveFile[Channels.Left];

    // if files are big, let's parallelize computations:
    var mfccVectors = mfccExtractor.ParallelComputeFrom(signal);

    using (var csvFile = new FileStream($"{i}.csv", FileMode.Create))
        var serializer = new CsvFeatureSerializer(mfccVectors, header);
        await serializer.SerializeAsync(csvFile);


In case of online processing different options arise depending on how exactly audiodata gets to your program. You can still use ComputeFrom() method. If portions of incoming data are relatively small or if it makes sense to process each frame separately then call ProcessFrame() method. Also, this method ignores the time position of a frame, since it returns only array of computed features.

In both cases you should keep in mind that in general not all data will be processed by the extractor. Often it's not a problem - ending part can be simply skipped (lost). But if every sample should be accounted for then you'll have to save ending part to temporary array and then add it to the beginning of a new portion of data manually. Let's illustrate:

frameSize: 12
hopSize:   6

signal: ssssssssssssssssssssssssxxxx    (portion 1)

frames: ssssssssssss                    (frame 1 is processed)
              ssssssssssss              (frame 2 is processed)
                    ssssssssssss        (frame 3 is processed)
                          ssssssxxxx??  <- this frame will not be processed
                                           because it needs 2 non-existing samples

So there are 4 samples (xxxx) which were ignored in portion 1 of data.

signal: ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss     (portion 2)
Now we can process this new portion as it is or prepend it with xxxx:

signal: xxxxssssssssssssssssssssssssssss (portion 2)

Code for the case when non-processed samples are simply ignored:

// there'll be some analog of this function in particular technology:

void GotNewAudioData(float[] data)

List<FeatureVector> mfccVectors = new List<FeatureVector>();

Possible code for the case when non-processed samples are added to buffer:

void GotNewAudioData(float[] data)
    // copy data to temp buffer;
    // don't touch first samples saved at previous iteration
    data.FastCopyTo(tempBuf, data.Length, 0, skippedCount);

    var currentLength = data.Length + skippedCount;

    var newVectors = mfccExtractor.ComputeFrom(tempBuf, 0, currentLength);

    // estimate number of non-processed samples:
    skippedCount = currentLength - mfccExtractor.FrameSize
                                 - (newVectors.Count - 1) * mfccExtractor.HopSize;

    // and copy these last samples to temp buf:
    if (skippedCount > 0)
        data.FastCopyTo(tempBuf, skippedCount, data.Length - skippedCount);

List<FeatureVector> mfccVectors = new List<FeatureVector>();

float[] tempBuf = new float[LargeEnoughSize]; // each portion of data should not exceed this size
int skippedCount = 0;

Process frame:

void GotNewAudioData(float[] data)
    var features = mfccExtractor.ProcessFrame(data);
    // ...

// Extractors don't do pre-emphasis and windowing in ProcessFrame() method
// even if you've specified corresponding parameters in extractor's constructor!
// Pre-processing of each frame (if it's needed) in this case must be done manually.

void GotNewAudioData(float[] data)
    preFilter.Process(data, data);

    var features = mfccExtractor.ProcessFrame(data);
    // ...

var window = Window.OfType(WindowTypes.Hamming, frameSize);
var preFilter = new PreEmphasisFilter(0.97);

Also, some extractors have state (PNCC/SPNCC and PLP with RASTA coeff > 0), so don't forget to reset them when you start processing new sequence of data. All other extractors are stateless so no need to worry about resetting them.


In speech processing, pre-emphasis filters are often applied to signal before main processing.

There are 3 options to perform pre-emphasis filtering:

  1. set pre-emphasis coefficient in constructor of a feature extractor
  2. apply filter before processing and process filtered signal
  3. filter signal in-place and process it

The first option is slightly slower, however it won't allocate extra memory and it won't mutate input signal (so, perhaps, it should be the choice by default). If preserving of the input signal is not required, then the third option is the best. If the input signal must be preserved and extra memory is not an issue, then the second approach is preferred (it'll be faster).

// option 1:

var mfccExtractor = new MfccExtractor(sr, 13, filterbankSize: 24, preEmphasis: 0.95);
var mfccVectors = mfccExtractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

// option 2:
// ApplyTo() will create new signal (allocate new memory)

mfccExtractor = new MfccExtractor(sr, 13, filterbankSize: 24);
var pre = new PreEmphasisFilter(0.95);
var filtered = pre.ApplyTo(signal);
mfccVectors = mfccExtractor.ComputeFrom(filtered);

// option 3:
// process array or DiscreteSignal samples in-place:

for (var i = 0; i < signal.Length; i++)
    signal[i] = pre.Process(signal[i]);

mfccVectors = mfccExtractor.ComputeFrom(signal);


  • Mean subtraction
  • Variance normalization
  • Adding deltas and delta-deltas to existing feature vector
  • Joining (merging feature vectors into one longer vector)
  • Extracting the featuregram
FeaturePostProcessing.NormalizeVariance(mfccVectors, bias: 0);

FeaturePostProcessing.AddDeltas(mfccs, includeDeltaDelta: false);

var totalVectors = FeaturePostProcessing.Join(mfccs, lpcs, lpccs);

IEnumerable<float[]> featureGram = mfccs.Featuregram();

The bias parameter in NormalizeVariance() method is by default equal to 1 (so estimate of variance is unbiased). This parameter is present in formula:


Method AddDeltas() extends each feature vector in the list. Deltas are computed according to formula:


N can be passed as parameter. By default, N=2 so the formula reduces to:


As can be seen, we need to account for marginal cases (at the beginning and at the end of the list). Method AddDeltas() by default adds two zero vectors at the beginning and two zero vectors at the end of the list (and that's perfectly fine in most cases). You can also prepend and append your own collections of feature vectors to specify marginal 'previous' and 'next' sets (there must be at least two vectors in each set; method will unite all lists and calculate deltas in united list starting from the third vector and ending with the third from the end):

FeatureVector[] previous = new FeatureVector[2]; // for two previous vectors
FeatureVector[] next = new FeatureVector[2];     // for two vectors after the last one

// fill 'previous' and 'next' with values

FeaturePostProcessing.AddDeltas(mfccs, previous, next);

Featuregram is an analog of stft.Spectrogram. It simply skips the time positions and yields 2D representation of feature values (float[]) from List<FeatureVector>. Note, it returns IEnumerable.


var mfccs = new MfccExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, 13).ComputeFrom(signal);

using (var csvFile = new FileStream("mfccs.csv", FileMode.Create))
    var serializer = new CsvFeatureSerializer(mfccs);
    await serializer.SerializeAsync(csvFile);

Time-domain feature extractor

TimeDomainFeaturesExtractor class is the first representative of the multi-extractors family:

  • TimeDomainFeaturesExtractor
  • SpectralFeaturesExtractor
  • Mpeg7SpectralFeaturesExtractor

These extractors compute several features at once using different formulae/routines. They accept the string containing the list of feature names enumerated with any separator (',', '+', '-', ';', ':'). If the string "all" or "full" is specified then multi-extractor will compute all pre-defined features (returned by FeatureSet public property).

TimeDomainFeaturesExtractor, as the name suggests, computes time-domain features, such as: energy, RMS, ZCR and entropy (all these methods are contained in DiscreteSignal class):

var tdExtractor = new TimeDomainFeaturesExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, "all", 0.032, 0.02);
var tdVectors = tdExtractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

// compute only RMS and ZCR at each step:

tdExtractor = new TimeDomainFeaturesExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, "rms, zcr", 0.032, 0.02);
tdVectors = tdExtractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

// let's examine what is available:

var names = tdExtractor.FeatureSet;  // { "energy, rms, zcr, entropy" }

Recognized keywords are:

  • Energy: "e", "en", "energy"
  • RMS: "rms"
  • ZCR: "zcr", "zero-crossing-rate"
  • Entropy: "entropy"

Keywords are case-insensitive.

You can also add your own feature with corresponding function for its calculation. This function must accept three parameters: 1) signal, 2) start position, 3) end position (exclusive). Code example:

var tdExtractor = new TimeDomainFeaturesExtractor(sr, "RMS", frameDuration, hopDuration);

// let's add two features:
// 1) "positives": percentage of samples with positive values
// 2) "avgStartEnd": just the average of start and end sample

tdExtractor.AddFeature("positives", CountPositives);
tdExtractor.AddFeature("avgStartEnd", (s, start, end) => { return (s[start] + s[end - 1]) / 2; } );

var count = tdExtractor.FeatureCount;        // 3
var names = tdExtractor.FeatureDescriptions; // { "rms", "positives", "avgStartEnd" }

// ...
float CountPositives(DiscreteSignal signal, int start, int end)
    var count = 0;
    for (var i = start; i < end; i++)
        if (signal[i] >= 0) count++;
    return (float)count / (end - start);

Spectral feature extractor

SpectralFeaturesExtractor computes spectral features, such as: centroid, spread, flatness, etc. All these methods are taken from static class Spectral and can be calculated separately for one particular spectrum, without creating any extractor:

using NWaves.Features;

// prepare array of frequencies
// (simply spectral frequencies: 0, resolution, 2*resolution, ...)

var resolution = (float)samplingRate / fftSize;

var frequencies = Enumerable.Range(0, fftSize / 2 + 1)
                            .Select(f => f * resolution)

var spectrum = new Fft(fftSize).MagnitudeSpectrum(signal);

// compute various spectral features
// (spectrum has length fftSize/2+1)

var centroid = Spectral.Centroid(spectrum, frequencies);
var spread = Spectral.Spread(spectrum, frequencies);
var flatness = Spectral.Flatness(spectrum, minLevel);
var noiseness = Spectral.Noiseness(spectrum, frequencies, noiseFreq);
var rolloff = Spectral.Rolloff(spectrum, frequencies, rolloffPercent);
var crest = Spectral.Crest(spectrum);
var decrease = Spectral.Decrease(spectrum);
var entropy = Spectral.Entropy(spectrum);
var contrast1 = Spectral.Contrast(spectrum, frequencies, 1);
var contrast6 = Spectral.Contrast(spectrum, frequencies, 6);

Usually, the spectral frequencies are involved in calculations, but you can specify any frequency array you want:

var freqs = new float[] { 200, 300, 500, 800, 1200, 1600, 2500, 5000/*Hz*/ };

var centroid = Spectral.Centroid(spectrum, freqs);
var spread = Spectral.Spread(spectrum, freqs);

SpectralFeaturesExtractor usage example:

var extractor = new SpectralFeaturesExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, "all", 0.032, 0.02);
var vectors = extractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

// let's examine what is available:

var names = extractor.FeatureSet;
// { "centroid, spread, flatness, noiseness, rolloff, crest, entropy, decrease, c1+c2+c3+c4+c5+c6" }

Recognized keywords are:

  • Spectral Centroid: "sc", "centroid"
  • Spectral Spread: "ss", "spread"
  • Spectral Flatness: "sfm", "flatness"
  • Spectral Noiseness: "sn", "noiseness"
  • Spectral Rolloff: "rolloff"
  • Spectral Crest: "crest"
  • Spectral Entropy: "ent", "entropy"
  • Spectral Decrease: "sd", "decrease"
  • Spectral Contrast in band 1,2,...: "c1", "c2", ...

Keywords are case-insensitive.

You can also add your own spectral feature with corresponding function for its calculation. This function must accept two parameters: 1) array of samples, 2) array of frequencies. Code example:

var extractor = new SpectralFeaturesExtractor(sr, "sc", frameDuration, hopDuration);

// let's add new feature: relative position of the first peak
extractor.AddFeature("peakPos", FirstPeakPosition);

// ...
// in our case 'frequencies' array will be ignored

float FirstPeakPosition(float[] spectrum, float[] frequencies)
    for (var i = 2; i < spectrum.Length - 2; i++)
        if (spectrum[i] > spectrum[i - 2] && spectrum[i] > spectrum[i - 1] && 
            spectrum[i] > spectrum[i + 2] && spectrum[i] > spectrum[i + 1]) 
            return (float) i / spectrum.Length;
    return 0;

Full list of constructor parameters:

  • int samplingRate
  • string featureList
  • double frameDuration (0.0256 seconds by default)
  • double hopDuration (0.010 seconds by default)
  • int fftSize (by default 0, i.e. it will be calculated automatically as the closest power of 2 to FrameSize)
  • float[] frequencies (by default null, i.e. spectral frequencies will be derived automatically)
  • WindowTypes window (by default, WindowTypes.Hamming)
  • IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> parameters (by default, null)

Dictionary of parameters may contain following keys:

  • "noiseFrequency" (used for computing Spectral.Noiseness; by default 3000)
  • "rolloffPercent" (used for computing Spectral.Rolloff; by default 0.85f)

Note. Spectral noiseness is unconventional parameter and is calculated as a ratio of spectral energy in high-frequency region and total spectral energy, by simple formula:



There are several pitch detection (estimation) techniques. They broadly fall into two groups:

  • Time-domain techniques (auto-correlation, YIN, ZCR-based)
  • Frequency-domain techniques (Harmonic product/sum spectrum, cepstrum)

Static class Pitch provides the following methods for pitch evaluation (estimation):

  • FromAutoCorrelation
  • FromYin
  • FromZeroCrossingsSchmitt
  • FromSpectralPeaks
  • FromHps
  • FromHss
  • FromCepstrum

All of these methods have the overloaded versions that accept either DiscreteSignal or float[] as the first parameter. In case of time-domain estimators float[] array represents array of signal samples, in case of frequency-domain estimators - spectrum array.

All methods, except FromZeroCrossingsSchmitt, accept the lower and upper frequency of the range where to find pitch (by default they are 80 and 400 Hz, respectively):

var pitch = Pitch.FromAutocorrelation(signal, start, end, 100, 500);

Method, based on the number of zero crossings and Schmitt trigger, is good for estimating pitch in periodic sounds (e.g. guitar string):

var pitch = Pitch.FromZeroCrossingsSchmitt(signal, start, end, -0.2f, 0.2f);

Last two optional parameters are optional thresholds for Schmitt trigger. You can try tweaking them or just don't set them - the thresholds will be estimated by default from the signal.

YIN algorithm is implemented:

De Cheveigné, A., Kawahara, H. YIN, a fundamental frequency estimator for speech and music. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111(4). - 2002.

var pitch = Pitch.FromYin(signal, start, end, 80, 400, 0.2f);

Last parameter is YIN-specific "threshold for cumulative mean-difference function". By default it's 0.25f.

The first frequency-domain-based method is FromSpectralPeaks. It's very simple and surprisingly quite OK technique. It simply finds the position of the first peak (the value is peak if it's greater than two left and two right neighbours) in spectrum:

var pitch = Pitch.FromSpectralPeaks(spectrum, sr, 80, 500 /*Hz*/);
pitch = Pitch.FromSpectralPeaks(signal, start, end, 80, 500 /*Hz*/);

The first overloaded method accepts spectrum array. The second version accepts the signal and (optionally) the size of FFT (since it will compute spectrum). If you're not sure ignore the fftSize parameter - the method will derive it automatically.

The same goes for two similar methods: HArmonic Sum Spectrum (HSS) and Harmonic Product Spectrum (HPS):

var pitch = Pitch.FromHss(spectrum, sr, 80, 500 /*Hz*/);
pitch = Pitch.FromHss(signal, start, end, 80, 500 /*Hz*/);

pitch = Pitch.FromHps(spectrum, sr, 80, 500 /*Hz*/);
pitch = Pitch.FromHps(signal, start, end, 80, 500 /*Hz*/);

Example of how we can add any of these methods to SpectralExtractor algorithms:

var extractor = new SpectralFeaturesExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, "sc", 0.045, 0.015);
extractor.AddFeature("pitch_hss", (spectrum, fs) => { return Pitch.FromHss(spectrum, signal.SamplingRate, 80, 500); } );

var vectors = extractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

Pitch extractor

There's also PitchExtractor class inherited from FeatureExtractor. Currently, it's based only on auto-correlation technique (since this method is universal and simply works more or less well). Each feature vector in the list contains one component: "pitch".

var sr = signal.SamplingRate;
var extractor = new PitchExtractor(sr, 0.04, 0.01/*sec*/, 80, 500/*Hz*/);
var pitches = extractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

Two last parameters in the constructor are lower and upper frequency of the range where to find the pitch.

If you need a pitch extractor based on other time-domain method (YIN or ZcrSchmitt) then TimeDomainFeatureExtractor class can be used. Likewise, if you need a pitch extractor based on a certain spectral method (HSS or HPS), then SpectralDomainFeatureExtractor can be used. Example:

var extractor = new TimeDomainFeaturesExtractor(sr, "en", 0.0256, 0.010);
extractor.AddFeature("yin", (s, start, end) => { return Pitch.FromYin(s, start, end, 80, 500); });

var pitches = extractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

MPEG-7 feature extractor

Mpeg7SpectralFeaturesExtractor follows MPEG-7 recommendations to evaluate the following features:

  • Spectral features (MPEG-7)
  • Harmonic features
  • Perceptual features

It's a flexible extractor that allows varying almost everything. The difference between Mpeg7SpectralFeaturesExtractor and SpectralFeaturesExtractor is that former calculates spectral features from total energy in frequency bands while latter analyzes signal energy at particular frequencies (spectral bins). Also, optionally it allows computing harmonic features in addition to spectral features.

Hence, constructors of these two classes are basically the same, except that MPEG-7 extractor accepts array of frequency bands Tuple<double, double, double>[] instead of array of frequencies.

Recognized keywords for spectral and perceptual features are:

  • Spectral Centroid: "sc", "centroid"
  • Spectral Spread: "ss", "spread"
  • Spectral Flatness: "sfm", "flatness"
  • Spectral Noiseness: "sn", "noiseness"
  • Spectral Rolloff: "rolloff"
  • Spectral Crest: "crest"
  • Spectral Entropy: "ent", "entropy"
  • Spectral Decrease: "sd", "decrease"
  • Perceptual Loudness: "loudness"
  • Perceptual Sharpness: "sharpness"

Recognized keywords for harmonic features are:

  • Harmonic centroid: "hc", "hcentroid"
  • Harmonic Spread: "hs", "hspread"
  • Inharmonicity: "inh", "inharmonicity"
  • Odd-to-Even Ratio: "oer", "oddevenratio"
  • Tristimulus1: "t1"
  • Tristimulus2: "t2"
  • Tristimulus3: "t3"

Harmonic features can be calculated separately, using the corresponding methods of static class Harmonic.

Harmonic features rely on pitch and harmonic peaks of the spectrum. Pitch track (float[] array of pitches) can be precomputed by PitchExtractor. In this case you can call method extractor.SetPitchTrack(pitchTrack) so that extractor will use these pre-computed values at each processing step. The second option is to calculate pitch at each step in MPEG-7 extractor itself. By default, simplest and fastest method Pitch.FromSpectralPeaks() is used for pitch evaluation. But you can set your own pitch estimating function.

Also, the method for harmonic peaks detection must be set. It has quite long signature and by default, it simply calls static method Harmonic.Peaks(float[] spectrum, int[] peaks, float[] peakFrequencies, int samplingRate, float pitch = -1). And once again, you can set your own method that should fill arrays of peak indices and peak frequencies.

Phew! That was not easy. Let's take a look at the example:

var mpeg7Extractor = new Mpeg7SpectralFeaturesExtractor(sr, "all", 0.04, 0.015);
mpeg7Extractor.IncludeHarmonicFeatures("all", 12, GetPitch, GetPeaks, 80, 500 /*Hz*/);

// ...

float GetPitch(float[] spectrum)
    return Pitch.FromHps(spectrum, signal.SamplingRate, 80, 600/*Hz*/);

    // or any other user-defined algorithm

void GetPeaks(float[] spectrum, int[] peaks, float[] peakFrequencies, int samplingRate, float pitch = -1)
    if (pitch < 0)
        pitch = GetPitch(spectrum);
    // fill peaks array
    // fill peakFrequencies array

So, IncludeHarmonicFeatures() method allows setting functions for pitch and spectral peaks detection. The second parameter (in this case 12) is the number of harmonic peaks to evaluate.

In the following example spectral and perceptual features are calculated in 12 mel frequency bands; harmonic features are included as well and calculated based on pitch values precomputed with PitchExtractor (so the things related to pitch estimation are much simpler in this case):

var sr = signal.SamplingRate;
var fftSize = MathUtils.NextPowerOfTwo(0.04 * sr);

// 12 overlapping mel bands in frequency range [0, 4200] Hz
var melBands = FilterBanks.MelBands(12, fftSize, sr, 0, 4200, true);

var pitchExtractor = new PitchExtractor(sr, 0.04, 0.015, high: 700/*Hz*/);
var pitchTrack = pitchExtractor.ComputeFrom(signal)
                               .Select(p => p.Features[0])

var mpeg7Extractor = new Mpeg7SpectralFeaturesExtractor(sr, "all", 0.04, 0.015, fftSize, melBands);

var mpeg7Vectors = mpeg7Extractor.ParallelComputeFrom(signal);

var harmonicFeatures = mpeg7Extractor.HarmonicSet;
// ""hcentroid, hspread, inharmonicity, oer, t1+t2+t3";"


Since so many variations of MFCC have been developed since 1980, MfccExtractor class is very general and allows customizing pretty everything:

  • filterbank (by default it's MFCC-FB24 HTK/Kaldi-style)
  • non-linearity type (logE, log10, decibel (Librosa power_to_db analog), cubic root)
  • spectrum calculation type (power/magnitude normalized/not normalized)
  • DCT type (1,2,3,4 normalized or not): "1", "1N", "2", "2N", etc.
  • floor value for LOG-calculations (usually it's float.Epsilon; HTK default seems to be 1.0 and in librosa 1e-10 is used)

MfccExtractor constructor has a lot of parameters, and there are broad possibilities for customization: you can pass your own filter bank, for instance bark bank, then the algorithm will become BFCC, or the gammatone bank, then it'll become GFCC, etc.

Full list of constructor parameters:

  • int samplingRate
  • int featureCount (number of MFCC coefficients)
  • double frameDuration (0.0256 seconds by default)
  • double hopDuration (0.010 seconds by default)
  • int filterbankSize (24 by default)
  • double lowFreq (0 by default, filter bank lower frequency)
  • double highFreq (samplingRate / 2 by default, filter bank upper frequency)
  • int fftSize (by default 0, i.e. it will be calculated automatically as the closest power of 2 to FrameSize)
  • float[][] filterbank (by default null, i.e. filterbank will be generated from parameters above)
  • int lifterSize (22 by default)
  • double preEmphasis (positive pre-emphasis coefficient, by default 0 - no pre-emphasis)
  • bool includeEnergy (replace first coefficient with frame energy, false by default)
  • string dctType ("1", "1N", "2", "2N", "3", "3N", "4", "4N")
  • NonLinearityType nonLinearity (LogE, Log10, ToDecibel, CubicRoot, None)
  • SpectrumType spectrumType (Power, Magnitude, PowerNormalized, MagnitudeNormalized)
  • WindowTypes window (by default, WindowTypes.Hamming)
  • float logFloor (float.Epsilon by default)

Constructor of PNCC and SPNCC extractors has one additional parameter:

  • int power (by default 15)

If power is set to 0 then the Log(x) operation will be applied to spectrum before doing DCT-II. Otherwise the operation Pow(x, 1/power) will be applied.

Since PNCC involves temporal causal filtering, the first M (i.e. 2 by default) vectors will be zero.

PnccExtractor doesn't perform mean normalization in the end, but it can be done manually:

var sr = signal.SamplingRate;

var mfccExtractor = new MfccExtractor(sr, 13, filterbankSize: 24, preEmphasis: 0.95);
var mfccVectors = mfccExtractor.ParallelComputeFrom(signal);

var pnccExtractor = new PnccExtractor(sr, 13);
var pnccVectors = pnccExtractor.ComputeFrom(signal, /*from*/1000, /*to*/10000 /*sample*/);

Default filter bank is triangular overlapping mel-bands. If you specify your own filter bank, then parameters lowFreq, highFreq and filterbankSize will be ignored. For example, let's change mel-bands to bark-bands and obtain actually a BFCC extractor:

var barkbands = FilterBanks.BarkBands(16, 512, sr, 100/*Hz*/, 6500/*Hz*/, overlap: true);
var barkbank = FilterBanks.Triangular(512, sr, barkbands);

var bfccExtractor = new MfccExtractor(sr, 13, filterbank: barkbank, preEmphasis: 0.95);
var bfccVectors = bfccExtractor.ParallelComputeFrom(signal);

Still, manual configuration of filter banks can be very annoying and error-prone. There are two basic standards in MFCC computations: MFCC-FB24 (HTK, Kaldi) and MFCC-FB40 (Slaney's Auditory Toolbox, Librosa). Luckily, there are two MfccExtractor subclasses in NWaves created just for that: MfccExtractorHtk and MfccExtractorSlaney. These extractors were thoroughly tested against HTK and librosa, and they give similar results (there are some minor discrepancies, though).

For constructing both of these objects you need to specify only the basic parameters of filterbanks, and their weights will be created then automatically:

// possible configurations:

var mfccHtk = new MfccExtractorHtk(16000, 13, filterbankSize: 26, lowFreq: 200, highFreq: 6000);
var mfccSlaney = new MfccExtractorSlaney(16000, 13, lowFreq: 200);

The following configs are close analogs of Librosa extractors (2 modes):

// === The difference is in filter banks: ========================================================

// filterbank 1) librosa: Htk = False (i.e. Slaney-style)

var melBank = FilterBanks.MelBankSlaney(filterbankSize, fftSize, samplingRate, lowFreq, highFreq);

// filterbank 2) librosa: Htk = True

var melBands = FilterBanks.MelBands(filterbankSize, fftSize, samplingRate, lowFreq, highFreq);
var melBank = FilterBanks.Triangular(fftSize, samplingRate, melBands, null, Scale.HerzToMel);

// ================================================================================================

// and the extractor is:

var e = new MfccExtractor(samplingRate,
                          filterbank: melBank,
                          nonLinearity: NonLinearityType.ToDecibel,
                          logFloor: 1e-10f, ...);

Additional notes

  • dctType: "2N" is applied by default in basically all standards of MFCC. Some authors mention type 3, and it might be the source of confusion because they mean inverse DCT-3N which is essentially the direct DCT-2N. So actually direct DCT-2N is used in MFCC algorithms.
  • includeEnergy: true means that the first MFCC coefficient will be replaced with Log(energy_of_the_frame). No flooring techniques are applied for log(energy) in the current version of NWaves, so if the processed block contains only zeros the first coefficient will have -∞ value. More on this: Personally I don't think it's a bug but if the current behaviour should be changed please let me know.


MFCC and PNCC extractors process signal using filter banks, post-process the resulting spectra and compress them using DCT. Sometimes, this last step is unnecessary and we're interested only in processed spectra. FilterbankExtractor was added to NWaves exactly for this purpose. It's just a MfccExtractor without DCT step.


Full list of constructor parameters:

  • int samplingRate
  • int order (LPC order, the number of coefficients will be order+1)
  • double frameDuration (0.0256 seconds by default)
  • double hopDuration (0.010 seconds by default)
  • double preEmphasis (positive pre-emphasis coefficient, by default 0 - no pre-emphasis)
  • WindowTypes window (by default, WindowTypes.Rectangular)

Constructor of LPCC extractor has two additional parameters:

  • int featureCount (number of LPCC coefficients, in general it's not equal to lpcOrder)
  • int lifterSize (by default 22)
var lpcExtractor = new LpcExtractor(sr, 16, 0.050, 0.020, 0.95);
var lpccExtractor = new LpccExtractor(sr, 16, 0.050, 0.020, lpcOrder: 8, lifterSize: 20, preEmphasis: 0.95);

There's also a public static class Lpc with several useful methods:

Lpc.EstimateOrder()  // estimate optimal LPC order for a given sampling rate
Lpc.ToCepstrum()     // convert LPC to LPCC
Lpc.FromCepstrum()   // convert LPCC to LPC
Lpc.LevinsonDurbin() // Levinson-Durbin recursion
Lpc.ToLsf()          // convert LPC to Line Spectral Frequencies
Lpc.FromLsf()        // convert Line Spectral Frequencies to LPC


This extractor computes Perceptual Linear Prediction coefficients (with optional RASTA filtering). The extractor produces results quite close to HTK version.

The constructor has plenty of parameters:

  • int samplingRate
  • int featureCount (number of PLP coefficients)
  • double frameDuration (0.0256 seconds by default)
  • double hopDuration (0.010 seconds by default)
  • int lpcOrder (order of LPC)
  • double rasta (coefficient of RASTA filter, 0 by default (no filtering))
  • int filterbankSize (24 by default)
  • double lowFreq (0 by default, filter bank lower frequency)
  • double highFreq (samplingRate / 2 by default, filter bank upper frequency)
  • int fftSize (0 by default, i.e. it will be calculated automatically as the closest power of 2 to FrameSize)
  • int lifterSize (0 by default, i.e. no liftering)
  • double preEmphasis (positive pre-emphasis coefficient, by default 0 - no pre-emphasis)
  • WindowTypes window (by default, WindowTypes.Hamming)
  • float[][] filterbank (by default null, i.e. filterbank will be generated from parameters above)
  • double[] centerFrequencies (by default null, i.e. they will be autocomputed)

If rasta coefficient > 0, then the extractor becomes stateful and non-parallelizable.

Filterbank center frequencies are needed by algorithm in order to obtain the equal loudness curve weights.

By default the bark filterbank suggested by M.Slaney is auto-generated, since bark scale was mentioned in original PLP paper (H.Hermansky). In Kaldi and HTK mel bank is applied, so for compliance with their results pass mel filterbank to PLP constructor:

var melBands = FilterBanks.MelBands(filterbankSize, fftSize, samplingRate, lowFreq, highFreq);
var melBank = FilterBanks.Triangular(fftSize, samplingRate, melBands, null, Scale.HerzToMel);

var plpExtractor = new PlpExtractor(samplingRate, ..., filterbank: melBank);


This extractor simply computes wavelet coefficients in each frame. Wavelet name must be specified. Optionally you can set 1) the number of first coefficients that should form the resulting feature vector; 2) FWT level (by default it's autocomputed max possible level); 3) size of FWT (by default it's the nearest power of 2 to frame size).

var sr = signal.SamplingRate;

var frameDuration = 512.0 / sr;  // compute duration so that frame size = 512
var hopDuration = 512.0 / sr;

var extractor = new WaveletExtractor(sr, frameDuration, hopDuration, "db5", 64, fwtLevel: 3);

var vectors = extractor.ParallelComputeFrom(signal);


Amplutide Modulation Spectra extractor.

Full list of constructor parameters:

  • int samplingRate
  • double frameDuration (0.0256 seconds by default)
  • double hopDuration (0.010 seconds by default)
  • int modulationFftSize (64 by default)
  • int modulationHopSize (4 by default)
  • int fftSize (by default 0, i.e. it will be calculated automatically as the closest power of 2 to FrameSize)
  • IEnumerable<float[]> featuregram (null by default)
  • float[][] filterbank (null by default)
  • double preEmphasis (positive pre-emphasis coefficient, by default 0 - no pre-emphasis)
  • WindowTypes window (WindowTypes.Rectangular by default)

If the filterbank is specified, than it will be used for calculations:

var extractor = new AmsExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, 0.0625, 0.02, 64, 16, filterbank);
var features = extractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

You can also specify featuregram (i.e. compute AMS for various featuregrams, not only spectrograms):

var frameSize = 0.032;
var hopSize = 0.02;

var mfccExtractor = new MfccExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, 13, frameSize, hopSize);
var vectors = mfccExtractor.ComputeFrom(signal);

var featuregram = vectors.Featuregram();

var extractor = new AmsExtractor(signal.SamplingRate, frameSize, hopSize, 64, 16, featuregram);

If neither filterbank, nor featuregram are specified then the filterbank is generated automatically in AmsExtractor as 12 overlapping mel-bands covering frequency range from 100 to 3200 Hz.

Creating your own feature extractor

In order to create new feature extractor, the following steps should be taken:

  • Create new class and inherit it from FeatureExtractor base class
  • In constructor of the newly created class call base constructor with parameters samplingRate, frameDuration, hopDuration, preEmphasis and window
  • Override ProcessFrame() method, properties FeatureDescriptions and FeatureCount (you can also optionally override ComputeFrom() method for some exotic processing of frame sequences)
  • If the feature extractor can be parallelized, then override IsParallelizable property (set to true) and ParallelCopy virtual method. ParallelCopy must return the clone of current extractor object (with full set of identical parameters) for parallel computations.

For demo, let's write new extractor that computes two values in each frame: maximum and minimum absolute differences between two neighbouring samples.

public class DeltaStatsExtractor : FeatureExtractor
    public override int FeatureCount => 2;

    public override List<string> FeatureDescriptions => new List<string> { "minDelta", "maxDelta" };

    public DeltaStatsExtractor(int samplingRate,
                               double frameDuration,
                               double hopDuration,
                               double preEmphasis = 0)

        : base(samplingRate, frameDuration, hopDuration, preEmphasis, WindowTypes.Rectangular)

    public override float[] ProcessFrame(float[] samples)
        var minDelta = Math.Abs(samples[1] - samples[0]);
        var maxDelta = minDelta;

        for (var k = 1; k < FrameSize - 1; k++)
            var delta = Math.Abs(samples[k + 1] - samples[k]);

            if (delta < minDelta) minDelta = delta;
            if (delta > maxDelta) maxDelta = delta;

        return new[] { minDelta, maxDelta };

    public override bool IsParallelizable() => true;

    public override FeatureExtractor ParallelCopy() =>
              new DeltaStatsExtractor(SamplingRate, FrameDuration, HopDuration, _preEmphasis);
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