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# Name Description Downloads
1 djangorestframework Web APIs for Django, made easy. 2M/month
2 django-cors-headers django-cors-headers is a Django application for handling the server he... 1M/month
3 django-filter Django-filter is a reusable Django application for allowing users to f... 1M/month
4 django-extensions Extensions for Django 1M/month
5 django-storages Support for many storage backends in Django 811k/month
6 django-debug-toolbar A configurable set of panels that display various debug information ab... 722k/month
7 django-redis Full featured redis cache backend for Django. 602k/month
8 django-appconf A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gr... 395k/month
9 django-model-utils Django model mixins and utilities 391k/month
10 django-environ Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment var... 341k/month
11 django-ipware A Django utility application that returns clients real IP address 323k/month
12 django-import-export Django application and library for importing and exporting data with i... 313k/month
13 django-crispy-forms Best way to have Django DRY forms 308k/month
14 django-timezone-field A Django app providing database and form fields for pytz timezone obje... 302k/month
15 django-celery-results Celery result backends for Django. 280k/month
16 djangorestframework-simpl... A minimal JSON Web Token authentication plugin for Django REST Framewo... 278k/month
17 django-celery-beat Database-backed Periodic Tasks. 266k/month
18 django-webpack-loader Transparently use webpack with django 247k/month
19 django-js-asset script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media 244k/month
20 django-allauth Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, regis... 236k/month
21 django-phonenumber-field An international phone number field for django models. 229k/month
22 django-axes Keep track of failed login attempts in Django-powered sites. 224k/month
23 django-rest-swagger Swagger UI for Django REST Framework 3.5+ 210k/month
24 djangorestframework-jwt JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework 207k/month
25 django-mptt Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your ... 207k/month
26 django-stubs Mypy stubs for Django 195k/month
27 django-countries Provides a country field for Django models. 190k/month
28 django-nose Makes your Django tests simple and snappy 183k/month
29 django-dirtyfields Tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance (actively maintained) 179k/month
30 django-simple-history Store model history and view/revert changes from admin site. 173k/month
31 django-compressor Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into single cached file... 166k/month
32 django-oauth-toolkit OAuth2 Provider for Django 163k/month
33 django-bitfield BitField in Django 163k/month
34 django-waffle A feature flipper for Django. 160k/month
35 djangorestframework-camel... Camel case JSON support for Django REST framework. 150k/month
36 django-widget-tweaks Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form ... 148k/month
37 django-polymorphic Seamless polymorphic inheritance for Django models 148k/month
38 django-guardian Implementation of per object permissions for Django. 143k/month
39 django-taggit django-taggit is a reusable Django application for simple tagging. 139k/month
40 django-reversion An extension to the Django web framework that provides version control... 132k/month
41 django-tastypie A flexible & capable API layer for Django. 131k/month
42 django-log-request-id Django middleware and log filter to attach a unique ID to every log me... 131k/month
43 django-silk Silky smooth profiling for the Django Framework 129k/month
44 django-formtools A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms 128k/month
45 djangorestframework-stubs PEP-484 stubs for django-rest-framework 127k/month
46 django-ses A Django email backend for Amazons Simple Email Service 122k/month
47 django-localflavor Country-specific Django helpers 121k/month
48 django-otp A pluggable framework for adding two-factor authentication to Django u... 120k/month
49 django-braces Reusable, generic mixins for Django 119k/month
50 django-mysql Django-MySQL extends Djangos built-in MySQL and MariaDB support their ... 119k/month
51 django-prometheus Django middlewares to monitor your application with 117k/month
52 django-anymail Django email integration for Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mailjet, Postmark, S... 116k/month
53 djangorestframework-csv CSV Tools for Django REST Framework 115k/month
54 django-treebeard Efficient tree implementations for Django 114k/month
55 django-health-check Run checks on services like databases, queue servers, celery processes... 114k/month
56 django-picklefield Pickled object field for Django 113k/month
57 django-ckeditor Django admin CKEditor integration. 113k/month
58 django-celery Old django celery integration project. 111k/month
59 django-redis-cache Redis Cache Backend for Django 109k/month
60 django-jenkins Plug and play continuous integration with django and jenkins 107k/month
61 django-crontab dead simple crontab powered job scheduling for django 105k/month
62 django-admin-rangefilter django-admin-rangefilter app, add the filter by a custom date range on... 102k/month
63 django-js-reverse Javascript url handling for Django that doesnt hurt. 96k/month
64 django-user-agents A django package that allows easy identification of visitors browser, ... 89k/month
65 django-jsonfield JSONField for django models 87k/month
66 django-fsm Django friendly finite state machine support. 85k/month
67 django-haystack Pluggable search for Django. 83k/month
68 django-tables2 Table/data-grid framework for Django 81k/month
69 django-grappelli A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface. 80k/month
70 django-csp Django Content Security Policy support. 75k/month
71 django-coverage-plugin Django template plugin 72k/month
72 django-requestlogging Adds information about requests to logging records. 72k/month
73 django-modeltranslation Translates Django models using a registration approach. 71k/month
74 django-bootstrap3 Bootstrap 3 support for Django projects 68k/month
75 django-classy-tags Class based template tags for Django 68k/month
76 django-constance Django live settings with pluggable backends, including Redis. 67k/month
77 django-bootstrap4 Bootstrap support for Django projects 67k/month
78 django-bulk-update Bulk update using one query over Django ORM. 67k/month
79 django-multiselectfield Django multiple select field 67k/month
80 django-auth-ldap Django LDAP authentication backend. 67k/month
81 django-ratelimit Cache-based rate-limiting for Django. 66k/month
82 django-tinymce A Django application that contains a widget to render a form field as ... 63k/month
83 django-compat For- and backwards compatibility layer for Django 1.4, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, ... 63k/month
84 django-heroku This is a Django library for Heroku apps. 62k/month
85 django-cacheops A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation fo... 60k/month
86 django-rq An app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue) 56k/month
87 django-admin-sortable2 Generic drag-and-drop sorting for the List, the Stacked- and the Tabul... 55k/month
88 djangorestframework-xml XML support for Django REST Framework 55k/month
89 django-imagekit Automated image processing for Django models. 54k/month
90 django-recaptcha Django recaptcha form field/widget app. 54k/month
91 django-modelcluster Django extension to allow working with clusters of models as a single ... 54k/month
92 django-colorfield simple color field for your models with a nice color-picker in the adm... 54k/month
93 django-revproxy Yet another Django reverse proxy application. 53k/month
94 django-sekizai Django Sekizai 52k/month
95 django-nested-admin Django admin classes that allow for nested inlines 51k/month
96 django-autoslug An automated slug field for Django. 51k/month
97 django-cookies-samesite Middleware which sets SameSite flag for session and csrf cookies in le... 51k/month
98 django-elasticsearch-dsl Wrapper around elasticsearch-dsl-py for django models 50k/month
99 django-json-widget Django json widget is an alternative widget that makes it easy to edit... 50k/month
100 django-annoying This is a django application that tries to eliminate annoying things i... 48k/month
101 django-fernet-fields Fernet-encrypted model fields for Django 48k/month
102 django-statici18n A Django app that provides helper for generating Javascript catalog to... 48k/month
103 django-money Adds support for using money and currency fields in django models and ... 46k/month
104 django-object-actions A Django app for adding object tools for models in the admin 46k/month
105 django-cors-middleware django-cors-middleware is a Django application for handling the server... 46k/month
106 django-pipeline Pipeline is an asset packaging library for Django. 45k/month
107 django-two-factor-auth Complete Two-Factor Authentication for Django 45k/month
108 django-hijack django-hijack allows superusers to hijack (=login as) and work on beha... 45k/month
109 djangorestframework-gis Geographic add-ons for Django Rest Framework 45k/month
110 django-configurations A helper for organizing Django settings. 45k/month
111 django-cleanup Deletes old files. 44k/month
112 django-solo Django Solo helps working with singletons 44k/month
113 django-select2 Select2 option fields for Django 44k/month
114 django-enumfields Real Python Enums for Django. 43k/month
115 django-sslserver An SSL-enabled development server for Django 42k/month
116 django-bootstrap-form django-bootstrap-form 42k/month
117 django-ordered-model Allows Django models to be ordered and provides a simple admin interfa... 42k/month
118 django-push-notifications Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM, APNS or WNS and... 41k/month
119 django-mathfilters A set of simple math filters for Django 41k/month
120 django-templated-email A Django oriented templated / transaction email abstraction 40k/month
121 django-redis-sessions Redis Session Backend For Django 40k/month
122 django-registration An extensible user-registration application for Django 39k/month
123 django-graphql-jwt JSON Web Token for Django GraphQL 38k/month
124 django-admin-tools A collection of tools for the django administration interface 38k/month
125 django-adminplus Add new pages to the Django admin. 38k/month
126 django-templated-mail Send emails using Django template system. 38k/month
127 django-admin-sso Django SSO solution 38k/month
128 django-ajax-selects Edit ForeignKey, ManyToManyField and CharField in Django Admin using j... 37k/month
129 django-dotenv foreman reads from .env. doesnt. Lets fix that. 37k/month
130 django-test-without-migra... Disable migrations when running your Django tests. 37k/month
131 django-rest-slack A simple, reusable Django app for handling and storing Slack events an... 37k/month
132 django-rest-passwordreset An extension of django rest framework, providing a configurable passwo... 36k/month
133 django-impersonate Django app to allow superusers to impersonate other users. 36k/month
134 django-filer A file management application for django that makes handling of files ... 35k/month
135 django-jinja Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django. 35k/month
136 django-extra-views Extra class-based views for Django 34k/month
137 django-rest-knox Authentication for django rest framework 34k/month
138 django-webtest Instant integration of Ian Bickings WebTest (http://docs.pylonsproject... 34k/month
139 django-sendgrid-v5 An implementation of Djangos EmailBackend compatible with sendgrid-pyt... 34k/month
140 django-adminactions Collections of useful actions to use with django.contrib.admin.ModelAd... 33k/month
141 django-celery-email An async Django email backend using celery 33k/month
142 django-dbsettings Application settings whose values can be updated while a project is up... 33k/month
143 djangorestframework-filte... Better filtering for Django REST Framework 32k/month
144 django-contrib-comments The code formerly known as django.contrib.comments. 32k/month
145 django-reversion-compare history compare for django-reversion 32k/month
146 django-sortedm2m Drop-in replacement for djangos many to many field with sorted relatio... 31k/month
147 django-crum Django middleware to capture current request and user. 31k/month
148 django-dbbackup Management commands to help backup and restore a project database and ... 30k/month
149 django-admin-sortable Drag and drop sorting for models and inline models in Django admin. 30k/month
150 django-split-settings Organize Django settings into multiple files and directories. Easily o... 29k/month
151 django-sass-processor SASS processor to compile SCSS files into *.css, while rendering, or o... 29k/month
152 django-dynamic-fixture A full library to create dynamic model instances for testing purposes. 29k/month
153 django-url-filter Django URL Filter provides a safe way to filter data via human-friendl... 29k/month
154 django-prettyjson Enables pretty JSON viewer in Django forms, admin, or templates 29k/month
155 django-boto Wrapper of boto package for django 29k/month
156 django-htmlmin HTML minifier for Python frameworks (not only Django, despite the name... 28k/month
157 django-safedelete Mask your objects instead of deleting them from your database. 28k/month
158 django-memoize An implementation of memoization technique for Django. 28k/month
159 django-smtp-ssl SMTP SSL email backend for Django 28k/month
160 django-suit Modern theme for Django admin interface. 27k/month
161 django-rosetta A Django application that eases the translation of Django projects 27k/month
162 django-hosts Dynamic and static host resolving for Django. Maps hostnames to URLcon... 27k/month
163 django-versatileimagefiel... A drop-in replacement for djangos ImageField that provides a flexible,... 27k/month
164 django-watchman django-watchman exposes a status endpoint for your backing services 27k/month
165 django-admin-list-filter-... Use dropdowns in Django admin list filter 27k/month
166 django-choices Sanity for the django choices functionality. 27k/month
167 django-bower Integrate django with bower 26k/month
168 djangorestframework-api-k... API key permissions for the Django REST Framework 26k/month
169 djangorestframework-recur... Recursive Serialization for Django REST framework 26k/month
170 django-jet Modern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality 25k/month
171 django-background-tasks Database backed asynchronous task queue 25k/month
172 django-debug-toolbar-requ... Request History Panel for Django Debug Toolbar 25k/month
173 django-config-models Configuration models for Django allowing config management with auditi... 25k/month
174 django-organizations Group accounts for Django 25k/month
175 django-statsd-mozilla Django interface with statsd 24k/month
176 django-currentuser Conveniently store reference to request user on thread/db level. 24k/month
177 django-q A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django 23k/month
178 django-cachalot Caches your Django ORM queries and automatically invalidates them. 23k/month
179 django-libsass A django-compressor filter to compile SASS files using libsass 23k/month
180 django-maintenance-mode django-maintenance-mode shows a 503 error page when maintenance-mode i... 23k/month
181 django-settings-export This Django app allows you to export certain settings to your template... 23k/month
182 django-admin-autocomplete... A simple Django app to render list filters in django admin using autoc... 23k/month
183 django-tagging Generic tagging application for Django 23k/month
184 django-allow-cidr A Django Middleware to enable use of CIDR IP ranges in ALLOWED_HOSTS. 23k/month
185 django-pandas Tools for working with pydata.pandas in your Django projects 22k/month
186 django-parler Simple Django model translations without nasty hacks, featuring nice a... 22k/month
187 django-cas-ng Django CAS 1.0/2.0/3.0 client authentication library, support Django 2... 22k/month
188 django-slack Provides easy-to-use integration between Django projects and the Slack... 22k/month
189 django-request-logging Django middleware that logs http request body. 22k/month
190 django-render-block Render a particular block from a template to a string. 22k/month
191 django-simple-captcha A very simple, yet powerful, Django captcha application 21k/month
192 djangorestframework-jsona... A Django REST framework API adapter for the JSON API spec. 21k/month
193 django-leaflet Use Leaflet in your django projects 21k/month
194 django-test-plus django-test-plus provides useful additions to Djangos default TestCase 21k/month
195 django-elasticsearch-dsl-... Integrate Elasticsearch DSL with Django REST framework. 21k/month
196 django-common-helpers Common things every Django app needs! 21k/month
197 django-structlog Structured Logging for Django 21k/month
198 django-rest-polymorphic Polymorphic serializers for Django REST Framework. 21k/month
199 django-pglocks django_pglocks provides useful context managers for advisory locks for... 21k/month
200 django-cache-url Use Cache URLs in your Django application. 21k/month
201 django-notifications-hq GitHub notifications alike app for Django. 20k/month
202 django-s3-storage Django Amazon S3 file storage. 20k/month
203 django-twilio Build Twilio functionality into your Django apps. 20k/month
204 django-nine Version checking library. 20k/month
205 django-summernote Summernote plugin for Django 19k/month
206 django-cron Running python crons in a Django project 19k/month
207 django-rest-framework-mon... MongoEngine support for Django Rest Framework. 19k/month
208 django-enumfield Custom Django field for using enumerations of named constants 19k/month
209 django-colorful An extension to the Django web framework that provides database and fo... 19k/month
210 djangorestframework-jsonp JSONP support for Django REST Framework 19k/month
211 django-hijack-admin Django admin integration for Django Hijack ( 19k/month
212 django-markdownx A comprehensive Markdown editor built for Django. 18k/month
213 django-pagedown A Django app that allows the easy addition of Stack Overflows PageDown... 18k/month
214 django-wkhtmltopdf Converts HTML to PDF using wkhtmltopdf. 18k/month
215 django-hashid-field A Hashids obfuscated Django Model Field 18k/month
216 django-cache-memoize Django utility for a memoization decorator that uses the Django cache ... 18k/month
217 django-daterange-filter Allow to filter by a custom date range on the Django Admin 18k/month
218 django-admin-interface django-admin-interface is a modern responsive flat admin interface cus... 17k/month
219 django-pyodbc-azure Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database using p... 17k/month
220 django-migration-linter Detect backward incompatible migrations for your django project 17k/month
221 django-mock-queries A django library for mocking queryset functions in memory for testing 17k/month
222 djangosaml2 pysaml2 integration for Django 17k/month
223 django-amazon-ses A Django email backend that uses Boto3 to interact with Amazon Simple ... 17k/month
224 djangorestframework-expan... A serializer mixin for Django REST Framework to expand object represen... 17k/month
225 django-ranged-response Modified Django FileResponse that adds Content-Range headers. 17k/month
226 django-oscar A domain-driven e-commerce framework for Django 16k/month
227 django-smart-selects Django application to handle chained model fields. 16k/month
228 django-floppyforms Full control of form rendering in the templates 16k/month
229 django-admin-honeypot A fake Django admin login screen to notify admins of attempted unautho... 16k/month
230 django-debug-panel django-debug-toolbar in WebKit DevTools. Works fine with background Aj... 16k/month
231 django-sslify Force SSL on your Django site. 16k/month
232 django-uuidfield UUIDField in Django 16k/month
233 django-loginas An app to add a Log in as user button in the Django user admin page. 16k/month
234 django-cryptography Easily encrypt data in Django 16k/month
235 django-static Template tags for better serving static files from templates in Django 16k/month
236 django-fsm-admin Integrate django-fsm state transitions into the django admin 16k/month
237 django-mssql-backend Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server 16k/month
238 djangoldp Linked Data Platform interface for Django Rest Framework 16k/month
239 django-otp-twilio A django-otp plugin that delivers tokens via Twilios SMS service. 16k/month
240 djangorestframework-oauth OAuth support for Django REST Framework 16k/month
241 django-activity-stream Generate generic activity streams from the actions on your site. Users... 15k/month
242 django-registration-redux An extensible user-registration application for Django 15k/month
243 django-flat-theme A flat theme for Django admin interface. Modern, fresh, simple. 15k/month
244 django-auditlog Audit log app for Django 15k/month
245 django-session-security Client and server side session timeout with warnings 15k/month
246 django-flat-responsive An extension for Django admin that makes interface mobile friendly. 15k/month
247 django-jsonview Always return JSON from your Django view. 15k/month
248 djangorestframework-query... Serialize a partial subset of fields in the API 15k/month
249 django-taggit-serializer The Django Taggit serializer for tDjango REST Framework 15k/month
250 django-better-admin-array... Better ArrayField widget for admin 15k/month
251 django-composite-foreignk... composite foreignkey support for django 15k/month
252 django-migration-testcase For testing migrations in Django 15k/month
253 django-six Django-six —— Django Compatibility Library 15k/month
254 django-lifecycle Declarative model lifecycle hooks. 14k/month
255 django-secure Utilities and a linter to help you make your Django site more secure. 14k/month
256 django-saml2-auth Django SAML2 Authentication Made Easy. Easily integrate with SAML2 SSO... 14k/month
257 django-rest-multiple-mode... Multiple model/queryset view (and mixin) for Django Rest Framework 14k/month
258 django-recurrence Django utility wrapping dateutil.rrule 14k/month
259 django-partial-index PostgreSQL and SQLite partial indexes for Django models 14k/month
260 django-cas-server A Django Central Authentication Service server implementing the CAS Pr... 14k/month
261 djangosaml2idp SAML 2.0 Identity Provider for Django 14k/month
262 django-fake-model Simple library for creating fake models in the unit tests. 14k/month
263 django-quickbooks-online Django Quickbooks App 14k/month
264 django-friendly-tag-loade... Want to optionally use a template tag library? Use this! 14k/month
265 django-excel-response2 A function extends of Tarkens django-excel-response 14k/month
266 django-datatables-view Django datatables view 14k/month
267 django-filepicker Official Filepicker Django Library 14k/month
268 django-rest-framework-soc... python-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework 13k/month
269 django-sendfile Abstraction to offload file uploads to web-server (e.g. Apache with mo... 13k/month
270 django-postgres-extra Bringing all of PostgreSQLs awesomeness to Django. 13k/month
271 django-robots Robots exclusion application for Django, complementing Sitemaps. 13k/month
272 django-excel A django middleware that provides one application programminginterface... 13k/month
273 django-easy-audit Yet another Django audit log app, hopefully the simplest one. 13k/month
274 django-mptt-admin Django-mptt-admin provides a nice Django Admin interface for Mptt mode... 13k/month
275 djangorestframework-datat... Seamless integration between Django REST framework and Datatables (htt... 13k/month
276 django-modeladmin-reorder Custom ordering for the apps and models in the admin app. 13k/month
277 django-bootstrap-datepick... Bootstrap3/Bootstrap4 DatePickerInput, TimePickerInput, DateTimePicker... 13k/month
278 django-fsm-log Logging for django-fsm 13k/month
279 django-sequences Generate gapless sequences of integer values. 13k/month
280 django-jsoneditor Django JSON Editor 13k/month
281 django-deprecate-fields This package allows deprecating model fields and allows removing them ... 13k/month
282 django-request-id Augment each request with unique id for logging purposes 13k/month
283 django-encrypted-model-fi... A set of django fields that internally are encrypted using the cryptog... 13k/month
284 django-sql-explorer A pluggable app that allows users (admins) to execute SQL, view, and e... 12k/month
285 django-tenant-schemas Tenant support for Django using PostgreSQL schemas. 12k/month
286 django-watson Full-text multi-table search application for Django. Easy to install a... 12k/month
287 django-queryinspect Django Query Inspector 12k/month
288 django-querycount Middleware that Prints the number of DB queries to the runserver conso... 12k/month
289 django-el-pagination Django pagination tools supporting Ajax, multiple and lazy pagination,... 12k/month
290 django-stdimage Django Standarized Image Field 12k/month
291 django-db-geventpool Add a DB connection pool using gevent to django 12k/month
292 django-netfields Django PostgreSQL netfields implementation 12k/month
293 djangorestframework-guard... django-guardian support for Django REST Framework 12k/month
294 django-babel Utilities for using Babel in Django 12k/month
295 django-admin Django Admin Extensions 12k/month
296 django-excel-base Django Excel Base 12k/month
297 django-swstags 12k/month
298 django-tagging-plateiq Generic tagging application for Django with support for CharText IDs 12k/month
299 django-material Material design for django forms and admin 11k/month
300 django-tenants Tenant support for Django using PostgreSQL schemas. 11k/month
301 django-post-office A Django app to monitor and send mail asynchronously, complete with te... 11k/month
302 django-paypal A pluggable Django application for integrating PayPal Payments Standar... 11k/month
303 django-defender redis based Django app that locks out users after too many failed logi... 11k/month
304 django-role-permissions A django app for role based permissions. 11k/month
305 django-fixture-magic A few extra management tools to handle fixtures. 11k/month
306 django-meta Pluggable app for handling webpage meta tags and OpenGraph properties 11k/month
307 django-python3-ldap Django LDAP user authentication backend for Python 3. 11k/month
308 django-nested-inline Recursive nesting of inline forms for Django Admin 11k/month
309 django-weasyprint Django WeasyPrint CBV 11k/month
310 django-test-migrations Test django schema and data migrations, including ordering 11k/month
311 django-queryset-csv A simple python module for writing querysets to csv 11k/month
312 django-s3-folder-storage Quick extension of django-storages S3BotoStorage to allow separate fol... 11k/month
313 django-discover-runner A Django test runner based on unittest2s test discovery. 11k/month
314 django-qr-code An application that provides tools for displaying QR codes on your Dja... 11k/month
315 django-debreach Adds middleware to give some added protection against the BREACH attac... 11k/month
316 django-graphiql-debug-too... Django Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE 11k/month
317 django-bmemcached A Django cache backend to use bmemcached module which supports memcach... 11k/month
318 django-jsonfield-compat Compatability layer between django-jsonfield and Djangos native JSONFi... 11k/month
319 django-bleach Easily use bleach with Django models and templates 11k/month
320 django-shortuuidfield Short UUIDField for Django. Good for use in urls & file names. (Base... 11k/month
321 django-mailer A reusable Django app for queuing the sending of email 10k/month
322 django-s3direct Add direct uploads to S3 functionality with a progress bar to file inp... 10k/month
323 django-map-widgets Map widgets for Django PostGIS fields 10k/month
324 django-user-sessions Django sessions with a foreign key to the user 10k/month
325 django-stronghold Get inside your stronghold and make all your Django views default logi... 10k/month
326 django-apscheduler APScheduler for Django 10k/month
327 django-invitations Generic invitations app with support for django-allauth 10k/month
328 django-debug-toolbar-temp... A django-debug-toolbar panel that shows you template rendering times f... 10k/month
329 django-markdown-deux a Django app that provides template tags for using Markdown (using the... 10k/month
330 django-honeypot Django honeypot field utilities 10k/month
331 django-bootstrap-paginati... Render Django Page objects as Bootstrap 3.x/4.x Pagination compatible ... 10k/month
332 django-forms-bootstrap a simple form filter for using Django forms with Bootstrap 10k/month
333 django-easy-select2 Django select2 theme for select input widgets. 10k/month
334 django-pgviews Create and manage Postgres SQL Views in Django 10k/month
335 django-prices Django fields for the prices module 10k/month
336 django-measurement Convenient fields and classes for handling measurements 10k/month
337 django-cte Common Table Expressions (CTE) for Django 10k/month
338 django-pylibmc Django cache backend using pylibmc 10k/month
339 django-logentry-admin Show all LogEntry objects in the Django admin site. 10k/month
340 django-chunkator Chunk large QuerySets into small chunks, and iterate over them without... 10k/month
341 django-redshift-backend Redshift database backend for Django 10k/month
342 django-debug-toolbar-temp... Displays template rendering time on the timeline 10k/month
343 django-encrypted-filefiel... Encrypt uploaded files, store them wherever you like and stream them b... 10k/month
344 django-decorator-include Include Django URL patterns with decorators 10k/month
345 django-jsonstore Expose JSONField data as a virtual django model fields. 10k/month
346 django-referrer-policy Referrer-Policy header implementation for Django. 10k/month
347 django-cronman Cron management app for Django 10k/month
348 django-pure-pagination django-pure-pagination provides advanced pagination features 10k/month
349 django-dynamic-preference... Dynamic global and instance settings for your django project 10k/month
350 django-bootstrap-breadcru... Django breadcrumbs for Bootstrap 2, 3 or 4 10k/month
351 django-settings-context-p... Makes specified django settings visible in template rendering context. 10k/month
352 django-angular Let Django play well with AngularJS 9k/month
353 django-analytical Analytics service integration for Django projects 9k/month
354 django-fobi Form generator/builder application for Django done right: customisable... 9k/month
355 django-easy-pdf Django PDF views, the easy way 9k/month
356 django-plotly-dash Django use of plotly dash apps through template tags 9k/month
357 django-uuslug A Django slugify application that guarantees uniqueness and handles un... 9k/month
358 django-passwords A Django reusable app that provides validators and a form field that c... 9k/month
359 django-static-precompiler Django template tags to compile all kinds of static files (SASS, LESS,... 9k/month
360 django-gravatar2 Essential Gravatar support for Django. Features helper methods, templa... 9k/month
361 django-tinymce4-lite A Django application that provides a fully functional TinyMCE 4 editor... 9k/month
362 django-tools miscellaneous tools for django 9k/month
363 django-flags Feature flags for Django projects 9k/month
364 django-bom A simple Django app to manage a bill of materials. 9k/month
365 django-ical iCal feeds for Django based on Djangos syndication feed framework. 9k/month
366 django-feature-policy Set the draft security HTTP header Permissions-Policy (previously Feat... 9k/month
367 djangorestframework-yaml YAML support for Django REST Framework 9k/month
368 django-enumchoicefield A choice field for Django using native Python Enums 9k/month
369 django-xicon Django reusable application to handle modern bunch of site icons 9k/month
370 django-taggit-autosuggest Autosuggestions for django-taggit 9k/month
371 django-user-accounts a Django user account app 8k/month
372 django-concurrency Optimistic lock implementation for Django. Prevents users from doing c... 8k/month
373 django-oidc-provider OpenID Connect Provider implementation for Django. 8k/month
374 django-embed-video Django app for easy embeding YouTube and Vimeo videos and music from S... 8k/month
375 django-cities-light Simple alternative to django-cities 8k/month
376 django-attachments django-attachments is generic Django application to attach Files (Atta... 8k/month
377 django-slowtests locate your slowest tests 8k/month
378 django-reverse-admin 8k/month
379 django-mjml Use MJML in Django templates 8k/month
380 django-inlinecss A Django app useful for inlining CSS (primarily for e-mails) 8k/month
381 django-postgres-copy Quickly import and export delimited data with Django support for Postg... 8k/month
382 djangorestframework-datac... A dataclasses serializer for Django REST Framework 8k/month
383 django-proxy A simple HTTP proxy service as a Django app 8k/month
384 django-minio-storage Django file storage using the minio python client 8k/month
385 django-elasticache Django cache backend for Amazon ElastiCache (memcached) 8k/month
386 django-querysetsequence Chain together multiple (disparate) QuerySets to treat them as a singl... 8k/month
387 django-modern-rpc Simple and modern JSON-RPC and XML-RPC server implementation for Djang... 8k/month
388 django-username-email Custom Django User model that makes email the USERNAME_FIELD. 8k/month
389 django-crequest Middleware that makes the current request available from anywhere. 8k/month
390 django-add-default-value This django Migration Operation can be used to transfer a fields defau... 8k/month
391 django-phone-field Lightweight model and form field for phone numbers in Django 8k/month
392 django-bootstrap3-datetim... Bootstrap3 compatible datetimepicker for Django projects. 8k/month
393 django-apptemplates Django template loader that allows you to load and override a template... 8k/month
394 django-sendfile2 Abstraction to offload file uploads to web-server (e.g. Apache with mo... 8k/month
395 django-menu-generator A straightforward menu generator for Django 8k/month
396 django-pyscss Makes it easier to use PySCSS in Django. 8k/month
397 django-gm2m Django generic many-to-many field 8k/month
398 django-autoslug-iplweb An automated slug field for Django. 8k/month
399 django-cogwheels A consistent, user-friendly solution for adding app-specific settings ... 8k/month
400 django-middleware-global-... Django middleware that keep request instance for every thread. 8k/month
401 django-avishan Avishan is just an set of tools 8k/month
402 django-baton A cool, modern and responsive django admin application 8k/month
403 django-cid Correlation IDs in Django for debugging requests 8k/month
404 django-postgrespool Postgres Connection Pooling for Django. 8k/month
405 django_replicated Django DB router for stateful master-slave replication 8k/month
406 django-report-builder Query and Report builder for Django ORM 8k/month
407 django-toolbelt A simple collection of common Django utilities. 8k/month
408 django-webpack4-loader Transparently use webpack with django. Forked from 8k/month
409 django-avatar A Django app for handling user avatars 7k/month
410 djangoql DjangoQL: Advanced search language for Django 7k/month
411 django-sesame Frictionless authentication with Magic Links for your Django project. 7k/month
412 django-image-cropping A reusable app for cropping images easily and non-destructively in Dja... 7k/month
413 django-seed Seed your Django project with fake data 7k/month
414 django-froala-editor django-froala-editor package helps integrate Froala WYSIWYG HTML edito... 7k/month
415 django-bootstrap-modal-fo... A Django plugin for creating AJAX driven forms in Bootstrap modal. 7k/month
416 django-channels-graphql-w... Django Channels based WebSocket GraphQL server with Graphene-like subs... 7k/month
417 django-dramatiq A Django app for Dramatiq. 7k/month
418 django-social-share Templatetags for tweet this and share on facebook 7k/month
419 django-su Login as any user from the Django admin interface, then switch back wh... 7k/month
420 django-inline-actions django-inline-actions adds actions to each row of the ModelAdmin or In... 7k/month
421 django-tz-detect Automatic user timezone detection for django 7k/month
422 django-spurl A Django template library for manipulating URLs. 7k/month
423 django-admin-view-permiss... A simple Django app which adds view permissions. 7k/month
424 django-lockdown Lock down a Django site or individual views, with configurable preview... 7k/month
425 django-grpc Easy Django based gRPC service 7k/month
426 django-vinaigrette Translate Django model data using gettext 7k/month
427 django-libs A collection of things that we re-use in every Django project, such as... 7k/month
428 django-qsstats-magic A django microframework that eases the generation of aggregate data fo... 7k/month
429 django-extended-choices Little helper application to improve django choices (for fields) 7k/month
430 django-profiler util for profiling python code mainly in django projects, but can be u... 7k/month
431 django-markdownify Markdown template filter for Django. 7k/month
432 django-db-logger Django logging in database 7k/month
433 django-prices-openexchang... support for django-prices 7k/month
434 django-scim2 A partial implementation of the SCIM 2.0 provider specification for us... 7k/month
435 django-elasticsearch-debu... A Django Debug Toolbar panel for Elasticsearch 7k/month
436 django-mail-queue Simple Mail Queuing for Django 7k/month
437 django-connectwise Django app for working with ConnectWise. Defines models (tickets, memb... 7k/month
438 django-jutil Collection of small utilities for Django and Django REST framework pro... 7k/month
439 django-yarnpkg Integrate django with yarnpkg 7k/month
440 django-pdb Easier pdb debugging for Django 7k/month
441 django-bridger The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend 7k/month
442 django-jquery-js jQuery, bundled up so apps can depend upon it 7k/month
443 django-localflavor-us Country-specific Django helpers for U.S.A. 7k/month
444 django-mass-edit Make bulk changes in the Django admin interface 7k/month
445 django-scheduler A calendaring app for Django. 6k/month
446 django-websocket-redis Websocket support for Django using Redis as datastore 6k/month
447 django-filebrowser Media-Management with Grappelli 6k/month
448 django-cities Place models and worldwide place data for Django 6k/month
449 django-jazzmin Drop-in theme for django admin, that utilises AdminLTE 3 & Bootstrap 4... 6k/month
450 django-location-field Location field for Django 6k/month
451 django-request django-request is a statistics module for django. It stores requests i... 6k/month
452 django-multidb-router Round-robin multidb router for Django. 6k/month
453 django-password-reset Class-based views for password reset. 6k/month
454 django-private-storage Private media file storage for Django projects 6k/month
455 django-rest-registration User registration REST API, based on django-rest-framework 6k/month
456 django-downloadview Serve files with Django and reverse-proxies. 6k/month
457 django-templatetag-sugar A library to make Djangos template tags sweet. 6k/month
458 django-click Build Django management commands using the click CLI package. 6k/month
459 django-typed-models Sane single table model inheritance for Django 6k/month
460 django-static-sitemaps Tool for generating sitemaps as static files 6k/month
461 django-cognito-jwt Django backends for AWS Cognito JWT 6k/month
462 django-selectable Auto-complete selection widgets using Django and jQuery UI. 6k/month
463 django-cookie-law Helps your Django project comply with EU cookie law regulations 6k/month
464 django-cprofile-middlewar... Easily add cProfile profiling to django views. 6k/month
465 django-markup A generic Django application to convert text with specific markup to h... 6k/month
466 django-opentracing OpenTracing support for Django applications 6k/month
467 django-ace django-ace provides integration for ACE with Django 6k/month
468 django-recaptcha2 Django reCaptcha v2 field/widget 6k/month
469 django-xmlrpc XML-RPC Server App for the Django framework. 6k/month
470 django-codemirror-widget Django form widget library for using CodeMirror on textarea 6k/month
471 django-graphql-geojson GeoJSON support for Django GraphQL 6k/month
472 django-enum-choices A custom Django field able to use subclasses of Pythons internal `Enum... 6k/month
473 django-basicauth Basic auth utilities for Django. 6k/month
474 django-hamlpy HAML like syntax for Django templates 6k/month
475 django-dbconn-retry Patch Django to retry a database connection first before failing. 6k/month
476 django-codenerix Codenerix it is a framework that goes on top of Django so it makes eas... 6k/month
477 django-parler-rest Multilingual support for django-rest-framework 6k/month
478 django-ptree pTree is a Django toolset that makes it easy to create and administer ... 6k/month
479 django-appdata Extendable field that enables Django apps to store their data on your ... 6k/month
480 django-session-timeout Middleware to expire sessions after specific amount of time 6k/month
481 django-markwhat A collection of template filters that implement common markup language... 6k/month
482 django-readonly-field Make Django model fields readonly 6k/month
483 django-cradmin A role based admin UI for Django that produces a user friendly and bea... 6k/month
484 django-opensearch Handle opensearch.xml 6k/month
485 django-otp-yubikey A django-otp plugin that verifies YubiKey OTP tokens. 6k/month
486 django-oneskyapp OneSkyApp translation service management commands for your django app 6k/month
487 django-any-js Include JavaScript libraries with readable template tags 6k/month
488 djangoldp-account djangoldp package for account and chat data models 6k/month
489 django-auth-adfs A Django authentication backend for Microsoft ADFS and AzureAD 6k/month
490 django-storages-redux Support for many storages (S3, MogileFS, etc) in Django. 6k/month
491 django-cacheback Caching library for Django that uses Celery or RQ to refresh cache ite... 6k/month
492 django-keen Simple wrapper for django around the official client 6k/month
493 django-logpipe Move data around between Python services using Kafka and/or AWS Kinesi... 6k/month
494 django-oscar-wfrs An extension on-top of django-oscar-api-checkout to allow interfacing ... 6k/month
495 django-useragents A django package that allows easy identification of visitors browser, ... 6k/month
496 django-facebook Facebook open graph API client in python. Enables django applications ... 5k/month
497 django-devserver Drop-in replacement for Djangos runserver 5k/month
498 django-cache-machine Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models through the ORM. 5k/month
499 django-oauth2-provider Provide OAuth2 access to your app 5k/month
500 django-sitetree This reusable Django app introduces site tree, menu and breadcrumbs na... 5k/month
501 django-oscar-api REST API module for django-oscar 5k/month
502 django-admin-env-notice Visually distinguish environments in Django Admin 5k/month
503 django-ratelimit-backend Login rate-limiting at the auth backend level 5k/month
504 django-mail-templated Send emails using Django template system 5k/month
505 django-admin-json-editor A simple Django app to add JSON widget into Django Administration. 5k/month
506 django-pgtrigger Postgres trigger support integrated with Django models. 5k/month
507 django-after-response Simple asynchronous execution 5k/month
508 django-betterforms 5k/month
509 django-cursor-pagination Cursor based pagination for Django 5k/month
510 django-assets Asset management for Django, to compress and merge CSS and Javascript ... 5k/month
511 django-cockroachdb Django backend for CockroachDB 5k/month
512 django-allauth-2fa Adds two factor authentication to django-allauth 5k/month
513 django-pickling Efficient pickling for django models. 5k/month
514 django-email-bandit django-email-bandit is a Django email backend for hijacking email send... 5k/month
515 django-swagger-tester Django test utility for validating Swagger documentation 5k/month
516 django-inline-svg A simple SVG template tag for Django 5k/month
517 django-data-browser A Django app for interactive user friendly browsing of a Django projec... 5k/month
518 django-tempus-dominus A Django widget for the Tempus Dominus Bootstrap 4 DateTime picker. 5k/month
519 django-statsd django-statsd is a Django app that submits query and view durations to... 5k/month
520 django-sql-utils Improved API for aggregating using Subquery 5k/month
521 django-macaddress MAC address model and form fields for Django apps. 5k/month
522 django-premailer Django template tag that turns CSS blocks into style attributes using ... 5k/month
523 django-sorcery Django and SQLAlchemy integration 5k/month
524 django-admin-multiple-cho... A Django app to add a Multiple Choice List Filter to the admin interfa... 5k/month
525 django-threadlocals Contains utils for storing and retreiving values from threadlocals, an... 5k/month
526 django-countries-plus A django model & fixture containing all data from the countries table ... 5k/month
527 django-tag-parser Micro-library to easily write custom Django template tags 5k/month
528 django-read-only-admin Really full Django read only admin implementation 5k/month
529 django-rest-framework-con... Decorators @condition, @last_modified and @etag for Django Rest Framew... 5k/month
530 django-geonode-client Use GeoNode client in your django projects 5k/month
531 django-is-core Information systems core. 5k/month
532 django-easysettings Easy app-specific settings for Django 5k/month
533 django-mds MDS Agency implementation 5k/month
534 django-api-client Library with REST APIs Client code for Django 5k/month
535 django-prices-vatlayer support for django 5k/month
536 django-autoconfig Automatic configuration of Django projects based on the application re... 5k/month
537 django-permissions-audito... django-permissions-auditor is a tool to audit access control on your d... 5k/month
538 django-humans-txt Handle humans.txt 5k/month
539 django-code-deploy Deploys Django code to AWS based on tags 5k/month
540 django-geonode-mapstore-c... Use GeoNode client in your django projects 5k/month
541 django-mapstore-adapter Django MapStore2 Adapter 5k/month
542 django-jsonify Django additions for JSON 5k/month
543 django-comments-xtd Django Comments Framework extension app with thread support, follow up... 5k/month
544 django-composite-field CompositeField implementation for Django 5k/month
545 django-coverage Django Test Coverage App 5k/month
546 django-form-utils Form utilities for Django 5k/month
547 django-szuprefix my utils in django 5k/month
548 django_backstage Django project and site deployment using virtualenv, uWSGI, nginx, etc... 5k/month
549 django-cfdi django-cfdi is a tool for friendly work with CFDIs . 5k/month
550 django-inteliger Aplicativos base para seu projeto django! 5k/month
551 django-jbank Finnish bank file format support for Django projects 5k/month
552 django_matialvarezs_grafa... grafana apps handlers customers. 5k/month
553 django-pgcrypto-fields Encrypted fields for Django dealing with pgcrypto postgres extension. 5k/month
554 django-user Django User 5k/month
555 django-social-auth Django social authentication made simple. 4k/month
556 django-bootstrap-toolkit Bootstrap support for Django projects 4k/month
557 django-rest-hooks A powerful mechanism for sending real time API notifications via a new... 4k/month
558 django-wysiwyg django-wysiwyg 4k/month
559 django-autofixture Provides tools to auto generate test data. 4k/month
560 django-nvd3 Django NVD3 - Chart Library for d3.js 4k/month
561 django-smuggler Pluggable application for Django that helps you to import/export fixtu... 4k/month
562 django-authtools Custom user model app for Django featuring email as username and class... 4k/month
563 django-geoposition Django model field that can hold a geoposition, and corresponding admi... 4k/month
564 django-chartjs Django Chart.js and Hightchart ajax views 4k/month
565 django-cassandra-engine Django Cassandra Engine - the Cassandra backend for Django 4k/month
566 django-service-objects Service objects for Django 4k/month
567 django-positions A Django field for custom model ordering 4k/month
568 django-tagulous Fabulous Tagging for Django 4k/month
569 django-multiupload Dead simple drop-in multi file upload field for django forms using HTM... 4k/month
570 django-mailbox Import mail from POP3, IMAP, local mailboxes or directly from Postfix ... 4k/month
571 django-require A Django staticfiles post-processor for optimizing with RequireJS. 4k/month
572 django-salesforce a Salesforce backend for Djangos ORM 4k/month
573 django-nap A light REST tool for Django 4k/month
574 django-webpush A simple Django package to integrate Web Push Notification in your App... 4k/month
575 django-datetime-widget Django-datetime-widget is a simple and clean widget for DateField, Tim... 4k/month
576 django-livereload-server LiveReload functionality integrated with your Django development envir... 4k/month
577 django-graphql-auth Graphql and relay authentication with Graphene for Django. 4k/month
578 django-query-builder Build complex nested queries 4k/month
579 django-auto-prefetching Tools for automatically prefetching related objects in Django and Djan... 4k/month
580 django-npm A django staticfiles finder that uses npm 4k/month
581 django-rest-framework-pro... Django Rest Framework Proxy allows easy proxying of incoming REST requ... 4k/month
582 django-resized Resizes image origin to specified size. 4k/month
583 django-infinite-scroll-pa... infinite-scroll-pagination is a Django lib that implementsthe *seek me... 4k/month
584 django-fieldsignals Django fieldsignals simply makes it easy to tell when the fields on yo... 4k/month
585 django-storage-swift OpenStack Swift storage backend for Django 4k/month
586 django-reset-migrations Add one command to reset the migrations of one or more app 4k/month
587 django-polymodels Polymorphic models implementation for django 4k/month
588 django-nocaptcha-recaptch... Django nocaptcha recaptcha form field/widget app. 4k/month
589 django-pgjsonb Django Postgres JSONB Fields support with lookups 4k/month
590 django-kombu Kombu transport using the Django database as a message store. 4k/month
591 django-calaccess-raw-data A Django app to download, extract and load campaign finance and lobbyi... 4k/month
592 django-subscriptions A django package for managing subscription states 4k/month
593 django-icons Icons for Django 4k/month
594 django-manager-utils Model manager utilities for Django 4k/month
595 django-post-request-task A celery task class whose execution is delayed until after the request... 4k/month
596 django-db-file-storage Custom FILE_STORAGE for Django. Saves files in your database instead o... 4k/month
597 django-s3file A lightweight file uploader input for Django and Amazon S3 4k/month
598 django-getenv Read settings from environment variables. 4k/month
599 django-sass The absolute simplest way to use Sass with Django. Pure Python, minima... 4k/month
600 django-rest-witchcraft Django REST Framework and SQLAlchemy integration 4k/month
601 django-smoketest Django smoketest framework 4k/month
602 django-password-validatio... Backport of Django 1.9 password validation 4k/month
603 django-admin-ordering Orderable change lists and inlines done right^Wsimple 4k/month
604 django-macros A Django template tag library for repeating blocks tags and creating i... 4k/month
605 django-capture-on-commit-... Capture and make assertions on transaction.on_commit() callbacks. 4k/month
606 django-userforeignkey A simple Django app that will give you a UserForeignKey model field. 4k/month
607 django-unique-upload A django utility that creates unique file names for uploaded files via... 4k/month
608 django-formidable django-formidable is a full django application which allows you to cre... 4k/month
609 django-user-tasks Management of user-triggered asynchronous tasks in Django projects 4k/month
610 django-admin-hstore-widge... Widget and Field to properly render HStore data in Django-Admin 4k/month
611 django-pgconnection Route postgres connections and hook into cursor execution 4k/month
612 djangofloor Simple configuration management and websockets with Django. 4k/month
613 django-security-logger Django security library. 4k/month
614 django-basic-auth-ip-whit... Hide your Django site behind basic authentication mechanism with IP wh... 4k/month
615 django-cool Cool to use for the Django Framework. 4k/month
616 django-project-version Django reusable app to show your project version 4k/month
617 django-test-tools Simple tests tools to make testing faster and easier. 4k/month
618 django-trips A Django Rest API for fetching and creating trips and their schedules. 4k/month
619 django-dynamic-storages A collection of file fields and associated components to allow for dyn... 4k/month
620 django-djcopyright Django reusable app to show pretty formatted copyright years 4k/month
621 django-nyt A pluggable notification system written for the Django framework. 4k/month
622 djangoldp-circle djangoldp package for circle data models 4k/month
623 django-vanilla-views Beautifully simple class based views. 4k/month
624 djangoldp-notification djangoldp package for notifications data models 4k/month
625 djangoldp-project djangoldp package for project data models 4k/month
626 django-docs Allows to serve Sphinx generated docs from django. 4k/month
627 django-global-requests Global request objects for Django 4k/month
628 django-jquery jQuery packaged in an handy django app to speed up new applications an... 4k/month
629 django-mako-plus Django+Mako: Routing by Convention, Python-Centric Template Language 4k/month
630 django-oscar-bluelight Bluelight Specials - Enhancements to the offer and vouchers features f... 4k/month
631 django-apar Aparnik is a simple Django app to help about some common problems. 4k/month
632 django-bigbuild The open-source engine that powers bigbuilder, the Los Angeles Times D... 4k/month
633 django-dont-vary-on Library for Django to give you more control over Djangos caching, and ... 4k/month
634 django-fakery A model instances generator for Django 4k/month
635 django-formset-js Extend Django formsets with JavaScript 4k/month
636 django-hvad A content translation framework for django integrated automatically in... 4k/month
637 django-inoa Collection of django tools and snippets commonly used by Inoa. 4k/month
638 Django-local-lib Python wrapper for the CircleCI API 4k/month
639 django-method-override Django Middleware for HTTP Method Override Form Params & Header 4k/month
640 django-pyfs Django pyfilesystem integration 4k/month
641 django-redisboard Redis monitoring and inspection drop-in application using django admin... 4k/month
642 django-szuprefix-saas my saas in django 4k/month
643 django-viewflow Reusable workflow library for django 3k/month
644 django-simpleui django admin theme 后台模板 3k/month
645 django-blog-zinnia A clear and powerful weblog application powered with Django 3k/month
646 django-admin-bootstrapped A Bootstrap theme for Django Admin 3k/month
647 django-dynamic-scraper Creating Scrapy scrapers via the Django admin interface 3k/month
648 django-fiber Django Fiber - a simple, user-friendly CMS for all your Django project... 3k/month
649 django-payments Universal payment handling for Django 3k/month
650 django-mobile Detect mobile browsers and serve different template flavours to them. 3k/month
651 django-lfs LFS - Lightning Fast Shop 3k/month
652 django-machina A Django forum engine for building powerful community driven websites. 3k/month
653 django-parsley Django app for client-side form validation. Wrapper for parsley.js 3k/month
654 django-graphos Django app to provide a JS agnostic way to work with charts. 3k/month
655 django-markdown Django markdown support and wysiwyg. 3k/month
656 django-lazysignup Lazy signup for Django 3k/month
657 django-bakery A set of helpers for baking your Django site out as flat files 3k/month
658 django-field-history A Django app to track changes to a model field. 3k/month
659 django-sudo Extra security for your sensitive pages 3k/month
660 django-address A django application for describing addresses. 3k/month
661 django-memcache-status A django application that displays the load and other statistics about... 3k/month
662 django-admin-easy Collection of admin fields and decorators to help to create computed o... 3k/month
663 django-front A Django application to allow of front-end editing 3k/month
664 django-security A collection of tools to help secure a Django project. 3k/month
665 django-perf-rec Keep detailed records of the performance of your Django code. 3k/month
666 django-dbtemplates Template loader for templates stored in the database 3k/month
667 django-sendsms A simple API to send SMS messages. 3k/month
668 django-rest-marshmallow Marshmallow schemas for Django REST framework 3k/month
669 django-pyodbc Django 1.5-1.10 SQL Server backend using pyodbc. 3k/month
670 django-markupfield Custom Django field for easy use of markup in text fields 3k/month
671 django-encrypted-fields This is a collection of Django Model Field classes that are encrypted ... 3k/month
672 django-tracking2 django-tracking2 tracks the length of time visitors and registered use... 3k/month
673 django-simple-email-confi... Simple email confirmation for django. 3k/month
674 django-chunked-upload Upload large files to Django in multiple chunks, with the ability to r... 3k/month
675 django-polymorphic-tree A polymorphic mptt structure to display content in a tree. 3k/month
676 django-dynamic-raw-id raw_id_fields widget replacement that handles display of an objects st... 3k/month
677 django-taggit-templatetag... Templatetags for django-taggit. 3k/month
678 django-maintenancemode django-maintenancemode allows you to temporary shutdown your site for ... 3k/month
679 django-wysiwyg-redactor django-wysiwyg-redactor is a lightweight responsive wysiwyg editor for... 3k/month
680 django_celery_monitor Celery monitor for Django. 3k/month
681 django-filebrowser-no-gra... Media-Management no Grappelli 3k/month
682 django-json-field Generic JSON model and form fields. 3k/month
683 django-hardcopy Django wrapper and utilities for generating PDF and PNG files with con... 3k/month
684 django-rest-authemail A RESTful API for user signup and authentication using email addresses 3k/month
685 django-pattern-library A module for Django that allows to build pattern libraries for your pr... 3k/month
686 django-file-form Django-file-form helps you to write forms with a pretty ajax upload 3k/month
687 django-simple-menu Simple, yet powerful, code-based menus for Django applications 3k/month
688 django-db-readonly Add a global database read-only setting. 3k/month
689 django-termsandconditions Django app that enables users to accept terms and conditions of a site... 3k/month
690 django-rest-framework-doc... An inventory tool for Django Rest Framework v2 API 3k/month
691 django-currencies Adds support for multiple currencies as a Django application. 3k/month
692 django-unused-media Delete unused media files from Django project 3k/month
693 django-improved-user A custom Django user model for best practices email-based login. 3k/month
694 django-clear-cache A simple Django management command which clears your cache. 3k/month
695 django-tables2-reports With django-tables2-reports you can get a report (CSV, XLS) of any dja... 3k/month
696 django-pb-model Protobuf mixin for Django model 3k/month
697 django-naomi Email backend for Django. Preview your email in browser instead of sen... 3k/month
698 django-formset-js-improve... Extend Django formsets with JavaScript 3k/month
699 django-file-resubmit Keeps submited files when validation errors occur. 3k/month
700 django-taggit-labels Alternate labels for django-taggit 3k/month
701 django-localized-fields Implementation of localized model fields using PostgreSQL HStore field... 3k/month
702 django-simple-mail A simple and customizable email template built for Django 3k/month
703 django-app-namespace-temp... Template loader allowing you to both extend and override a template at... 3k/month
704 django-sniplates Efficient template macro sets for Django 3k/month
705 django-user-management User management model mixins and api views. 3k/month
706 django-tabbed-admin Easily add tabs to django admin forms. 3k/month
707 django-entity Entity relationship management for Django 3k/month
708 django-dynamic-db-router Simply route complex django queries to multiple databases. 3k/month
709 django-computedfields autoupdated database fields for model methods 3k/month
710 django-grip Django GRIP library 3k/month
711 django-admin-numeric-filt... Numeric filters for Django admin 3k/month
712 django-modelclone Django application that allows users to clone a model in Admin 3k/month
713 django-postgres-composite... Postgres composite types support for Django 3k/month
714 django-richtextfield A Django model field and widget that renders a customizable WYSIWYG/ri... 3k/month
715 django-related-admin Allow foreign key attributes in list_display with __ 3k/month
716 django-jstemplate A Django template tag for embedding Mustache.js templates -- or other ... 3k/month
717 django-bulk-sync Combine bulk add, update, and delete into a single call. 3k/month
718 django-vies Validate and store VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) data in Djan... 3k/month
719 django-eth-events A simple Django app to react to Ethereum events. 3k/month
720 django-imagefield Image field for Django 3k/month
721 django-cuser Middleware to make user information always available. 3k/month
722 django-lrucache-backend A smarter local memory cache backend for Django 3k/month
723 django-iprestrict Django app + middleware to restrict access to all or sections of a Dja... 3k/month
724 django-clone Create a clone of a django model instance. 3k/month
725 django-factory_boy Uses factory_boy to supply test data factory classes for all stock Dja... 3k/month
726 django-gfklookupwidget A widget to replace the object_id in a generic relation with a search ... 3k/month
727 django-i18nfield Store internationalized strings in Django models 3k/month
728 django-app-helper Helper for django applications development 3k/month
729 django-zxcvbn-password-va... A translatable password validator for django, based on zxcvbn-python. 3k/month
730 django-restframework-apiv... Django REST_framework APIView 3k/month
731 django-login-required-mid... Requires login to all requests through middleware. 3k/month
732 django-afip AFIP integration for django 3k/month
733 django-constrainedfilefie... This Django app adds a new field type, ConstrainedFileField, that has ... 3k/month
734 django-jsonforms JSON Schema forms for Django 3k/month
735 django-db-mutex Acquire a mutex via the DB in Django 3k/month
736 django-utils2 Django Utils is a module with some convenient utilities not included w... 3k/month
737 django-unixtimestampfield Django Unix timestamp (POSIX type) field 3k/month
738 django-with-asserts Helpers for testing Django using context managers 3k/month
739 django-getpaid Multi-broker payment processor for Django. 3k/month
740 django-chamber Utilities library meant as a complement to django-is-core. 3k/month
741 django-clamd django-clamd is a django integration with Clamd (Clamav daemon). 3k/month
742 django-pymess Pymess is a Django framework for sending messages 3k/month
743 django-teryt-tree Django-teryt-tree is a Django app that implements TERYT database as tr... 3k/month
744 django-autotask Django app for working with Autotask. Defines models (tickets, members... 3k/month
745 django-splash Splash screen middleware for Django apps 3k/month
746 django-utils-six Forward compatibility django.utils.six for Django 3 3k/month
747 django-itelegram Developing Telegram bots on Django with extra built-in features 3k/month
748 django-makeconf A Django app that provides commands to build deployment and other conf... 3k/month
749 django_openstack_auth Django authentication backend for use with OpenStack Identity 3k/month
750 django-qiyu-utils Django 辅助工具类 3k/month
751 django-google-analytics-a... Django Google Analytics app allowing for server side/non-js tracking. 3k/month
752 django-q-sentry A Sentry support plugin for Django Q 3k/month
753 DjangoKit DjangoKit is a set of extensions for Django. 3k/month
754 django-celerybeat-status A simple django admin extension that shows when your periodic are goin... 3k/month
755 django-classy-settings Simple class-based settings for Django 3k/month
756 django-councilmatic Core functions for family 3k/month
757 django-etesync-journal The server side implementation of the EteSync protocol. 3k/month
758 django-evolution A database schema evolution tool for the Django web framework. 3k/month
759 django-gulp-rev A simple Django integration with gulp-rev 3k/month
760 django-kck Data orchestration for Django 3k/month
761 django-livefield Convenient soft-deletion support for Django models 3k/month
762 django-modelapiview Two view classes to handle API endpoints 3k/month
763 django-mssql Django backend database support for MS SQL Server. 3k/month
764 django-oscar-cybersource Integration between django-oscar and the Cybersource Secure Acceptance... 3k/month
765 django-pagination django-pagination 3k/month
766 Django-Pizza Yet another Django CMS. 3k/month
767 django-pyston Pyston is a Django mini-framework creating APIs. 3k/month
768 django-radius Django authentication backend for RADIUS 3k/month
769 django_scim A partial implementation of the SCIM 2.0 provider specification for us... 3k/month
770 django-seal Allows ORM constructs to be sealed to prevent them from executing quer... 3k/month
771 django-searchable-encrypt... Django model fields encrypted using Pycryptodome AES-256 GCM. 3k/month
772 django-sso-app User profile management app 3k/month
773 django-tool A simple Django app to conduct Web-based tool. 3k/month
774 django-filtered-datatable... Django views with javascript filters using Datatables 3k/month
775 django-shop A RESTful e-commerce framework based on Django 2k/month
776 django-helpdesk Django-powered ticket tracker for your helpdesk 2k/month
777 django-mongodb-engine MongoDB backend for Django-nonrel 2k/month
778 django-ses-backend A Django email backend for Amazons Simple Email Service 2k/month
779 django-forms-builder A Django reusable app providing the ability for admin users to create ... 2k/month
780 django-photologue Powerful image management for the Django web framework. 2k/month
781 django-subdomains Subdomain tools for the Django framework, including subdomain-based UR... 2k/month
782 django-advanced-filters A Django application for advanced admin filters 2k/month
783 django-categories A way to handle one or more hierarchical category trees in django. 2k/month
784 django-hitcount Hit counting application for Django. 2k/month
785 django-pg-zero-downtime-m... Django postgresql backend that apply migrations with respect to databa... 2k/month
786 django-mdeditor A simple Django app to edit markdown text. 2k/month
787 django-x509 Reusable django app to generate and manage x509 certificates 2k/month
788 django_react_templatetags This django library allows you to add React components into your djang... 2k/month
789 django-tailwind Tailwind CSS Framework for Django projects 2k/month
790 django-csvimport Import CSV files to django models 2k/month
791 django-permission A enhanced permission system which enable logical permissionsystems to... 2k/month
792 django-kronos Kronos is a Django application that makes it easy to define and schedu... 2k/month
793 django-eventstream Server-Sent Events for Django 2k/month
794 django-custom-user Custom user model for Django >= 1.5 with the same behaviour as Djangos... 2k/month
795 django-bulma Bulma CSS Framework for Django projects 2k/month
796 django-pwa A Django app to include a manifest.json and Service Worker instance to... 2k/month
797 django-google-maps Plugs google maps V3 api into Django admin. 2k/month
798 django-db-mailer Django module to easily send emails using django templates stored in a... 2k/month
799 django-authority A Django app that provides generic per-object-permissions for Djangos ... 2k/month
800 django-star-ratings A Django app to add star ratings to models. 2k/month
801 django-audit-log Audit trail for django models 2k/month
802 django-softdelete Soft delete support for Django ORM, with undelete. 2k/month
803 django-netjsonconfig Configuration manager for embedded devices, implemented as a reusable ... 2k/month
804 django-uwsgi uWSGI stuff for Django projects 2k/month
805 django-behave Django Test Runner for the Behave BDD module 2k/month
806 django-celery-transaction... Django transaction support for Celery tasks. 2k/month
807 django-adminlte2 Admin LTE templates, admin theme, and template tags for Django 2k/month
808 django-seo-js SEO support for angular, backbone, ember,, and other SPA apps ... 2k/month
809 django-rest-assured Django REST Assured instantly test-covers your Django REST Framework b... 2k/month
810 djangorestframework-seria... Extensions to DRY up Django Rest Framework serializers 2k/month
811 django-admin-shortcuts Add simple and pretty shortcuts to the django admin homepage. 2k/month
812 django-oscar-accounts Managed accounts for django-oscar 2k/month
813 django-ddp Django/PostgreSQL implementation of the Meteor server. 2k/month
814 django-jwt-auth JSON Web Token based authentication for Django 2k/month
815 django-flexible-subscript... A subscription and recurrent billing application for Django. 2k/month
816 django-activeurl Easy-to-use active URL highlighting for Django 2k/month
817 django-fancy-cache A Django cache_page decorator on steroids 2k/month
818 django-tastypie-swagger An adapter to use swagger-ui with django-tastypie 2k/month
819 django-admin-views django-admin-views is a simple way to add custom admin views and direc... 2k/month
820 django-object-tools Django app enabling painless creation of additional admin object tools... 2k/month
821 django-staticfiles A Django app that provides helpers for serving static files. 2k/month
822 django-survey-and-report A django survey app, based on and compatible with django-survey. You w... 2k/month
823 django-chroniker Easily control cron jobs via Djangos admin. 2k/month
824 django-oscar-paypal Integration with PayPal Express, PayPal Payflow Pro and Adaptive Payme... 2k/month
825 django-paging An efficient paginator that works. 2k/month
826 django-adminlte3 Admin LTE templates, admin theme, and template tags for Django 2k/month
827 djangorestframework-expir... Expiring Authentication Tokens for Django REST Framework 2k/month
828 django-leaflet-storage Create collaborative maps on top of Geodjango and Leaflet. 2k/month
829 django-contact-form A generic contact-form application for Django 2k/month
830 django-tablib A wrapper around Kenneth Reitz tablib to work with Django models. 2k/month
831 django-optimistic-lock Offline optimistic locking for Django 2k/month
832 django-xworkflows A django app enabling Django models to use xworkflows. 2k/month
833 django-admin-row-actions django admin row actions 2k/month
834 django-dynamic-model Allow dynamic creation and updates to database schema at runtime. 2k/month
835 django-gulp Run your gulp tasks with runserver and collectstatic 2k/month
836 django-admin-relation-lin... An easy way to add links to relations in the Django Admin site. 2k/month
837 django-postgres-fuzzycoun... A Django model manager providing fast / fuzzy counts for PostgreSQL da... 2k/month
838 django-daguerre On-the-fly image manipulation for Django 1.11+. 2k/month
839 django-microsoft-auth Simple app to enable Microsoft Account, Office 365 Enterprise, Azure A... 2k/month
840 django-cloud-browser Django Cloud Browser application. 2k/month
841 django-envelope A contact form app for Django 2k/month
842 django-tracking-analyzer User actions tracking and analytics for Django sites. 2k/month
843 django-ca A Django app providing a SSL/TLS certificate authority. 2k/month
844 django-admin-lightweight-... Using django admin date hierarchy queries free! 2k/month
845 django-email-extras A Django reusable app providing the ability to send PGP encrypted and ... 2k/month
846 django-template-debug A small collection of template tags for debugging and introspecting te... 2k/month
847 django-mail-factory Django Mail Manager 2k/month
848 djangorecipe Buildout recipe for Django 2k/month
849 django-debug-toolbar-line... A panel for django-debug-toolbar that integrates information from line... 2k/month
850 django-letsencrypt A simple Django app to handle Lets Encrypt ACME challenges. 2k/month
851 django-password-policies A Django application to implent password policies. 2k/month
852 django-restricted-session... Restrict Django sessions to IP and/or user agent. 2k/month
853 django-html_sanitizer Provides a set of HTML cleaning utilities for django models, forms and... 2k/month
854 django-carrot A RabbitMQ asynchronous task queue for Django. 2k/month
855 django-tsvector-field Django field implementation for PostgreSQL tsvector. 2k/month
856 django-rest-models django Fake ORM model that query an RestAPI instead of a database — 2k/month
857 django-admin-shell 2k/month
858 django-templatetag-handle... Easily embed Handlebars.js templates in your django templates 2k/month
859 django-postgres-extension... Extra features for django.contrib.postgres 2k/month
860 django-admin-charts django-admin-charts - Easily configurable charts statistics for `djang... 2k/month
861 django-fullurl Adds three template tags to Django: fullurl, fullstatic and `build... 2k/month
862 django-antispam Anti-spam protection tools for django applications. 2k/month
863 django-throttle-requests A Django framework for application-layer rate limiting 2k/month
864 django-recaptcha3 Django reCaptcha v3 field/widget 2k/month
865 django-tabular-permission... Display django permissions in a tabular format that is user friendly, ... 2k/month
866 django-intercom Django App for integrating with 2k/month
867 django-argonauts A lightweight collection of JSON helpers for Django. 2k/month
868 django-sitemessage Reusable application for Django introducing a message delivery framewo... 2k/month
869 django-auth-ldap3-ad very simple authentication module for python3 / django / LDAP or AD 2k/month
870 django-request-profiler A simple Django project profiler for timing HTTP requests. 2k/month
871 django-csp-reports A Django app for handling reports from web browsers of violations of y... 2k/month
872 django-decouple Strict separation of settings from code. 2k/month
873 django-active-link The best way to highlight active links in your Django app. 2k/month
874 django-logging-json A simple Django app to log requests/responses in various formats, such... 2k/month
875 django-yubin A reusable Django app for composing and queueing emails Adds django-ma... 2k/month
876 django-protector Django application for managing object level permissions and generic g... 2k/month
877 django-templates-macros Add macros to your django templates 2k/month
878 django-precise-bbcode A django BBCode integration.. 2k/month
879 djangorestframework-link-... Provide pagination using a Link HTTP header as described in https://de... 2k/month
880 django-redis-sessions-for... Redis Session Backend For Django 2k/month
881 django-djconfig DjConfig is a Django app for storing dynamic configurations. 2k/month
882 django-ultracache Drop-in replacement for Djangos template fragment caching. Provides au... 2k/month
883 django-modelsdoc Create models definitions document from your Django project. 2k/month
884 django-authlib Authentication utils for Django 2k/month
885 django-codemirror2 Django widgets for replacing textareas with CodeMirror2, an in-browser... 2k/month
886 django-log-viewer Django log viewer 2k/month
887 django-ltree Django app to support ltree postgres extension 2k/month
888 django-ulogin User social authentication with service 2k/month
889 django-jsonfield-backport Backport of the cross-DB JSONField model and form fields from Django 3... 2k/month
890 django-seeker A python package for mapping and querying Django models in Elasticsear... 2k/month
891 django-saml2-pro-auth SAML2 authentication backend for Django wrapping OneLogins python-saml... 2k/month
892 django-docopt-command Django-docopt-command allows you to write Django commands us... 2k/month
893 django-jsonfallback JSONField from django.contrib.postgres, but with a fallback to TextFie... 2k/month
894 django-stomp A simple implementation of STOMP with Django 2k/month
895 django-bananas Django Bananas - Django extensions the monkey way 2k/month
896 django-etc Tiny stuff for Django that wont fit into separate apps. 2k/month
897 django-group-by Group by arbitrary model fields 2k/month
898 django-zero Zero-configuration django projects. 2k/month
899 django-ok-seo django-ok-seo allows you to add meta tags and OpenGraph properties to ... 2k/month
900 django-angular-dynamic-fo... Django Rest Framework meets Angular 5 dynamic forms - rapi... 2k/month
901 django-dynamic-filenames Write advanced filename patterns using the Format String Syntax. 2k/month
902 django-pdfkit Django view that converts HTML to PDF using webkit. 2k/month
903 djangorestframework-recap... reCAPTCHA field for Django REST framework serializers. 2k/month
904 django-3-jet Modern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality 2k/month
905 django-fontawesome-5 A utility for using icons in models, forms, and templates. 2k/month
906 django-sizefield A model field to store a file size, whose edition and display shows un... 2k/month
907 django-ckeditor-filebrows... A django-filer based CKEditor filebrowser 2k/month
908 django-vkontakte-api Django implementation for vkontakte API 2k/month
909 django-pg-bulk-update Django extension, executing bulk update operations for PostgreSQL 2k/month
910 django-admin-extend Provides functionality for extendingModelAdmin classes that have alrea... 2k/month
911 django-heroku-connect Django integration Salesforce using Heroku Connect. 2k/month
912 django-pagetree Tree of Pages helper application 2k/month
913 django-mailjet A Django email backend for Mailjet 2k/month
914 django-xforwardedfor-midd... Django X-Forwarded-For Middleware 2k/month
915 django-generic-links Simple and generic application for Django projects to attach and handl... 2k/month
916 django-geoexplorer Use GeoExplorer in your django projects 2k/month
917 django-relativedelta Django alternative to DurationField using dateutil.relativedelta 2k/month
918 django-huey-monitor Django based tool for monitoring huey task queue: 2k/month
919 django-glrm A Django middleware that make all views and URLs login required. 2k/month
920 django-durationwidget Django Duration field widget to handle duration field in the form 2k/month
921 django-hierarkey Hierarchical key-value store for django 2k/month
922 django-sortedm2m-filter-h... Horizontal filter widget for django-sortedm2m 2k/month
923 django-multifactor Drop-in multifactor authentication subsystem for Django. 2k/month
924 djangocassandra Cassandra support for the Django web framework 2k/month
925 django-mcadmin Easily run Django management commands from admin 2k/month
926 django-pkgconf Yet another application settings helper. 2k/month
927 django-app-settings Application settings helper for Django apps. 2k/month
928 django-override-storage Django test helpers to manage file storage side effects. 2k/month
929 django-stuff Library with common code for Django 2k/month
930 django-boost Django Extension library 2k/month
931 django-admin-thumbnails A Django app for DRY thumbnails in admin list views and forms. 2k/month
932 django-report-utils Common report functions used by django-report-builder and django-repor... 2k/month
933 django-debug-toolbar-forc... Force debugging of partial- or non-HTML views in django-debug-toolbar. 2k/month
934 django-pragmatic Pragmatic tools and utilities for Django projects 2k/month
935 django-proxy-server This is a django application to use django as a proxy server between a... 2k/month
936 django-ripple_api Python wrapper for the Ripple API 2k/month
937 django-elastic-appsearch Integrate your Django Project with Elastic App Search with ease. 2k/month
938 django-hint Typehinting package for django 2k/month
939 django-geostore Django geographic store and vector tile generation 2k/month
940 django-groupadmin-users Edit users in group from the Group add and edit pages 2k/month
941 django-asana Django Asana integration project 2k/month
942 django-enforce-host Middleware to redirect requests to a canonical hostname 2k/month
943 django-jacc Simple double entry accounting system (debits/credits) for Django proj... 2k/month
944 django-customer-billing 2k/month
945 django-on-heroku This package simplifies running a Django app on Heroku platform. 2k/month
946 django-cast Just another blogging / podcasting package 2k/month
947 django-fido Django application for FIDO protocol 2k/month
948 django-auth-token Django authorization via tokens. 2k/month
949 django-samesite-none Django middleware which sets SameSite flag to None for cookies where i... 2k/month
950 django-template-engines Additional template engines for Django. 2k/month
951 django-alt Alternative approach to data validation and REST endpoints in Django a... 2k/month
952 django-flashpolicies Flash cross-domain policies for Django sites 2k/month
953 django-agent-trust A framework for managing agent trust, such as public vs. private compu... 2k/month
954 django-limits 2k/month
955 django-simple-log Logging django models changes. 2k/month
956 Django-CryptographicField... A Django app for cryptography in Django Models. 2k/month
957 django-perimeter Site-wide perimeter access control for Django projects. 2k/month
958 django-exporter Export Django metrics for Prometheus. 2k/month
959 django-psycopg2-extension Library contains django commands which helps to prepare and manage Pos... 2k/month
960 django-postgresql-dag Directed Acyclic Graph implementation for Django & Postgresql 2k/month
961 django-markdownfield A simple custom field for Django that can safely render Markdown and s... 2k/month
962 django-pynotify General purpose notification library for Django 2k/month
963 django-humanize Use humanize 3rd-party lib as template filters 2k/month
964 django-atom A different stuff for Django to faster make a world a better place. 2k/month
965 django-user-email-extensi... User model extender for django 2k/month
966 django-powerbank Extra power for included batteries 2k/month
967 django-http-referrer-poli... django-http-referrer-policy provides a middleware class implementing t... 2k/month
968 django-codenerix-invoicin... Codenerix Invoicing is a module that enables CODENERIX to manage bills... 2k/month
969 django-jsonattrs Django app to provide Postgres JSON-based attribute management. 2k/month
970 django-codenerix-pos Codenerix Products is a module that enables CODENERIX to set Point of ... 2k/month
971 django-po2xls Convert gettext .po files to .xls 2k/month
972 django-extended-shell Django shell with imported models 2k/month
973 django2-semantic-ui Library to easy install, configure and use Semantic UI framework with ... 2k/month
974 django-markitup Markup handling for Django using the MarkItUp! universal markup editor 2k/month
975 django-standard-form Quick and simple django templatetags for displaying forms. 2k/month
976 django-xff Django X-Forwarded-For Properly 2k/month
977 django-awl Miscellaneous django tools 2k/month
978 django-fakeredis Easier to use fakeredis in Django. 2k/month
979 django-dbmi-client 2k/month
980 django-kdl-wagtail KDL Wagtail Base Models 2k/month
981 django-generic-m2m-field Django generic many to many field library. 2k/month
982 django-celery-extensions Django celery extensions library. 2k/month
983 django-sms-validator Python library for sms validation. 2k/month
984 django-verification-token Django library for generation verification toekens. 2k/month
985 django-pg-hll Provides a django wrapper for postgresql-hll library by CitusData 2k/month
986 django-choice-enumfields Real Python Enums for Django. 2k/month
987 django-bootstrap4-form django-bootstrap4-form 2k/month
988 django-fluent-utils Internal utilities for code sharing between django-fluent modules 2k/month
989 django-staff-sso-client Reusable Django app to facilitate Staff Single Sign On 2k/month
990 django-onfido Django app for integration with Onfido. 2k/month
991 django-settings-local Manage Django Local Settings 2k/month
992 django-cloudinary-storage Django package that provides Cloudinary storages for both media and st... 2k/month
993 django-context-cache Django context cache library. 2k/month
994 django-emailtools-reloade... App for Django featuring class based email sending. 2k/month
995 django-fperms Flexible Django permissions backend 2k/month
996 django-fperms-iscore Perms for iscore library 2k/month
997 django-GDPR Library for GDPR implementation 2k/month
998 django-help-me An app for providing a simple Help Desk & FAQ for users. 2k/month
999 django-jsform Django integration for jsform 2k/month
1000 django-token-tools Suite of Django tools around token authentication. 2k/month


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published