Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | A unique identifier for an object. | [readonly] |
order_number | str, none_type | Order number, if any. | [optional] |
currency | Currency | [optional] | |
discounts | [EcommerceDiscount] | [optional] | |
sub_total | str, none_type | Sub-total amount, normally before tax. | [optional] |
shipping_cost | str, none_type | Shipping cost, if any. | [optional] |
coupon_discount | str, none_type | Coupon discount, if any. | [optional] |
total_discount | str, none_type | Total discount, if any. | [optional] |
total_tax | str, none_type | Total tax, if any. | [optional] |
total_amount | str, none_type | Total amount due. | [optional] |
refunded_amount | str, none_type | Refunded amount, if any. | [optional] |
status | EcommerceOrderStatus | [optional] | |
payment_status | str, none_type | Current payment status of the order. | [optional] |
fulfillment_status | str, none_type | Current fulfillment status of the order. | [optional] |
payment_method | str, none_type | Payment method used for this order. | [optional] |
customer | LinkedEcommerceCustomer | [optional] | |
billing_address | EcommerceAddress | [optional] | |
shipping_address | EcommerceAddress | [optional] | |
tracking | [TrackingItem] | [optional] | |
line_items | [EcommerceOrderLineItem] | [optional] | |
note | str, none_type | Note for the order. | [optional] |
custom_mappings | {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)}, none_type | When custom mappings are configured on the resource, the result is included here. | [optional] [readonly] |
created_at | datetime, none_type | The date and time when the object was created. | [optional] [readonly] |
updated_at | datetime, none_type | The date and time when the object was last updated. | [optional] [readonly] |