TimeShare App is web app made in NodeJs/MongoDB/AngularJs, it allows user to offer or to ask for a service and get paid with time (minutes). ( i offer a service then i win 1hours, so i can ask for service and i pay with the 1 hours i won ( sorry for my english ^^)).
This project is developped with ExpressJs (Server Side) and AngularJs + Bootstrap (Client Side)
Modules used to develop the API :
- ExpressJs
- Mongoose as ODM ( MongoDB access)
- Multer ( Upload )
- NodeMailer ( Send mails)
- PassportJs for authentification ( login, register, profile, password reset ...) - local strategy
Modules used for Client side :
- AngularJs 1.4.8
- jQuery
- Bootstrap (CSS & JS)
- Angular Animate
- Angular Router
- Angular material
- Angular Date picker
Enjoy :)
go to project dir
npm install app/api/ --prefix app/api/
( load node app dependencies in app/api ) -
bower install
( load all web libs required by the client in app/public ) -
npm install --dev
( will load all dependencies required by grunt )
grunt serve