Save a walking + running distance sample.
A distance sample represents the amount traveled during a specific period of time. A sample should be a precise as possible, with startDate
and endDate
representing the range of time the steps were taken in. The unit of distance can be specified by units
key in options
below, defaulting to meters.
Example input options:
// 300m over 5 min ~= 1 m/s (walking speed)
let options = {
value: 300, // meters (default)
startDate: new Date(2022, 6, 11, 6, 0, 0).toISOString(),
endDate: new Date(2016, 6, 11, 6, 5, 0).toISOString(),
Call the method:
(options: HealthInputOptions),
(err: Object, results: number) => {
if (this._handleHKError(err, 'saveWalkingRunningDistance')) {
// walking + running distance sample successfully saved
Example output: