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Installs Tor relays on Debian-based systems.

This role uses the default Tor instance (configuration in /etc/tor/torrc) for hidden services and optionally a SOCKS proxy. Bridge, middle and exit relays are created as additional instances using the tor-instance-create script (configuration under /etc/tor/instances).


  • Debian-based system with systemd
  • Offline keys as described below

Role Variables

Please see defaults/main.yml for default values.

Main Variables

Variable Description
tor_contact_info ContactInfo value.
tor_instances_bridge Bridge instance definitions (see below).
tor_instances_middle Middle instance definitions (see below).
tor_instances_exit Exit instance definitions (see below).
tor_offline_keys Local base directory for offline keys (see below).

Other Variables

Variable Description
tor_apparmor Use false to disable AppArmor, in case Tor is running in an LXC container. (Bug 17754)
tor_avoid_disk Set AvoidDiskWrites, for flash-based systems.
tor_default_client_onion_auth Client authorizations for the default instance (see below).
tor_default_hidden_services Hidden service definitions for the default instance (see below).
tor_default_settings List of additional settings for the default instance.
tor_default_socks_port SOCKS port of the default instance.
tor_dist Distribution name on
tor_exit_policy List of ExitPolicy values (exits only). Overrides tor_reduced_exit_policy.
tor_instance_settings List of additional settings for all bridge, middle and exit instances.
tor_my_family List of fingerprints for MyFamily.
tor_nameservers List of nameserver addresses to add to /etc/tor/resolv.conf, which will be used by bridge, middle and exit instances as ServerDNSResolvConfFile.
tor_onion_auth Local directory for client authorization files (see below).
tor_packages_extra Extra system packages to install.
tor_reduced_exit_policy ReducedExitPolicy value (exits only).
tor_repository Use the Tor Project package repository.
tor_systemd_restart_sec RestartSec systemd value for [email protected].
tor_systemd_timeout_start_sec TimeoutStartSec systemd value for [email protected].

Instance Configuration

Bridge, middle and exit relays are created using the tor-instance-create script and configured via three separate variables in the inventory (see above).

The following properties are common to all instance types (required properties in bold):

Property Description
name Instance name. Example: the instance name foo will create the systemd unit tor@foo owned by user/group _tor-foo. The configuration will be in /etc/tor/instances/foo/torrc, the data in /var/lib/tor-instances/foo.
or_ports List of ORPort values.
extra_settings List of additional settings for this instance.
metrics_port MetricsPort value.
metrics_port_policy MetricsPortPolicy value.
nickname Relay nickname.

Bridge Configuration

The following properties are used by bridge instances (required properties in bold):

Property Description
ext_or_port ExtORPort value.
pluggable_transports List of pluggable transport definitions (see below).


  - name: bridge
    nickname: MyCoolBridge
    or_ports: [9000]
      - name: obfs4
        exec: /usr/bin/obfs4proxy

Middle/Exit Configuration

The following properties are used by middle/exit instances:

Property Description
address The IPv4 address of this server.
ipv6_exit Allow IPv6 exit traffic (exits only).
outbound_addresses List of OutboundBindAddress values.


  - name: exit
    nickname: MyCoolExit
      - 443
      - "[abcd::1:2:3:4]:443"
    ipv6_exit: 1

  - "accept *:80"
  - "accept *:443"
  - "reject *:*"

Exit Policy Blocks

On exit instances, /etc/tor/exit-policy-blocks* files will be included in instance torrc files before any tor_exit_policy values. You can use this to place ExitPolicy reject statements in front of your exit policy.

Offline Keys

A given host's and instance's offline keys are copied from the local directory {{ tor_offline_keys }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}/INSTANCE_NAME/keys.

You can use the included script tor-keygen to create and update offline keys.

To skip copying the offline keys, use --skip-tags copy-offline-keys when applying the role.

Please note: Tor creates the RSA key secret_id_key on new relays. This key is part of the relay identity, so you should copy it to the local directory mentioned above. The role does this once the RSA key exists.

Hidden Services

Hidden services are only configured on the default instance via the tor_default_hidden_services variable.

The following properties are used by hidden services (required properties in bold):

Property Description
name Hidden service name.
ports List of HiddenServicePort values.
authorized_clients List of client authorizations.


  - name: ssh
    ports: [22]


HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hs_ssh/
HiddenServicePort 22
HiddenServiceVersion 3

Client Authorization

You can use the included script tor-onion-auth to create v3 hidden service authorization files.


tor-onion-auth 1234example.onion my-client

Private authorization files for a Tor client are configured like this:

tor_default_client_onion_auth: [my-client, my-other-client]

Public authorization files for a Tor hidden service are configured like this:

  - name: http
    ports: [80]
    authorized_clients: [my-client, my-other-client]

Instance Removal

You can define a list of instance names as tor_instances_remove and the associated systemd units, users, and files will be removed.


GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)