- removes useless code
- add auto apply on save option
- simplify initialization code
- Changes the API for commands
- refactor commands
- add new managed command
- fix telescope extension for chezmoi files
- fixed chezmoi command
- add apply command
- update docs and remove unused code
- chezmoi edit is still prefered, but editing encrypted files is working with gpg.
- edit: add partial support for encrypted files
- add config for executed template window
- open executed template in new window
- add commitzen config
- refactor telescope extension
- adds parser for file and directory names (#10)
- adds parser for file and directory names instead of using chezmoi mamaged
- changed a lot of stuff. (#7)
- add user command for chezmoi managed
- adds Telescope extension
- initial commit
- telescope extension fixes (#11)
- fixes telescope extension
- fixes path naming resolver
- fixed execution of chezmoi managed (#9)
- fixed execution of chezmoi managed
- remove useless validation
- telescope extension (#13)
- telescope extension (#12)
- telescope extension
- fixed argument for ChezmoiEdit. (#8)
- fixed argument for ChezmoiEdit.
- remove unused files