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File metadata and controls

62 lines (59 loc) · 2.27 KB

Webhook parameters

Usage of webhook:
  -cert string
        path to the HTTPS certificate pem file (default "cert.pem")
  -cipher-suites string
        comma-separated list of supported TLS cipher suites
        show debug output
  -header value
        response header to return, specified in format name=value, use multiple times to set multiple headers
  -hooks value
        path to the json file containing defined hooks the webhook should serve, use multiple times to load from different files
        watch hooks file for changes and reload them automatically
  -http-methods string
        globally restrict allowed HTTP methods; separate methods with comma
  -ip string
        ip the webhook should serve hooks on (default "")
  -key string
        path to the HTTPS certificate private key pem file (default "key.pem")
        list available TLS cipher suites
  -logfile string
        send log output to a file; implicitly enables verbose logging
        do not panic if hooks cannot be loaded when webhook is not running in verbose mode
  -pidfile string
        create PID file at the given path
  -port int
        port the webhook should serve hooks on (default 9000)
        use HTTPS instead of HTTP
  -setgid int
        set group ID after opening listening port; must be used with setuid
  -setuid int
        set user ID after opening listening port; must be used with setgid
        parse hooks file as a Go template
  -tls-min-version string
        minimum TLS version (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) (default "1.2")
  -urlprefix string
        url prefix to use for served hooks (protocol://yourserver:port/PREFIX/:hook-id) (default "hooks")
        show verbose output
        display webhook version and quit
        use X-Request-Id header, if present, as request ID
  -x-request-id-limit int
        truncate X-Request-Id header to limit; default no limit

Use any of the above specified flags to override their default behavior.

Live reloading hooks

If you are running an OS that supports the HUP or USR1 signal, you can use it to trigger hooks reload from hooks file, without restarting the webhook instance.

kill -USR1 webhookpid

kill -HUP webhookpid