THING may be a well known form as word, paragraph, but also a char class as `alnum' or a new defined thing.
For example ar-alnum-atpt' will return all alpha-numerical chars below and around cursor as a string.
ar-bounds-of-alnum-atpt' returns the
borders of that string as a list and so on.
`ar-doublequoted-atpt' will return the string at point, copied into the kill-ring, enabling yanking it and a lot of further actions.
So far THING is simply picked up.
Different approach combines copying, deleting with delimiting
if region is active:
(global-set-key [(control c) (")] 'ar-doublequote-or-copy-atpt)
will provide doublequotes at beginning and end of region.
With negative argument it deletes the doublequoted portion under point.
Without any argument these functions return as their simplier counterparts
With universal argument [(control u)] delimiters --i.e. doublequotes, slashes, whatever-- are stripped.
Use ‘delimited’ in order to fetch or manipulate symbols. The following key-settings may be useful:
(global-set-key [(meta ?})] 'ar-delimited2braced-atpt)
;; (global-set-key [(control c) (control d) (\)] 'ar-delimited2backslashed-atpt)
(global-set-key [(meta ?\)] 'ar-delimited2dollared-atpt)
;; (global-set-key [(control c) (control d) (})] 'ar-delimited2braced-atpt)
(global-set-key [(meta ?})] 'ar-delimited2braced-atpt)
;; (global-set-key [(control c) (control d) (])] 'ar-delimited2bracketed-atpt)
(global-set-key [(meta ?])] 'ar-delimited2bracketed-atpt)
;; (global-set-key [(control c) (control d) (`)] 'ar-delimited2backticked-atpt)
(global-set-key [(meta ?`)] 'ar-delimited2backticked-atpt)
;; (global-set-key [(control c) (control d) (
Presently for a given THING the following is implemented:
ar-THING-atpt ar-THING-bounds-atpt ar-THING-beginning-position-atpt ar-THING-end-position-atpt ar-THING-beginning-atpt ar-THING-end-atpt ar-THING-length-atpt ar-THING-copy-atpt ar-THING-kill-atpt ar-THING-forward-atpt ar-THING-backward-atpt ar-THING-transpose-atpt ar-THING-sort-atpt ar-THING-check-atpt
Beside of the mentioned above, esists still a couple of functions, whose use is much less probable:
ar-THING-slash-atpt ar-THING-double-backslash-atpt ar-THING-doubleslash-atpt ar-THING-delete-in-region ar-blok-THING-atpt ar-THING-escape-atpt ar-THING-doublequote-atpt ar-THING-doubleslash-paren-atpt ar-THING-slashparen-atpt ar-THING-dollar-atpt ar-THING-equalize-atpt ar-THING-greaterangle-atpt ar-THING-lesserangle-atpt ar-THING-backslash-atpt ar-THING-brace-atpt ar-THING-bracket-atpt ar-comment-THING-atpt ar-commatize-THING-atpt ar-quote-THING-atpt ar-THING-hyphen-atpt ar-THING-mark-atpt ar-THING-hide-atpt ar-THING-show-atpt ar-THING-hide-show-atpt ar-THING-left-right-singlequote-atpt ar-THING-parentize-atpt ar-THING-separate-atpt ar-THING-singlequote-atpt ar-THING-trim-atpt ar-THING-left-trim-atpt ar-THING-right-trim-atpt ar-underscore-THING-atpt ar-whitespace-THING-atpt
The goal is to have a set of similar forms. For example, to provide a word with double-quotes around it, call ar-doublequote-word-atpt. In a similar way you may double-quote not just a word, but any object instrumented here as THING. To make parentheses around it call ar-parentize-word-atpt, etc.
To see other features, maybe try ar-separate-list-atpt' or
ar-comment-list-atpt' while point is inside a
list. Try it again with an abstract char-class as
[:alnum:], i.e. try ar-comment-alnum-atpt',
ar-brace-alnum-atpt' etc.
Move-functions of this package differ from common behaviour in such, as `ar-forward-word-atpt' stops not after THING, but on the last char of THING.
THING as a buffer substring is determined by move-functions specified for thingatpt, called beginning-op-at and end-op-at. Point is stored after move, beginning and end delivered as pair: as consed bounds-of-thing. It's easy to write your own thing-at-point functions that way. You need the caller and both move forms:
(defun MY-FORM-atpt (&optional arg) " " (interactive "p") (ar-th 'MY-FORM arg))
(put 'MY-FORM 'beginning-op-at (lambda () MY-FORWARD-MOVE-CODE))
(put 'MY-FORM 'end-op-at (lambda () MY-BACKWARD-MOVE-CODE))
For example if you want to pick all chars at point which are written between a string "AAA" and a "BBB", which may exist as AAA Luckily detected a lot of things! BBB After evaluation of (put 'MY-FORM 'beginning-op-at (lambda () (search-backward "AAA" nil 'move 1) ;; step chars of search expression back (forward-char 3)))
(put 'MY-FORM 'end-op-at (lambda () (search-forward "BBB" nil 'move 1) (forward-char -3))) together with the functions definition above, it's ready. M-x MY-FORM-atpt (while point inside) you should see: " Luckily detected a lot of things! " in the minibuffer.