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signature.txt 🍥Debian 11.5.0 amd64 netinst 110/100%


This project aims to introduce you to the wonderful world of virtualization.
You will create your first machine in VirtualBox (or UTM if you can’t use VirtualBox) under specific instructions. Then, at the end of this project, you will be able to set up your own operating system while implementing strict rules.

OS available

You must choose as an operating system either the latest stable version of Debian (no testing/unstable), or the latest stable version of Rocky.
(Debian is highly recommended if you are new to system administration).

VM Setup

Type Version Memory CPU VMemory Storage
Linux/GNU Debian 64bits 2048MB 1 CPU 16MB 10GB


sda                       8:0    0   10G  0 disk     
├─sda1                    8:1    0  476M  0 part  /boot   
├─sda2                    8:2    0    1K  0 part     
└─sda5                    8:5    0  9,5G  0 part     
  └─sda5_crypt          254:0    0  9,5G  0 crypt    
    ├─LVMGroup-root     254:1    0  3,2G  0 lvm   /   
    ├─LVMGroup-swap     254:2    0  740M  0 lvm   [SWAP]   
    ├─LVMGroup-home     254:3    0  1,6G  0 lvm   /home   
    ├─LVMGroup-var      254:4    0  968M  0 lvm   /var   
    ├─LVMGroup-srv      254:5    0  968M  0 lvm   /srv   
    ├─LVMGroup-tmp      254:6    0  968M  0 lvm   /tmp   
    └─LVMGroup-var--log 254:7    0  1,2G  0 lvm   /var/log   
sr0                      11:0    1 1024M  0 rom      
Partition name 6 Gb 8 Gb 10 Gb 30.8 Gb Porcentage (based on the 30.8 Gb)
boot 500 Mb 500 Mb 500 Mb 500 Mb 1.62%
root 1.9 Gb 2.5 Gb 3.2 Gb 10 Gb 32.47%
swap 448 Mb 597 Mb 747 Mb 2.3 Gb 7.47%
home 973 Mb 1.2 Gb 1.6 Gb 5 Gb 16.23%
var 584 Mb 779 Mb 974 Mb 3 Gb 9.74%
srv 584 Mb 779 Mb 974 Mb 3 Gb 9.74%
tmp 584 Mb 779 Mb 974 Mb 3 Gb 9.74%
var--log 779 Mb 1 Gb 1.2 Gb 4 Gb 12.99%