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Profiling Use Case |
/docs/profiling.html |
Say we have one data set(demo_src), partitioned by hour, we want to know what is the data like for each hour.
For simplicity, suppose both two data set have the same schema as this:
id bigint
age int
desc string
dt string
hour string
both dt and hour are partitions,
as every day we have one daily partition dt(like 20180912),
for every day we have 24 hourly partitions(like 00, 01, 02, ..., 23).
You need to prepare the environment for Apache Griffin measure module, including the following software:
- JDK (1.8+)
- Hadoop (2.6.0+)
- Spark (2.2.1+)
- Hive (2.2.0)
Download Apache Griffin source package here.
Unzip the source package.
unzip cd griffin-0.4.0-source-release
Build Apache Griffin jars.
mvn clean install
Move the built apache griffin measure jar to your work path.
mv measure/target/measure-0.4.0.jar <work path>/griffin-measure.jar
For our quick start, We will generate a hive table demo_src.
--create hive tables here. hql script
--Note: replace hdfs location with your own path
`id` bigint,
`age` int,
`desc` string)
`dt` string,
`hour` string)
The data could be generated this:
You can download demo data and execute ./
to get the data source file.
Then we will load data into hive table for every hour.
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH 'demo_src' INTO TABLE demo_src PARTITION (dt='20180912',hour='09');
Or you can just execute ./
in the downloaded directory above, to generate and load data into the tables hourly.
The environment config file: env.json
"spark": {
"log.level": "WARN"
"sinks": [
"type": "console"
"type": "hdfs",
"config": {
"path": "hdfs:///griffin/persist"
"type": "elasticsearch",
"config": {
"method": "post",
"api": "http://es:9200/griffin/accuracy"
The DQ config file: dq.json
"name": "batch_prof",
"process.type": "batch",
"data.sources": [
"name": "src",
"baseline": true,
"connectors": [
"type": "hive",
"version": "1.2",
"config": {
"database": "default",
"": "demo_tgt"
"evaluate.rule": {
"rules": [
"dsl.type": "griffin-dsl",
"dq.type": "profiling",
"": "prof",
"rule": " AS id_count, src.age.max() AS age_max, src.desc.length().max() AS desc_length_max",
"out": [
"type": "metric",
"name": "prof"
"sinks": ["CONSOLE", "HDFS"]
Submit the measure job to Spark, with config file paths as parameters.
spark-submit --class org.apache.griffin.measure.Application --master yarn --deploy-mode client --queue default \
--driver-memory 1g --executor-memory 1g --num-executors 2 \
<path>/griffin-measure.jar \
<path>/env.json <path>/dq.json
Then you can get the calculation log in console, after the job finishes, you can get the result metrics printed. The metrics will also be saved in hdfs: hdfs:///griffin/persist/<job name>/<timestamp>/_METRICS
Depends on your business, you might need to refine your data quality measure further till your are satisfied.
For more details about apache griffin measures, you can visit our documents in github.