Tiny web server with one requirement - busybox.
It's not approach for production. This tool was made for quick file transferring from platforms busybox based platforms like as OpenWRT routers, android phones, small alpine containers and others. It also wasn't properly tested for security vulnerabilities, so, use it for your own risk.
It needs only busybox binary!
- Downloading some files from remote hosts (also gzipped and bzipped)
- Downloading directories as archives
- Viewing remote files directly in browser - logs, pictures, etc
- Testing some local simple html projects like bashblog
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alive-corpse/bbhttpd/master/bbhttpd && chmod +x ./bbhttpd
$ ./bbhttpd help
BBHTTPd - smallest web server
(busybox: busybox)
Usage: ./bbhttpd start
./bbhttpd start <port number>
./bbhttpd start <ip address> <port number>
./bbhttpd start
# web server will starts at localhost ( and port 8080
./bbhttpd start 9000
# web server will starts at localhost ( and port 9000
./bbhttpd start 8000
# web server will starts at address and port 8000
By default log file will be written to the /tmp/bbhttpd.log. Nothing will be printed to the stdout, cause it used by netcat (nc) command. It's normal. Also you can set logfile path by using LOG variable like this:
LOG=./mylogfile.log ./bbhttpd start 8000
# log file will be placed in current directory with name mylogile.log
Logging also has few levels: debug, info, warning. Default is info. You can change it in the beginning of script in variable LOGLEVEL, or you can set this variable like LOG variable:
LOGLEVEL='debug' ./bbhttpd start
Example of the debug output:
2018.11.05-21:28:53 DEBUG: New session started
2018.11.05-21:28:53 DEBUG: GET / HTTP/1.1
2018.11.05-21:28:53 DEBUG: Host: localhost:8000
2018.11.05-21:28:53 DEBUG: Connection: keep-alive
2018.11.05-21:28:53 DEBUG: Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
2018.11.05-21:28:53 DEBUG: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.119 Safari/537.36
2018.11.05-21:28:53 DEBUG: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8
2018.11.05-21:28:53 DEBUG: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
2018.11.05-21:28:53 DEBUG: Accept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7
2018.11.05-21:28:54 INFO: HOST: localhost:8000 URL: / -- 200 OK
With LOGLEVEL='info':
2018.11.05-21:51:50 INFO: HOST: localhost:8000 URL: /mylogfile.log -- 200 OK
Default index filename.
If it's equal 1, instead of index.html you will get list of files and directories with ability of downloading as arcives or as is.
ERRPATH=`dirname "$0"`'/errors'
Path to the custom html files for the errors messages like ./errors/404.html, 503.html, etc. If file for the error code is not exists, the common.html error file will be used (next variable).
ERRORHTML=`dirname "$0"`'/errors/common.html'
Path to the custom html file for the errors, that hasn't dedicated html file like 404.html. If this file not exists, internal error message will be shown. If you place %ERROR%
code to the common.html file, it will be replaced by server to the error code and short message like this: 404 Not Found