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File metadata and controls

302 lines (253 loc) · 8.73 KB


MDC Toolbar acts as a container for multiple rows containing items such as application title, navigation menu, and tabs, among other things. Toolbars scroll with content by default, but support fixed behavior as well.

When using the fixed pattern, a persistent elevation is added to toolbar. When using the waterfall pattern, a toolbar will have no elevation when the page is scrolled to the top, and gain elevation when a user begins to scroll down the page. Toolbars also support anchored only last row at the top behavior. For toolbars with this modifier, only the last row will be anchored at the top, while the rest of toolbar scrolls off.

Flexible behavior can be added to mdc-toolbar, where the height of the toolbar changes as the user scrolls. This type of toolbars will have additional height added to their first rows.

Design & Additional Documentation


Name Type Description
fixed boolean Makes toolbar fixed on top and have persistent elevation
waterfall boolean Makes toolbar to gain elevation when a user begins to scroll down the page
lastrow boolean Makes only last row of toolbar anchored on top
flexible boolean Makes toolbar first row to have flexible space
adjust HTMLElement Element adjacent to the fixed, waterfall, or lastrow toolbar
ratio ko, float Writable observable, will be updated when scrolling flexible toolbars


Name Description
start Section aligns to the start
end Section aligns to the end
shrink Section takes the width of its content
title Style element text as title
menu Style element as a menu icon
icon Style element as a toolbar icon


MDC-Knockout doesn't come bundled with any icon font, so you may need to include one manually to use this component. The demonstrations use the Material Design Icon Font. You may include this to use them as shown or use any other icon method you wish.


MDC Toolbar acts as a container for one or multiple rows each containing one or multiple sections. <div> elements that are direct descendants of <mdc-toolbar> represent rows. <section> elements placed directly inside rows split the space horizontally:

      <!-- This section takes 100% width of the row -->
      <!-- Row 2, Section 1 -->
      <!-- Row 2, section 2 -->

By default, each section will take up an equal amount of space within the row and its content will be aligned to the center. This behavior can be changed by adding start, end, and shrink attributes to <section>:

    <section start><!-- Content is aligned to the left --></section>
    <section end><!-- Content is aligned to the right --></section>
    <section shrink><!-- Content will take as few of horizontal space as possible --></section>
    <section>This section may contain very long text or any other kind of wide content now</section>

Toolbar title

Use title attribute on some element to style toolbar text representing a page's title, or an application name:

      <span title>Application Name</span>

Toolbar icons

Icons can be added as anchor tags, spans, or buttons. To represent the left most icon (usually to the left of the title), add menu attribute to the element. To represent any icons placed on the right side of a toolbar, use icon attribute:

    <section start>
      <a href="#" class="material-icons" menu>menu</a>
      <span title>Title</span>
    <section end>
      <a href="#" class="material-icons" icon>print</a>
      <a href="#" class="material-icons" icon>more_vert</a>

Shorthand form

MDC-Knockout allows for skipping some of the wrapping elements when defining toolbar's structure.

First of all, one or more consecutive elements that are not <div> placed directly inside <mdc-toolbar> will be automatically wrapped in a single <div>:


<!-- Equivalent: -->

Every element that is not <section> placed directly inside mdc-toolbar > div will be automatically wrapped in a separate <section>:


<!-- Equivalent: -->

If wrapped element had any section-related attributes, those are transferred:

  <a start shrink href="#" class="material-icons" menu>menu</a>
  <span start title>Title</span>

<!-- Equivalent: -->
    <section start shrink>
      <a href="#" class="material-icons" menu>menu</a>
    <section start>
      <span title>Title</span>

Additionally, any plain text placed directly inside <section> will be automatically wrapped in <span title>:

      Application Name

<!-- Equivalent: -->
      <span title>Application Name</span>

Ultimately, the minimal required structure for a toolbar is:


Fixed toolbars

To keep the toolbar fixed to the top of the screen, set fixed: true parameter. Also, you need to set the margin of the content to prevent toolbar overlaying your content. This could be done via CSS (by setting margin-top property) or via adjust parameter like so:

<mdc-toolbar params="fixed: true, adjust: document.querySelector('main')">

  This content will not be overlapped

Waterfall toolbars

Waterfall toolbar is initially static and has no elevation, and then when the user starts scrolling becomes fixed and gains elevation:

<mdc-toolbar params="waterfall: true, adjust: document.querySelector('main')">


Fixed Last Row toolbars

These toolbars will anchor only the last row to the top:

<mdc-toolbar params="lastrow: true, adjust: document.querySelector('main')">
    <!-- This row will scroll off screen -->
    <!-- This row will anchor on top of screen -->


Flexible toolbars

Flexible behavior can be added to a toolbar whose height changes as the user scrolls. Use flexible: true; adjust: ... parameters to enable it.

For detailed explanation of how flexible toolbars may be styled, please refer to original component's documentation.

Fully featured

You can use Knockout bindings with <mdc-toolbar> content to add some dynamic behavior to the toolbar's content, such as binding title to an observable:

  <span title data-bind="text: currentPageTitle"></span>

For flexible toolbars, you can provide a writable observable to ratio parameter, which will update as the user scrolls with a number from 0-1 representing the ratio of flexible space that has already been collapsed divided by the total amount of flexible space. In other words, initially the value of ratio will be 1 and after scrolling it will go down to 0.

Passing a value to the observable band to ratio parameter will do nothing.

The intended application for this parameter is to either use a writable computed observable or a regular observable with a subscription.