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Using Vagrant for development

Vagrant is a tool used by this project to provide you with a complete, working copy of the development environment. Using Vagrant will make it easier and faster to begin working on this project than if you were to try to set everything up yourself. Vagrant works by creating a virtual machine -- an isolated operating system that runs within your normal operating system. This virtual machine has been specially prepared to include everything needed to develop and run the application.


  1. Install VirtualBox from
  2. Download the Vagrant installer for your OS from


Working with a Vagrant environment requires interacting with your local operating system AND the virtual machine. You will use your local machine to access the web application at http://localhost:8000/, edit files, and do version control. You will use your virtual machine to run bundle exec rake and other commands that need the development environment.

Use Vagrant by issuing the commands below. The local% and virtual% in the commands are just indicators to show which machine to enter commands into, you shouldn't actually type them -- thus local% pwd means that you should run pwd on your local machine.

Start the virtual machine, which will take some time to download the first time:

local% vagrant up

Access the application running on the virtual machine by visiting -- it won't be running until you start it though:


SSH into the virtual machine and go into the directory containing the application:

local% vagrant ssh

Run the application on the virtual machine, it will be accessible on http://localhost:8000/:

local% vagrant ssh

Now following

virtual% bundle exec bin/calagator new spec/dummy --dummy
virtual% bundle exec rake app:db:migrate app:db:test:prepare

Optional seeding of database with data:

virtual% bundle exec rake app:db:seed

Run the test suite:

virtual% bundle exec rspec

Run the server bound to so the host OS can reach it:

virtual% bundle exec spec/dummy/bin/rails server -b

You can reach the calagator app from the host OS at http://localhost:8000/ .

Reload the virtual machine, needed if you changed the Gemfile or config files, or used a revision control command that updated them:

local% vagrant reload

Suspend the virtual machine, quickly pausing it when you're done and freeing up memory:

local% vagrant suspend

Resume the virtual machine, quickly resuming a suspended virtual machine:

local% vagrant resume

Destroy the virtual machine if you don't need it any more and want to free up disk space -- don't worry, you can always vagrant up to recreate it later:

local% vagrant destroy

Advanced settings

Virtual machine

You can customize some settings on your virtual machine by creating a Vagrantfile.local file. This file is local to your computer and should not be added to revision control.

The overrides are written in Ruby and included by the Vagrantfile if found. These overrides are applied when you start a virtual machine with vagrant up or any time you run vagrant reload.

Below are the supported overrides:

  • Forward the virtual machine's port 80 to the local machine's port 8080:

      HTTP_PORT  = 8080
  • Forward the virtual machine's port 3000 to the local machine's port 8000:

      RAILS_PORT = 8000
  • Set the amount of memory to dedicate to the virtual machine to 768 megabytes. The appropriate amount will depend on how much memory you have available versus how much processes within the virtual machine need. If running bundler or gem results in an "out of memory" error you may need to increase this.

      MEMORY = 768