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Releases: ainblockchain/ain-blockchain

v1.0.3 Release Note

29 Jan 05:31
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Hi all. Sorry for the late release note of v1.0.3.


  • Allow undefined tx_hash for check-in history data
  • Include timer flag status (enabled, disabled) in /get_config
  • Fix LOG_HEADER undefined issue

v1.0.2 Release Note

12 Jan 09:40
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Hi, We are happy to release v1.0.2!


  • Add more monitoring metrics
  • Change some objects to Maps
  • Reduce --max-old-space-size for the sandbox
  • Add TimerFlags feature
  • Add chainId, networkId to rest function call data
  • Set axios timeout
  • Show richer welcome messages
  • Support incremental deploy w/ code updates
  • Add block_timestamp at the highest level in the snapshot for convenience
  • Pass blockNumber to isValidServiceName() through isServAcntName()
  • Add state bandage feature
  • Write block file even if another file already exists
  • Add staking_balance_total_sum timer flag and bandage file
  • Update _stake() and _unstake() to update the balance_total_sum after the flag is enabled
  • Update getAppStakesTotalFromStateRoot() to use the balance_total_sum if available
  • Improve deployment related code and scripts
  • Move rule changes for allow_lower_case_app_names_only flag to a bandage file

v1.0.1 Release Note

02 Jan 07:43
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Hi, Happy new year! We are glad to announce v1.0.1 sooner!


  • Expose safe env variables only by /get_config
  • Add dup check for variable labels in state paths
  • Improve peer connection making process
  • Add min_gas_price blockchain param
  • Apply object chunking for state snapshots
  • Fix bug on ain_sendSignedTransaction regarding chainId
  • Set genesis_timestamp to be 2021-12-31 23:59:59 999 (UTC)

v1.0.0 Release Note

30 Dec 13:51
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Thanks for our team and a lot people working with us.


  • Add traffic events for finalized blocks and transactions
  • Added non-overwritable blockchain params to the state (on-chain)
  • Blockchain params can be accessed with getBlockchainParam() and getAllBlockchainParamsFromState()
  • Separated NodeConfiigs from BlockchainConfigs (NodeConfigs = each node can set differently. Basically env vars)
  • Re-org'ed blockchain_params.json
  • Changed blockchain param names to lower cases
  • Introduced blockchain params for 1-node, 2-nodes, 3-nodes
  • Support multiple node versions and os versions
  • Add convert functions
  • Add common/result-code.js for result code
  • Move to node-params.json and customize traffic params for sandbox environment
  • Set epoch_ms to 1000 for test blockchain configs
  • Reorg test code
  • Add --skip-kill, --kill-only options to deploy scripts
  • Do not call winstonLogger.debug() if DEBUG=false
  • Deprecate GenesisToken and GenesisSharding
  • Add peer whitelist
  • Use bunyan as the default logger, add error catching
  • Consensus tx clean-up in tx pool & fix bugs
  • Properly handle subtree write rules (do not allow non empty subtree write rules)
  • Restore check-out state gc rule
  • Deprecate ACCOUNT_INDEX
  • Handle subtree owners properly
  • Add propose / vote latency metrics to traffic stats
  • Restore isAlive field of node's status
  • Add propose/vote p2p message latency to traffic stats
  • Allow writing with subtree owners in partial set cases (with isPartialSet = true)
  • Introduced DEV_CLIENT_API_IP_WHITELIST for client api access control.
  • Added IP whitelisting json-rpc apis (ain_getDevClientApiIpWhitelist, ain_addToDevClientApiIpWhitelist, ain_removeFromDevClientApiIpWhitelist)
  • Added IP whitelisting tool scripts
  • Reorged json rpc apis
  • Renamed ENABLE_DEV_CLIENT_SET_API -> ENABLE_DEV_CLIENT_API and updated to manage the get apis with the flag as well
  • Add PERF_TEST_PIPELINE_TEST_SEASON to run benchmark command
  • Unlimit dev params
  • Add some DevFlags: enableWsCompression, enableTxBroadcastLimit
  • Fix typos & missing things in the deploy scripts
  • Add subtree function triggering
  • Reorg peer connections periodically
  • Allow removal of wildcard ip whitelist
  • Return usage, available, staking info for apps
  • Add gc_num_siblings_deleted to state rule
  • Update p2p state
  • Add resource/min_gc_num_siblings_deleted blockchain param
  • dded GET_RESP_BYTES_LIMIT and GET_RESP_MAX_SIBLINGS node params for limits on db queries
  • Add BLOCK_FINALIZED traffic event for finalization latency
  • Increase min_gc_num_siblings_deleted to 100
  • Update PEER_WHITELIST for the proposer nodes
  • Update deploy scripts to deploy 10 nodes
  • Introduced reward blockchain params (type & annual_rate)
  • Updated _distributeFee native function
  • Added op_list validity check & result code
  • Keep a half of whitelisted(block generation) nodes when reorg
  • Updated error_message to message
  • Added is_final options for more stable consensus test results
  • Finalize blockchain params
  • Update error trap logic when blockPool.hashToBlockInfo[lastHash] is undefined
  • Added max_height, max_size, max_bytes state rule props
  • Added a simple tool script
  • Deprecate dev flags
  • Add epoch transition interval renewal logic
  • Decrease max_num_validators for sandbox: 30 -> 20
  • Add config files for mainnet
  • Correctly get GPT2 version compatibility
  • Add #num_children property to state info
  • Add validator whitelist
  • Handle write rule syntax errors properly
  • Add num_accounts grafana panel
  • Fix a lot of minor bugs!!

v0.9.3 Release Note

01 Dec 10:16
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It's been ages! We are glad to announce v0.9.3.


  • Extend verifyBlock.js to support multiple blocks
  • Handle null return from fromTxBody() properly
  • Add verify-tx tool script
  • Add comments and log tx value size
  • Add tool script for aggregating proposer block # info
  • Fit the svg size to the screen
  • Add rest function call server flag and update test code
  • Include jq tool in the dev package list
  • Added 'state' rule property
  • Update deploy scripts for API nodes
  • Execute votes in evidence
  • Deprecate tracker when connecting nodes
  • Add enableHardCodedStateGC feature flag
  • Update blockchainEndpoint
  • Garbage-collect old receipts per block
  • Add full node snapshotting with enableFullNodeSnapshots flag
  • Inject account via mnemonic
  • Allow wildcards in REST function URLs using match-url-wildcard
  • Add token-level write rule validity checking logic
  • Inject accounts using ain-util
  • Add ENABLE_JSON_RPC_API and revamp deploy scripts
  • Genesis account revamping with 100 genesis accounts
  • Add punctuator token blacklist for write rules
  • Modularize block validation & execution
  • Add env variables to /get_config dev client API
  • Add block and root_proof_hash to blockchain snapshots
  • Add express rate limit config for ddos protection
  • Receive events & find matching filters & pass event to eventHandlerServer
  • Improve randomness for proposer selection
  • Enhance address request and response
  • Introduce genesis_block.json.gz, remove private key dependencies
  • Add private ip address validity check
  • Add verifyProofHashForStateTree() util function (with verifyProofHashForRadixTree())
  • Introduce BlockchainConfigs for flags and constants
  • Support testnet-sandbox env
  • Lighten communication between peer and tracker
  • Rename IN_BLOCK tx state to FINALIZED
  • Add event-handler/ to deploy scripts
  • Add checkout_fee_rate (0.1%)
  • Add extension expr. script
  • Remove conditions that are always true
  • Move gas amount constants to BlockchainConfigs
  • Add latency to the traffic stats
  • Fix a lot of bugs!!

v0.9.2 Release Note

20 Oct 02:45
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Good day! We are glad to announce v0.9.2 release.


  • Add transaction receipts & receipts_hash to blocks
  • Optimize radix tree
  • Make bi-directed connection
  • Show network topology graph
  • Revamp check-in service
  • Add traffic manager
  • Add /get_client_status client API
  • Add --setup option to
  • Add 'is_final' option to readDatabase()
  • Add account importing
  • Decrease MAX_OLD_SPACE_SIZE_MB to 5500
  • Optimize state info
  • Connect to peer till maximum
  • Add block verification tool
  • Add client api for getting block info
  • Add network.REQUEST_BODY_SIZE_LIMIT parameter
  • Add tools for state proof verification

v0.9.1 Release Note

03 Sep 03:59
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Hi y'all!!! Boom! Lots of Changes have made. Enjoy :)


  • Add checkout service for token bridging
  • Use numeric error code for function triggering
  • Reduce flakiness of integration tests due to tree bytes interference
  • Trim down execution result in receipt values
  • Apply chain id
  • Implement radix tree
  • Update consensus reward distribution
  • Add set / update / verify proof hash APIs
  • Add pos penalties
  • Fix minor bugs

v0.9.0 Release Note

05 Aug 14:09
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How have you been? We are really happy to announce v0.9.0! The huge changes are coming up from v0.8.0.


  • Add experimental code for optimizing receipt proof hash computation
  • Fix memory issue by applying incremental block file loading
  • Add state utilization apis
  • Add more get options (include_tree_info, include_proof, include_version)
  • Gas fee charging & receipts for failed txs
  • State size limits
  • Add cpu status to tracker server
  • Add cpu usage percent to status
  • Use node.db.getAccountNonceAndTimestamp() instead of node.nonce
  • Increase state budget
  • Receipts in state tree
  • Divide IN_POOL tx state into EXECUTED and PENDING states
  • Add blockchain owner as the root owner in genesis
  • Use shallow fetch for app stakes total
  • Track tree size in bytes
  • State gas budget check & gas budget allowance for free tier apps
  • Many block files
  • Move entry point labels to PredefinedDbPaths from *Properties
  • Move .write rule under .rule layer
  • Improve app experience
  • Validation only node
  • Tweak deploy scripts
  • Fix minor bugs as well

v0.8.0 Release Note

30 Jun 04:32
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Hiya! It's really glad to announce v0.8.0! Enjoy!!


  • Add ain_getRemainingTransactionPoolSize
  • Support shallow get
  • Clean up state-related terms; See: Clean up state-related terms #453
  • Add performance test pipeline
  • Rename ChainUtil to CommonUtil
  • Add cpu status
  • Add app dependency check pipeline

v0.7.7 Release Note

15 Jun 12:21
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Hi all! We are very happy to announce v0.7.7 today!

What newly released features are:

  • Apply partial set (applyOwnerChange()) in setOwner()
  • Add service/app name validation and service type validation logic
  • Support fast sync
  • Pass compatibility experiments
  • Define and apply state label length limit (STATE_LABEL_LENGTH_LIMIT)
  • Support billing accounts
  • Fix minor bugs