Clikt takes care of creating formatted help messages for commands.
There are a number of ways to customize the default behavior.
You can also implement your own HelpFormatter
and set it on the command's context.
Commands and parameters accept a help
argument. Commands also accept an epilog
argument, which is printed after the parameters and commands on the help page. All text is
automatically trimmed of leading indentation and re-wrapped to the terminal width.
class Hello : CliktCommand(help = """
This script prints NAME COUNT times.
COUNT must be a positive number, and defaults to 1.
) {
val count by option("-c", "--count", metavar="COUNT", help = "number of greetings").int().default(1)
val name by argument()
override fun run() = repeat(count) { echo("Hello $name!") }
$ ./hello --help
Usage: hello [OPTIONS] NAME
This script prints NAME COUNT times.
COUNT must be a positive number, and defaults to 1.
-c, --count COUNT number of greetings
-h, --help Show this message and exit
Option names and metavars will appear in help output even if no help string is specified for them. On the other hand, arguments only appear in the usage string. It is possible to add a help string to arguments which will be added to the help page, but the Unix convention is to just describe arguments in the command help.
By default, Clikt will rewrap all paragraphs in your text to the terminal width. This can be undesirable if you have some preformatted text, such as source code or a bulleted list.
You can preformat a paragraph by surrounding it with markdown-style triple backticks. The backticks will be removed from the output, and if the backticks are on a line by themselves, the line will be removed. All whitespace and newlines in the paragraph will be preserved, and will be be rewrapped.
class Tool : NoOpCliktCommand(help = """This is my command.
This paragraph will be wrapped, but the following list will not:
- This is a list
- Its newlines will remain intact
This is a new paragraph that will be wrapped if it's wider than the teminal width.
Usage: tool
This is my command.
This paragraph will be wrapped, but the following list
will not:
- This is a list
- It's newlines will remain intact
This is a new paragraph that will be wrapped if it's wider
than the terminal width.
-h, --help Show this message and exit
Subcommands are listed in the help page based on their name. They have a short help string which is the first line of their help.
class Tool : NoOpCliktCommand()
class Execute : NoOpCliktCommand(help = """
Execute the command.
The command will be executed.
class Abort : NoOpCliktCommand(help="Kill any running commands.")
$ ./tool --help
Usage: tool [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
-h, --help Show this message and exit
execute Execute the command.
abort Kill any running commands.
Clikt handles the help option is specially. It is added automatically to every command. Any help option name that conflicts with another option is not used for the help option. If the help option has no unique names, it is not added.
You can change the help option's name and help message on the command's context:
class Tool : NoOpCliktCommand() {
init {
context {
helpOptionNames = setOf("/help")
helpOptionMessage = "show the help"
$ ./tool /help
Usage: tool [OPTIONS]
/help show the help
If you don't want a help option to be added, you can set
helpOptionNames = emptySet()
You can configure the help formatter to show default values in the help output by passing
showRequiredTag = true
to the CliktHelpFormatter
. By default, the string value of the
default value will be shown. You can show a different value by passing the value you want to show to
the defaultForHelp
parameter of default
class Tool : NoOpCliktCommand() {
init {
context { helpFormatter = CliktHelpFormatter(showDefaultValues = true) }
val a by option(help = "this is optional").default("value")
val b by option(help = "this is also optional").default("value", defaultForHelp="chosen for you")
$ ./tool --help
Usage: tool [OPTIONS]
--a TEXT this is optional (default: value)
--b TEXT this is also optional (default: chosen for you)
By default, required
options are displayed the same way as other options. The help
formatter includes two different ways to show that an option is required.
You can pass a character to the requiredOptionMarker
argument of the CliktHelpFormatter
class Tool : NoOpCliktCommand() {
init {
context { helpFormatter = CliktHelpFormatter(requiredOptionMarker = "*") }
val option by option(help = "this is optional")
val required by option(help = "this is required").required()
$ ./tool --help
Usage: tool [OPTIONS]
--option TEXT this is optional
* --required TEXT this is required
-h, --help Show this message and exit
You can also show a tag for required options by passing showRequiredTag = true
to the CliktHelpFormatter
class Tool : CliktCommand() {
init {
context { helpFormatter = CliktHelpFormatter(showRequiredTag = true) }
val option by option(help = "this is optional")
val required by option(help = "this is required").required()
$ ./tool --help
Usage: tool [OPTIONS]
--option TEXT this is optional
--required TEXT this is required (required)
-h, --help Show this message and exit
You can group options into separate help sections by using OptionGroup. The name of the group will be shown in the output. You can also add an extra help message to be shown with the group. Groups can't be nested.
class UserOptions : OptionGroup(
name = "User Options",
help = "Options controlling the user"
) {
val name by option(help = "user name")
val age by option(help = "user age").int()
class Tool : NoOpCliktCommand() {
val userOptions by UserOptions()
$ ./tool --help
Usage: cli [OPTIONS]
User Options:
Options controlling the user
--name TEXT user name
--age INT user age
-h, --help Show this message and exit
When an option or subcommand is mistyped, Clikt will suggest corrections that are similar to the typed value.
$ ./cli --sise=5
Error: no such option: "--sise". Did you mean "--size"?
$ ./cli building
Usage: cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Error: no such subcommand: "building". Did you mean "build"?
By default, Clikt will suggest corrections of any similar option or subcommand name based on a
similarity metric. You can customize the suggestions by setting a correctionSuggestor
on your
command's context.
class Cli : NoOpCliktCommand() {
init {
context {
// Only suggest corrections that start with the entered value
correctionSuggestor = { enteredValue, possibleValues ->
possibleValues.filter { it.startsWith(enteredValue) }